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研究生(外文):Hao-Min Huang
指導教授(外文):Ko-Shao Chen
外文關鍵詞:Near field phase shift lithographyPolydimethylsiloxaneSurface Acoustic Wave
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由於光學微影技術有其物理上之限制,以及設備昂貴等問題,使得光學微影技術的發展困難,本研究研發製作大尺寸微米或次微米線路之方法如近場相位移微影術NFPSL (near-field phase shift photolithography),以及使用聚二甲基矽氧烷( polydimethyliloxane, PDMS)之翻印技術,並使用所發展之技術來製作表面聲波(SAW: Surface Acoustic Wave)元件。近場光微影術為利用一機械性質柔軟的相位偏移光罩(通常為PDMS光罩)與光阻做接觸式的曝光,與傳統微影技術不同,其利用近場光在相位光罩之相位反轉邊緣進行曝光(The phase-edge method),如此一來可獲得遠小於入射光波長線寬之圖型,本研究以曝光波長365nm光源,製作奈米線寬之表面聲波(SAW: Surface Acoustic Wave)元件。使用近場光微影術與其他相位光罩技術做比較有以下優點:(1)製程簡單而且便宜。(2)可利用線寬為微米級之光罩來製作奈米級線寬之圖型。(3) PDMS光罩為一軟性材料,可與曝光表面做完美之接觸。

Surface-acoustic wave (SAW) filters operating at frequency in the 1 to 3 GHz-range have been widely used in the applications of mobile, wireless, cable modem, cellular phone and remote control. Current lithography techniques are feasible for SAW device fabrication, such as I-line (365nm) UV photolithography, imprint lithography, conformal contact photolithography and near field phase shift photolithography (NFPSL). In common production, the narrowest line width must be around 0.3 mm with the I-line UV photolithography typically used in the industry; this corresponds to a quarter-wavelength, giving a maximum frequency of typically 3 GHz. Therefore, lithography with the ability of high-volume-production over large area for producing high frequency (i.e. 1~3 GHz), low-cost SAW devices is anticipated. The operating frequency is limited by fabrication techniques. In order to operate at high frequency, SAW filters can be efficiently excited at higher harmonics of their fundamental frequency. And in NFPSL, a transparent mask induces abrupt changes of the phase of the light used for exposure, and causes optical attenuation, which is owing to destructive optical interference at the edges of circuit features, at those locations. NFPSL is a low-cost, high-throughput production over large areas method for nano-structure pattern transfer and can be used to fabricate nano-structure pattern by using a mask with micro line width pattern. To meet the demands have low-cost and high-volume-production over large area, near field phase shift photolithography may be a better solution than other lithography.
In this study, we demonstrate the high frequency (i.e. 1~3 GHz) and low-cost SAW devices that are fabricated by using the near field phase shift photolithography, as the line widths of NFPSL finger pattern are 10 and 5 um. The mask, which is duplicated from the special design mold with 10 and 5 um line width finger patterns, of the near field phase shift optical lithography has a potential use in SAW devices operating over the gigahertz range.

CHINESE ABSTRACT……….……………….………………..………I
ENGLISH ABSTRACT…….……………...............…………….……..II
TABLE OF CONTENTS….………...…......…….………………….…. V
LIST OF TABLES…………………......…………….………………. VIII
LIST OF FIGURES……………….......………………………….……..IX
I Introduction

1.1 Study motive……………………………..………….…….1
1.2 Research direction………………….…………....…4
1.3 Research goal………………………………...……..……11
1.4 Introduction to the thesis structure………………....…….12

II Literature review

2.1 Introduction to Surface Acoustic Wave……………….…14
2.2 Principle of surface acoustic wave…………………15
2.2.1 Piezoelectric effect………………………………….16
2.2.2 Important parameters of surface acoustic wave filter…………………………………………………..17
2.3 The application scope of surface acoustic wave device…......20
2.4 The classification and flow chart of surface acoustic wave devices……………………………………………………….23
2.5 Near field phase shift lithography, NFPSL……………….…29
2.6 The optical requirements on phase shift mask………...……..31
2.7 Characteristic and application of PDMS……………….……36
2.7.1 PDMS character………………………………….….…36
2.7.2 The surface structural change of PDMS……...….…….37
2.7.3 The cross-linking reaction in PDMS……….…….……38

