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研究生(外文):Chih-Yu Liu
論文名稱(外文):A secure micropayment system with anonymity and vendor-nonspecific property
指導教授(外文):Chih-Hung Wang Ph. D
外文關鍵詞:Micropayment SystemE-commerceWireless PaymentDouble SpendingHash Chain
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目前無線網路日漸發達,而無線付款機制卻還在萌芽階段,本篇論文提出一個在無線環境底下,使用赫序鏈(hash chain)與不平衡單向二元樹(unbalanced one-way binary tree)的技術有效率地付款並且在向銀行提領款項時無須先指定商家(vendor-nonspecific)的安全微付款(micropayment)機制,本機制還提供了強健的安全度與使用匿名來保護使用者隱私,整個系統的使用者提款與商家存款是在離線下進行,交易時使用者只需傳單一訊息給商家就可以達到付款效果,這樣使得在無線上傳輸非常有效率。除此之外,在安全性的考量上,此機制還具有防止一些惡意的欺騙(包括雙重消費、竊取與否認),如此一來可以預防消費者與商家之間發生爭議時產生的責任歸屬問題。
Although the wireless network is developed day by day at present, the wireless payment mechanism is still at embryonic stage. In this thesis, we present a secure and efficient micropayment system which uses hash chain and unbalanced one-way binary tree techniques. The proposed system is vendor-nonspecific because the customer doesn’t need to designate one or more vendors which he wants to deal with when withdrawing money from the bank. Our system not only offers strong degree of security but also provides anonymity to protect customer’s privacy. The proposed withdrawal and deposit protocols are off-line; thus the customer needs only a one-round procedure to pay for a transaction, which is suitable to be used in wireless environment. Furthermore, our system can prevent the customers and the vendors from malevolent cheating attacks (e.g. double spending, stealing and denying). Therefore, our system can resolve the problem of responsibility between the customer and the vendor when a dispute occurs.
中文摘要 .....................................................i
ABSTRACT ............................................ii
致謝 ...................................................iii
第一章 緒論 .............................................1
1.1 研究動機 .............................................1
1.2 研究目的與貢獻 .....................................3
1.3 論文架構 .............................................6
第二章 相關研究 .............................................7
2.1 目前付款機制之發展 .....................................7
2.2 目前有線電子微付款系統之發展 .............................9
2.3 目前無線電子微付款系統之發展 ............................10
2.4 微付款系統架構與介紹 ....................................12
2.5 無線微付款系統需求 ....................................19
第三章 設計原則與系統設計 ....................................23
第四章 具匿名性及無須指定商家之微付款系統 ....................28
4.1 系統設定 ............................................29
4.2 具匿名性及無須指定商家之微付款系統 ....................31
4.2.1 登錄階段(用於離線) ............................31
4.2.2 付款階段(用於線上) ............................32
4.2.3 存款階段(用於離線) ............................33
4.3 進階之具匿名性及無須指定商家之微付款系統 ....................34
4.3.1 登錄階段(用於離線) ............................35
4.3.2 付款階段(用於線上) ............................35
4.3.3 存款階段(用於離線) ............................37
4.4 具無須指定商家之PayFair ............................38
4.4.1 登錄階段 ............................................39
4.4.2 付款階段 ............................................40
4.4.3 存款階段 ............................................41
第五章 安全與效率分析 ....................................43
5.1 安全分析 ............................................43
5.1.1 雙重消費偵測(Double Spending Detection) ............43
5.1.2 偽造預防(Forgery Prevention) ....................44
5.1.3 超過消費預防(Overspending Prevention) ............44
5.1.4 匿名性 ............................................44
5.1.5 進階方法之安全性分析 ............................45
5.1.6 具無須指定商家之PayFair的安全性分析 ....................47
5.2 效率分析與比較 ....................................48
5.2.1 效率分析 ............................................48
5.2.2 與各協定之比較 ....................................49
5.2.3 具無須指定商家之PayFair與Yen之PayFair之效率比較 ....53
第六章 實作結果與討論 ....................................56
6.1 消費者端程式模擬(使用簽章方式) ....................57
6.2 商家端程式模擬(使用簽章方式) ............................61
6.3 消費者端程式模擬(非使用簽章方式) ....................63
6.4 商家端程式模擬(非使用簽章方式) ....................64
6.5 效率之比較 ............................................66
第七章 總結與未來研究方向 ....................................69
參考文獻 ....................................................71
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