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研究生(外文):Wen-Ruei Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Involuntarily Unemployed Reemployee Traits by Mining Technique
指導教授(外文):Kuan-Yeh Tung
外文關鍵詞:Involuntarily Unemployed ReemployeeClusteringDecision TreeAssociation Analysis
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本研究以行政院主計處1997〜2002年台灣地區人力運用調查中之非自願性失業再就業員工為研究對象。首先,從失業再就業員工資料中篩選出其相關特徵之屬性,將失業再就業員工資料中的個人特質、前次就職公司特質及尋職管道等相關特徵,應用資料探勘 (Data Mining) 技術中決策樹 (Decision Tree) 的方法進行歸納,共得出64條失業員工再就業的特性規則,且進一步發現所有分析的特徵中以個人特質之年齡為最重要之屬性,其中年齡又以35歲對非自願性失業再就業員工特性之區隔性最大。反觀,非自願性失業員工個人特質中之性別對再就業的影響式微。隨之應用集群化(Clustering)的方法進行資料分群,將篩選出之非自願性失業再就業員工資料區分為兩個群組,分別為群組1:具備國中程度之已婚男性為主;群組2:具備高職程度之未婚女性為主。針對集群化結果複以關聯分析(Association Analysis)獲取出群組1共2229條關聯規則;群組2共2275條關聯規則,且進一步由整體關聯規則中發現非自願性失業再就業員工目前就職公司特質與前次就職公司特質中以未轉換工作地點、擔任之職務別及行業別佔大多數。
In the past, Taiwan was known as low unemployment rate (below 2.0%) and high working force because of the ample employment population. However, in recent years, driven by the globalization, Taiwan faces the changes of economic structure, industrial structure and enterprise strategies which cause the migration of labor-intensive industry and therefore result in an increase in the unemployment rate from 2.6 % in 1995 to 4.44 in 2004. The unemployed population is about 500000. High unemployment rate leads to unused workforce and many social problems. Therefore, assisting the unemployed to become employed is one of the major government policies.
This research uses the manpower resources survey of DGBAS (Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistic Executive Yuan) as the raw data, selects the information of those reemployment people, and targets on those who were unwilling to be thrown out of employment. Focusing on the characters of those reemployment people, the features of their previous working place, and job seeking channels used, the research applies the decision tree algorithm to analyze all the related factors in order to explore the traits of those reemployment people and also to grasp specific traits which enable unemployed people to find another job easily. According to the result of the research, 64 traits rules of reemployment people are induced. It is further discovered that among all the attributes, age is the most prominent one. As far as age is concerned, age 35 is the critical point to distinguish those reemployment people. However, it is found that gender appears to be the least influential attribute. Then, the research applies clustering for data grouping, and divides the involuntary into two groups. Group 1 focuses on married males with junior high school degree. Group 2 consists of unmarried female with vocational graduates. The results deriving from clustering are reanalyzed by association analysis, which further concludes 2229 association rules in Group 1 and 2275 ones in Group 2. Moreover, it is found that most of the involuntary reemployed whose present work place, positions, and types of occupations are the same as their former one.
This research emphasizes on the characters of the involuntarily reemployed, the characteristics that they have, and the association between the involuntarily reemployed former and latter companies, figuring out what kind of unemployed can be reemployed easily. To conclude, it’s expected that the government can make more efficient policies and compensatory measures related to unemployment in accordance with the traits of reemployment people found in this research.
目 次
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機
1.2 研究目的
1.3 研究步驟
1.4 研究範圍與限制
1.5 論文結構
第二章 文獻探討
2.1 台灣地區就業與失業概況
2.2 失業的定義
2.3 影響失業員工再就業之因素
2.3.1 個人特質與再就業關係
2.3.2 前次就職公司特質與再就業關係
2.3.3 尋職管道與再就業之關係
2.3.4 前次就職公司特質與再就業公司特質之關聯性
第三章 研究方法
3.1 資料來源與研究對象
3.2 資料探勘技術之應用
3.2.1 決策樹方法
3.2.2 集群化方法
3.2.3 關聯分析
3.3 研究流程
3.3 研究架構
3.5 資料分析方法
第四章 研究結果
4.1 總體樣本敘述分析
4.2 研究樣本敘述分析
4.3 決策樹探勘結果
4.4 集群化探勘結果
4.5 關聯分析探勘結果
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 結論
5.2 建議
5.3 後續研究建議
附錄A 集群參數設定與各群組特徵區隔之結果
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