III Experimental

3.1 Near field phase shift photolithography process……….….40
3.2Experiment System Setting……………….….……..…42
3.3Experiment material preparation………………….…………46
3.4 Mold preparation of surface acoustic wave device….......49
3.5 Preparation of PDMS phase shift mask for surface acoustic wave device ……………………………………55
3.5.1 Preparation of samples………………..……...55
3.6 The preparation of high frequency surface acoustic wave device…………………….………………………………..59

IV Test and analysis

4.1 Test and analysis on the measured results…….…….…66
V Conclusions
VI Future perspective
6.1 Characteristic studies on PDMS………………….………...89
6.1.1 The measurement of contact angle……..…………......89
6.2 Future topics……………………………………………..…94



Table 1.1 The SIA’S 1998 national technology Roadmap….……..…2
Table 1.2 Critical photolithography demand of defined of ITRS in 2001……………………………………………………...….5
Table 2.1 The major application scope of surface acoustic wave device…………………………….……………………...…22
Table 2.2 Commonly plate characteristic material of SAW component …………………………….………………..28
Table 2.3 The both of GSM and CDMA amount statistics of SAW filter………………………………………………….…….28
Table 3.1 Two kinds designs of SAW Mask…………….…………..40
Table 6.1 Contact angle value measurements are performed on the difference patterns of PDMS……………………………....…91


