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研究生(外文):Zu Yan Huang
論文名稱(外文):Brownian Flocculation in quiescent solution
指導教授(外文):You Im Chang
外文關鍵詞:DLVO theoryBrownian diffusion forceMonte Carlo Methodstrajectory equation
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The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the flocculation behavior of colloidal particles with different sizes and densities in quiescent media. The thesis was divided into two parts as follows:1. to calculate the capture efficiency of colloidal particles under condition of strong gravity/weak Brownian effect and strong Brownian/weak gravity effect. In thesis simulation, with consideration of interparticle force, hydrodynamic interaction, gravitational force and Brownian diffusion force (i.e. described by the Langevin equation), the limiting trajectory between two flocculating particles was determined by solving the force balanced equation using the Runge-Kutta method. 2. to simulate the flocculation behavior by using the Monte Carlo method, at which the flocculation state in a poly-dispersed system was investigated.
From the above analyses, we found this:1. when the sizes and densities of two interacting particles are close to each other (i.e. λ2γ≒1), because of the steep decreases of gravity factor, both the time required for flocculation and the capture efficiency with increase with the decrease of gravitational force. The capture efficiency will be over-estimated at Gr<0.1 when the Brownian diffusion force on behavior of particles is not considered. 2. the find flocculation structure of particles will be determined by their stability region in the stability phase diagram when the gravitational force are not considered. On the contrary, when the gravitational force are considered, the final flocculation state of particles is independent of their stability region, but dependent on the relationship between the potential energy barrier per unit of separation distance (fR/R) and gravitational force (fG).

符號說明...................................................... XI

第一章 緒論...................................................1

第二章 文獻回顧...............................................3
2-1 簡介......................................................3
2-2 DLVO理論..................................................4
2-2-1 凡得瓦爾吸引力........................................5
2-2-2 靜電排斥力............................................6
2-2-3 電雙層理論............................................6
2-2-4 溶劑分子結構力........................................7
2-3 流體動力學交互作用力......................................8
2-4 重力.....................................................10
2-5 布朗運動.................................................12
2-6 模擬方法.................................................13
2-6-1 蒙地卡羅法...........................................14

第三章 程式建立..............................................15
3-1 程式模型.................................................15
3-2 相對速度.................................................19
3-3 膠體粒子間交互作用項.....................................20
3-3-1 凡得瓦爾吸引位能vA...................................20
3-3-2 電雙層排斥位能vR.....................................21
3-3-3 DLVO理論特性........................................24
3-4 流體動力交互作用項.......................................28
3-4-1 對稱平移運動.........................................28
3-4-2 不對稱平移運動.......................................30
3-5 重力項...................................................33
3-6 布朗運動項...............................................34
3-6-1 Langevin方程式......................................34
3-6-2 重力與布朗運動交互影響...............................36
3-7 軌跡方程式...............................................38
3-8 凝集效率.................................................41
3-9 蒙地卡羅法...............................................43
3-9-1 交互作用項...........................................45
3-9-2 重力.................................................47
3-9-3 結果判定.............................................48

第四章 結果討論..............................................49
4-1 粒徑比與阻滯度對能障的影響...............................50
4-2 密度比與無因次重力數的影響...............................56
4-3 不具布朗運動時的凝集效率曲線.............................59
4-3-1 高電解質濃度時的凝集效率曲線.........................59
4-3-2 具DLVO交互作用之凝集效率曲線........................59
4-3-3 相對密度比對凝集效率曲線的影響.......................66
4-3-4 不同重力場下電解質濃度對凝集效率的影響...............67
4-4 具布朗運動時的凝集效率曲線...............................77
4-4-1 布朗運動對臨界捕捉軌跡的影響.........................81
4-4-2 布朗運動對臨界電解質濃度的影響.......................81
4-5 顆膠體粒子分散系統.......................................88
4-5-1 電解質濃度對懸浮凝集結構的影響.......................88
4-5-2 電解質濃度對沉降凝集結構的影響.......................93

第五章 結論與建議............................................95
5-1 結論.....................................................95
5-2 建議.....................................................96


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