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研究生(外文):Yu-Ting Kao
指導教授(外文):Shang-Tzen Chang
外文關鍵詞:Antrodia cinnamomeaCinnamomum kanehiraeessential oilsextracts
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牛樟 (Cinnamomum kanehirae Hay.) 為台灣本土特有樹種。天然林牛樟樹幹大都中空腐朽,而造成牛樟腐朽之菌種實為一種褐腐菌,亦即是樟芝 (Antrodia cinnamomea)。樟芝無法於人工栽培之條件下出菇,故為了採取樟芝子實體出售便盜伐牛樟,此等濫伐造成牛樟瀕臨滅絕。牛樟抽出物已被證實含有促進樟芝菌絲生長的有效成分,因此本試驗續將牛樟抽出物中,具有促進樟芝生長活性的乙酸乙酯可溶部,利用薄層層析及管柱層析技術進行成分之初步分離,並評估各次分離部對樟芝生長的影響。此外,也由具有促進樟芝菌絲生長功效之次分離部中鑑定出trans-p-Menthane-1,4-diol、(CH3(CH2)nCH2OH, n=20, 22, 24)、��-Terpineol、n-Eicosyl ferulate、1-(3,4-(Methylenedioxy)phenyl)-2,3-epoxypropan-1-ol、以及2-6 and 2,4-Diaryl-3,7-dioxabic[3.3.0]octanes 共6種化合物。

Cinnamomum kanehirae is an endemic broadleaf tree species in Taiwan. Heartwood of C. kanehirae in natural forest was decayed by one brown rot fungus, which is Chang-chih (Antrodia cinnamomea). Chang-chih is a precious fungus used for traditional medicinal purpose as an antidote and hepatic medicine. Unfortunately, for collection of it’s fruiting body, C. kanehirae trees were cut down unlawfully. To protect this unique endemic tree species, the objectives of this study were to investigate the characteristics of C. kanehirae wood decayed by A. cinnamomea and to evaluate the effects of the extracts of C. kanehirae on the mycelial growth of A. cinnamomea. Preliminary investigations have proved that the extracts of C. kanehirae promoted the mycelial growth of A. cinnamomea. Because of the excellent mycelial growth promoting ability of ethyl acetate soluble fractions, in this study, we separated it further into several subfractions and then evaluated the effects of each subfraction on the mycelial growth of A. cinnamomea. Results showed that E4 subfraction was the most active one of ethyl acetate soluble fraction. We also identified six compounds, that are trans-p-Menthane-1,4-diol, (CH3(CH2)nCH2OH, n=20, 22, 24), ��-Terpineol, 1-(3,4-(Methylenedioxy)phenyl) -2,3-epoxypropan-1-ol, n-Eicosyl ferulate, and 2-6 and 2,4-Diaryl-3,7-dioxabic[3.3.0]octanes, from the effective subfractions.
All of the essential oils of C. kanehirae wood, Cinnamon camphora wood, and linalool type of Cinnamon osmophloeum leaf could promote the mycelial growth of A. cinnamomea. Furthermore, besides the wood of C. kanehirae, the wood of C. camphora and the leaf of C. osmophloeum also contain active components promoting the mycelial growth. Thus, both materials have a potential to be used as a media for the cultivation of Chang-chih. In addition, based on the result of effects of complex components on the mycelial growth, it shows a synergistic or an additive effects between each component.
On the other hand, according to the growth of various A. cinnamomea strains, we found that it has no positive correlation between the mycelial growth and the carpophore development. There may exist relationship between carpophore development and A. cinnamomea strain.

目 錄 頁次
表目次 ……………………………………………………………IV
圖目次 ………………………………………….…………………V
摘要 …………………….…….………………………..…….. VIII
Summary .….………………………………………………….….. X
壹、緒言 …………………………………………………………… 1
貳、文獻回顧 …………………………………………………….... 4
一、樟芝的生物活性 ………………………..……………………… 4
二、牛樟抽出成分對於樟芝菌絲生長之影響 .…………………… 15
參、材料與方法 ……………………………………………….... 17
一、試驗材料 ………………………………………………………. 17
(一)、樹種 ……………………..………………………….... 17
(二)、樟芝菌種 ………….…………………………………….... 18
(三)、培養基 ………………………………………………………. 18
(四)、化合物 ……………………………………………………… 18
二、試驗方法 ……………….……………………………………. 19
(一)、乙酸乙酯可溶部成分之分離 …………………………….… 19
(二)、樟芝菌絲生長影響之評估 ..………………….………… 19
(三)、成分之分離、純化與鑑定 …………………………….. 20
(四)、精油之萃取 ……………………………………………… 21
(五)、不同樹種木粉對樟芝菌絲生長之影響 .……………… 21
(六)、牛樟精油成分複方對樟芝菌絲生長影響 …………..… 21
(七)、太空包培育樟芝試驗 ………………………………………. 22
肆、結果與討論 …………………………………………………… 25
二、促進樟芝菌絲生長成分之分離與鑑定 ……..…………….. 27
三、純化合物對樟芝菌絲生長之影響 ……….………………….. 38
四、各樹種精油對樟芝菌絲生長之影響 ………….……….….. 39
五、不同樹種木粉對樟芝菌絲生長之影響 ………………………. 42
六、牛樟精油成分複方對樟芝菌絲生長影響 …………………… 44
七、不同品系樟芝生長之差異 …………......…………………. 47
八、太空包培育樟芝生長之情形 ……………………………..… 51
伍、結 論 …………………………………………………………… 56
陸、參考文獻 ………………………………………………………. 57

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