FIG 1.1 The definition of coherence, (σ)……………………………..…..8
FIG 2.1 Important parameters of surface acoustic wave filter…….…18
FIG 2.2 The typical structure of SAW filter………..………...…………21
FIG 2.3 Classification of SAW filter……..……………………………..24
FIG 2.4 Basic structure of surface acoustic wave filter…………………24
FIG 2.5 Diagram of surface acoustic wave process flow chart….……...27
FIG 2.6 Reverse electric near field distribution(destructive interference)…………………………………………………33
FIG 2.7 Diagram of Phase shift Mask of Polydimethylsiloxane……….34
FIG 2.8 The Difference between near filed and far field optical intensity..………………………………………………………..35
FIG 2.9 Structural formula of PDMS………………..……….…….…. 37
FIG 2.10 Diagram of Polydimethylsiloxane cross-link reaction……...39
FIG 3.1 Surface acoustic wave Mask of 5μm double interdigital transducer Pattern……………………….…………………41
FIG 3.2 Surface acoustic wave Mask of 10μm double interdigital transducer Pattern….………………………….……….…..41
FIG 3.3 I-line 365 nm stepper…………..……...….……..…….43
FIG 3.4 Coating / Developer Machine………………………..…43
FIG 3.5 E-Gun………………..………………………..…………44
FIG 3.6 Probe Measurement……………………………………..44
FIG 3.7 I-Line 365 nm tube Lamp…………………………………45
FIG 3.8 Near-field Phase Shift photolithography system…………..….45
FIG 3.9 Diagram of Using near-field Phase Shift photolithography process 1…….………………………………..………………47
FIG 3.10 Diagram of Using near-field Phase Shift photolithography process 2……………………………………….…..…………47
FIG 3.11 Diagram of Using near-field Phase Shift photolithography ..48
FIG 3.12 Diagram of Fabrication of surface acoustic wave Mold 1.…52
FIG 3.13 Diagram of Fabrication of surface acoustic wave Mold 2….53
FIG 3.14 Diagram of Fabrication of surface acoustic wave Mold 3….54
FIG 3.15 Polydimethylsiloxane PSM Mask 1………………….………56
FIG 3.16 Polydimethylsiloxane PSM Mask 2………………………….56
FIG 3.17 Diagram of Fabrication of PDMS an elastomeric phase mask 1……………………………………………...…………….57
FIG 3.18 Diagram of Fabrication of PDMS an elastomeric phase mask 2…………………………………………..…………….58
FIG 3.19 Diagram of Fabrication of Surface Acoustic Wave Transducers Using near-field Phase Shift contact-mode photolithography with an elastomeric phase mask 1………………………….62
FIG 3.20 Diagram of Fabrication of Surface Acoustic Wave Transducers Using near-field Phase Shift contact-mode photolithography with an elastomeric phase mask 2…………………………..63
FIG 3.21 Diagram of Fabrication of Surface Acoustic Wave Transducers Using near-field Phase Shift contact-mode photolithography with an elastomeric phase mask 3………….……………….64
FIG 4.1 NFPSL Experiment Analysis Flow Chart………..….……68
FIG 4.2 Spectrophotometer………..………….…….…...……….69
FIG 4.3 Spectrophotometer Measurement Polydimethylsiloxane Transmittance…………………………………...….……69
FIG 4.4 Surface profiler……………….………..….…………….…...70
FIG 4.5 Phase shift thickness of SAW Mold Using Surface profiler measurement ………………………………………………...70
FIG 4.6 Field Emission SEM Microstructure Analysis…...…….……71
FIG 4.7 Probe measurement…………………………….….………..71
FIG 4.8 Fabrication of 10μm Surface Acoustic Wave Transducers FE-SEM picture Using I-Line 365nm Stepper photolithography (A) X250 (B)X800………………………………………….72
FIG 4.9 Fabrication of 5μm Surface Acoustic Wave Transducers FE-SEM picture Using I-Line 365nm Stepper photolithography (A) X250 (B)X800……………………………….…………73
FIG 4.10 Fabrication of 10μm Surface Acoustic Wave Transducers FE-SEM picture Using near-field Phase Shift contact-mode photolithography with an elastomeric phase mask (A) X250 (B)X1.5k………………………………………………….74
FIG 4.11 Fabrication of 10μm Surface Acoustic Wave Transducers FE-SEM picture Using near-field Phase Shift contact-mode photolithography with an elastomeric phase mask (A) X2.5k (B)X60k……………………………………………….….75
FIG 4.12 Fabrication of 5μm Surface Acoustic Wave Transducers FE-SEM picture Using near-field Phase Shift contact-mode photolithography with an elastomeric phase mask (A) X250 (B)X2.0k………………………………………………….….76
FIG 4.13 Fabrication of 5μm Surface Acoustic Wave Transducers FE-SEM figure Using near-field Phase Shift contact-mode photolithography with an elastomeric phase mask (A) X2.5k (B)X60k………………………………………………...….77
FIG 4.14 Fabrication of 10μm Surface Acoustic Wave Transducers frequency response Using near-field Phase Shift contact-mode photolithography with an elastomeric phase mask……………………………………………………..78
FIG 4.15 Fabrication of 10μm Surface Acoustic Wave Transducers frequency response Using near-field Phase Shift contact-mode photolithography with an elastomeric phase mask……………………………………………………..79
FIG 4.16 Fabrication of 10μm Surface Acoustic Wave Transducers frequency response Using near-field Phase Shift contact-mode photolithography with an elastomeric phase mask……………………………………………………..80
FIG 4.17 Fabrication of 5μm Surface Acoustic Wave Transducers frequency response Using near-field Phase Shift contact-mode photolithography with an elastomeric phase mask……………………………………….……….……81
FIG 4.18 Fabrication of 5μm Surface Acoustic Wave Transducers frequency response Using near-field Phase Shift contact-mode photolithography with an elastomeric phase mask ………………………….………….…….………82
FIG 6.1 Contact angle large as left figure,hydrophobic strong;Contact angle small as right figure,hydrophilic strong…………….89
FIG 6.2 Contact angle value measurements of PDMS…….….……..91
FIG 6.3 Contact angle value measurements are performed on the Grating pattern of PDMS……………………………………92
FIG 6.4 Contact angle value measurements are performed on the surface acoustic wave pattern of PDMS….…………………92
FIG 6.5 Time increase to lead to decrease PDMS hydrophilic,Time increase to lead to PDMS Contact angle neat……………….93

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