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研究生(外文):Yeh, Chen-Hsiu
論文名稱(外文):Development of a Non-contact Error Motion Measurement System for Small Shafts and Research on its Characteristics
外文關鍵詞:error motionphotodiode arrayoptical measurementanalog signadigital processin
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The aim of this thesis is to develop a non-contact error motion measurement system for small shafts in high speed. Laser diodes and linear photodiode arrays are built up as detectors for measuring radial and axial error motions. Starting with literature surveying, different types of error motions and measuring methods were studied. Our measuring system was designed and developed based on the determined error motions. This system’s configuration consists of laser ray generators and photodiode arrays; the signal processor includes driver and encoding circuits for radial and axial error motions measurement; and for automatic data acquisition and processing, DAQ Card and LabView software are applied. The shadow principle is employed to measure the radial error motion, and the axial error motion is detected by the reflective principle. The photodiodes detect the motions of laser rays and transfer them into electronic charges. Besides the analog signals processing, digital processing circuits are developed to decrease the interference noise and to increase sensing accuracy. This thesis also explores the influence of signal processing methods on resolution, linearity and sensitivity thoroughly; and by applying the digital processing method the dynamic behavior of the developed system is also empirically studied.
致謝 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
符號表 X
第一章 緒論 1
1. 1研究動機及背景 1
1. 2研究內容 5
第二章 轉軸偏移量測系統之設計開發 6
2.1轉軸之動態分析 6
2.2光電元件 8
2.3光學式徑向偏移量測系統 8
2.3.1徑向偏移之光學量測方法分析 8
2.3.2徑向雷射光束組之架構與組立對正方式 11
2.4光學式軸向偏移量測系統 15
2.4.1軸向偏移之光學量測方法分析 15
2.4.2軸向雷射光束組架構與對正 18
第三章 系統訊號分析與處理 23
3.1驅動電路 23
3.2徑向偏移之類比訊號分析與處理 25
3.2.1訊號穩定度分析研究 26
3.2.2訊號解析度分析 28光電二極體單元類比輸出電壓之分析 28濾波處理與門檻時間差分析 34
3.3軸向偏移之類比訊號分析與處理 38
3.3.1穩定度分析研究 38
3.3.2訊號解析度分析 39
3.4各種訊號處理方式之實驗分析結果 42
第四章 數位訊號處理 44
4.1徑向數位訊號編碼 44
4.2軸向數位訊號編碼 47
4.3數位訊號擷取與處理 49
4.4實驗測試 50
4.4.1徑向偏移實驗 50
4.4.1軸向向偏移實驗測試 52
第五章 系統動態測試以及量測誤差分析 55
5.1動態測試 55
5.1.1徑向系統動態測試 57
5.1.2軸向系統動態測試 59
5.2其他誤差來源 61
5.2.1徑向誤差 61
5.2.2軸向誤差 63
第六章:總結與未來展望 65
參考文獻 67
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