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研究生(外文):Chih-Chang Lin
論文名稱(外文):Highly Flexible Block-wise Image Authentication System
指導教授(外文):Chih-Hung Wang
外文關鍵詞:Digital Image AuthenticationDigital WatermarkingPublic-Key CryptographyDigital Signature
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Many digital image authentication techniques can be achieved by using digital watermarking scheme. Digital watermarking scheme is generally categorized into spatial domain and frequency domain bases. Spatial domain watermarking scheme is fragile and is hard to resist incidental distortion such as JPEG compression. Frequency domain watermarking scheme has better robustness than spatial domain watermarking scheme;it can stand reasonable distortion and detect illegal distortion through malicious tampering.
In this thesis, we proposed a new image authentication system which can preserve the integrity of image content and claim image ownership. Our proposed system is a frequency domain watermarking scheme with public-key cryptography. We compute feature value from invariable data in low-band DCT coefficients and provide an additional property of public verification by producing a DSA signature on the image feature we have found. We use quantization technique to embed our signature in the middle-band DCT coefficients. In verification steps, we do not need original image since we can retrieve the embedded watermark from received image. Everyone can authenticate the image but can not forge the owner’s signature. The experimental results show that, our image authentication system can adequately resist the incidental distortion like JPEG compression and resist the reasonable image distortion such as sharpening and blurring. Our system also can indicate the malicious tampering area when the image suffers from an illegal modification.

中文摘要 i
誌謝 iii
第一章 導論 1
1.1. 研究動機 1
1.2. 研究目的 2
1.3. 文獻回顧 3
1.4. 論文架構 5
第二章 數位影像認證技術 7
2.1. 公開金鑰密碼學與數位簽章 7
2.2. DSA數位簽章演算法 8
2.3. 數位浮水印技術 11
2.3.1. 數位浮水印之分類 11
2.4. 以數位浮水印為基礎的數位影像認證需求 14
2.5. 數位浮水印影像認證演算法 15
2.5.1. 數位浮水印產生方式 15
2.5.2. 浮水印嵌入方式及萃取方式 17
2.5.3. 安全上的挑戰 21
第三章 離散餘弦轉換與JPEG影像壓縮技術簡介 23
3.1. 離散餘弦轉換 23
3.1.1. DCT係數在頻率上的意義 24
3.1.2. DCT公式釋義 25
3.2. JPEG影像壓縮技術簡介 26
3.2.1. JPEG壓縮模式 27
3.2.2. JPEG壓縮基本流程 28
第四章 基於公開金鑰密碼學的高彈性影像認證系統 33
4.1. 脆弱的公開金鑰影像認證系統 33
4.2. 基於公開金鑰密碼學的高彈性影像認證系統 37
4.2.1. 方法概述 37
4.2.2. 擷取影像特徵值 39
4.2.3. 嵌入浮水印-使用量化技巧 42
4.2.4. 影像驗證 45
第五章 實驗結果與分析 48
5.1. 實作環境 48
5.2. 定義特徵量化表及嵌入量化表 49
5.2.1. 特徵量化表 49
5.2.2. 嵌入量化表 52
5.3. 影像失真評估工具 56
5.4. 浮水印影像PSNR評估 57
5.5. 抵抗JPEG壓縮能力測試 59
5.6. 惡意竄改測試 60
5.7. 影像失真測試 62
5.8. 實驗結果討論 63
5.9. 系統安全性討論 66
第六章 結論與未來展望 68
參考文獻 69

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