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論文名稱(外文):An investigation of factors influencing customer loyalty to Physical Examination Center
外文關鍵詞:customer loyaltytrusthealth examination centerreputationhealth examination operation
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The improvement in life quality and economic status has made people pay more attention to their health where routine health examination becomes an important activity. A routine health examination not only has preventive effect for the occurrence of disease, but also reminds the customers about their current health status so that necessary steps can be taken to improve their health. In Taiwan, most of thorough health examinations are not covered under national health insurance scheme. Healthcare providers in Taiwan are drawn to this market because the potential of ‘paid-by-the-client’ package is a way to improve the providers’ financial status. Therefore, how to maintain customer loyalty and trust have become the most important challenges for hospital-affiliated physical examination centers.
The research, using questionnaire survey methodology, aims to investigate what factors influence customer loyalty to the healthcare examination center. Questionnaires used in this study included a Consumer Trust Scale (CTS), a Customer Loyalty Scale (CLS), a satisfaction survey towards the operation, facilities, staff interaction, and reputation of the physical examination center. A total of customers undertaken health examination programs were recruited.
Three factors were extracted from the CTS which were named as “professional and responsibility ” , ”reliability,” and ”friendly and honesty.” Trust was significantly and positively influenced by interaction with doctors and reputation of the center. Consumer loyalty were significantly influenced by the physical examination operation, facilities and reputation.
Keywords: customer loyalty, trust, health examination center, reputation, health examination operation.
第一章、緒論 1
第二章、文獻探討 3
第一節、顧客忠誠 3
第二節、信任 8
第三節、醫療機構顧客忠誠相關文獻探討 15
第叁章、研究材料與方法 18
第一節、研究架構 18
第二節、研究對象 20
第三節、研究工具 22
第四節、研究步驟 26
第五節、資料處理與分析 26
第肆章、研究結果 28
第一節、描述性統計 28
第二節、相關分析結果 29
第三節、影響顧客信任與忠誠之因素 31
第伍章、討論與建議 42
附錄一、研究問卷 55
附錄二、研究變項之操作型定義 59
附錄三、信任各因素包含細項及其負荷量 61
附錄四、信任因素的命名及其所包含的細項 62
附錄五、顧客忠誠因素負荷量 62

圖 表 目 錄
圖3-1、研究架構 19
表3-1、社會人口學變項 21
表4-1、各項問卷測量結果分數分配表 29
表4-2、信任構面、顧客忠誠與健康檢查流程、護理人員互動、    醫師互動、環境設備、聲譽相關係數表 30
表4-3、複迴歸分析內容 31
表4-4、專業負責之迴歸模型 33
表4-5、可靠之迴歸模型 35
表4-6、誠實有益之迴歸模型 37
表4-7、顧客忠誠之迴歸模型 39
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