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研究生(外文):Chong-Yan Huang
論文名稱(外文):Studies on Cold Storage Technology of Deastringency Persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) Fruits
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Persimmons are usually stored after picking, and then subject to the process of removing astringency, but incomplete deastringency could happen after storing. When deastringencted persimmons were stored at unsuitable temperatures, softening and browning might result. The ‘Bull Heart’ persimmons stored at 1 and 3℃ for 30 days could retain its firmness while astringency was removed with CaO. When they were stored at 6, 9, 12, and 15℃, fruits tended to loss market value at 25, 15, 10, and 5days, respectively, after storage. Softening and fruit decay occurred while storing over 9℃.
No browning symptom was found when the deastringented ‘Bull Heart’ persimmons from Taichung were stored at 1℃ for 15 days and then shelved at 25℃ for 1 day. Serious browning was observed when ‘Bull Heart’ persimmon from Chiayi was treated with CaO or CO2, stored at 1℃ for 15 days and then transfered to 25℃ for 1 day. If astringency was removed with alcohol, there was no browning symptom on the pulp.
‘Bull Heart’ persimmons from Chiayi area had high N/Ca, K/Ca, and Mg/Ca ratios and higher acetaldehyde plus ethanol concentrations than those of fruits from Taichung, especially acetaldehyde, which was 2 times higher. With increasing maturity of ‘Bull Heart’ persimmon, there was decreasing browning and increased total soluble solids in the pulp. Browning symptom appeared on ‘Syh Jou’ persimmon treated with CaO and CO2. By contrast, no browning symptom on pulp was found with the alcohol treated fruits. There was no browning area on the pulp of ‘Tonewase’, ‘Hiratanenashi’, and ‘Bi Su’ persimmons after deastringency no matter what method was used. Our results suggest that low calcium content and high acetaldehyde production are the two main causes of browning after cold storage.
Postharvest techniques of nitrogen treatment and vacuum packing markedly reduced browning of ‘Bull Heart’ persimmon stored at low temperature. Hot-water treatments (45, 48, and 51℃ for 30min) could decrease browning but less effective as the nitrogen treatment or vacuum packing. If hot-water temperatures were further increased, the browning index would also be enhanced. No significant difference was found between decompression treatment and control so far as browning was concerned.
中文摘要 i
Summary ii
壹、前言 1
貳、前人研究 2
一、柿之概述 2
二、柿果之脫澀方法 3
三、低溫貯藏與寒害 4
四、減低寒害的方法 6
叁、材料與方法 9
一、貯藏溫度對石灰水脫澀後之‘牛心柿’品質之影響 9
二、產區及脫澀方法對‘牛心柿’1℃貯藏品質之影響 10
三、成熟度對‘牛心柿’脫澀後1℃貯藏品質之影響 12
四、品種對柿果脫澀後1℃貯藏品質之影響 13
五、處理方法對‘牛心柿’脫澀後1℃貯藏品質之影響 14
肆、結果 15
一、貯藏溫度對石灰水脫澀後之‘牛心柿’品質的影響 15
二、產區及脫澀方法對‘牛心柿’1℃貯藏品質之影響 19
三、成熟度對‘牛心柿’脫澀後1℃貯藏品質之影響 38
四、品種對柿果脫澀後1℃貯藏品質之影響 48
五、處理方法對‘牛心柿’脫澀後1℃貯藏品質之影響 61
伍、討論 73
一、貯藏溫度對石灰水脫澀後之‘牛心柿’品質之影響 73
二、低溫貯藏對脫澀後之柿果品質之影響 74
三、低溫貯藏對脫澀後之‘牛心柿’褐化之影響 75
四、採後處理方法對‘牛心柿’脫澀後低溫貯藏之影響 81
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