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研究生(外文):Yan-Sheng Kuo
論文名稱(外文):The research of bilinear pairing-based multisignature and aggregate signature and their applications on e-commerce
指導教授(外文):Chih-Hung Wang
外文關鍵詞:bilinear pairingsignatureaggregate signaturemultisignatureblind signaturefair exchangee-commerce
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In recent years, bilinear pairing has been one of the important tools of cryptography. Since the computational costs of pairing operation take the most part, we need to reduce the number of pairing operations as few as possible. In this thesis, we proposed several PKI-based signature schemes and ID-based signature schemes from bilinear pairings with fewer pairing operations. We further developed several applications on e-commerce.
In the basic building blocks, we proposed an ID-based signature scheme, an ID-based multisignature scheme and an ID-based aggregate signature scheme. Our ID-based signature and multisignature schemes are suitable for the devices with low computational ability. Moreover, our ID-based aggregate signature is more efficient than the previous works since the number of pairing operations of our scheme is independent of the number of signers. Furthermore, we proposed a PKI-based blind signature scheme from bilinear pairings, and extended it to be a verifiable encrypted blind signature and an aggregate blind signature.
In application, we apply the proposed blind signature to electronic-cash system. By utilizing verifiable encrypted blind signature, the customer and merchant can take what they needs in payment phase. Further, the bank can save the space of its database effectively by aggregating the valid electronic coins as the aggregate blind signature. Additionally, we also proposed an efficient contract signing protocol with off-line STTP using the aggregate signature proposed by Boneh and Gentry. The use of aggregate signature and bilinear pairings will effectually promote system reliability.
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
Contents v
List of Figures viii
List of Tables ix
Chapter 1 . Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction of Bilinear Pairing 1
1.2 Motivation 3
1.2.1 Signature Schemes Based on Bilinear Pairings 4
1.2.2 Applications 6
1.3 Organization of This Thesis 7
Chapter 2 . Overview 8
2.1 Bilinear pairing 8
2.2 Mathematical Problems in Bilinear Pairing 9
2.3 Literature Review 11
2.3.1 Boneh et al.’s Aggregate and Verifiable Encrypted Signatures 11
2.3.2 Hess’s ID-based signature scheme 13
2.3.3 Paterson’s ID-based signature scheme 14
2.3.4 Yi’s ID-based signature scheme 15
2.3.5 Cha and Cheon’s ID-based signature scheme 17
2.3.6 Cheng et al.’s ID-based signature scheme 18
Chapter 3 . Basic Building Blocks 20
3.1 ID-based Signature Scheme 21
3.2 ID-based Multisignature Scheme 23
3.3 ID-based Aggregate Signature Scheme 25
3.4 Blind Signature 28
3.5 Variations of the Basic Blind Signature 30
3.5.1 Aggregate Blind Signature 31
3.5.2 Verifiable Encrypted Blind Signature 31
3.6 Performance analysis 32
3.7 Security analysis 37
3.7.1 Signature and Multisignature 37
3.7.2 Aggregate Signature 38
3.7.3 Basic Blind Signature: 38
3.7.4 Aggregate Blind Signature 39
3.7.5 Verifiable Encrypted Blind Signature 40
Chapter 4 . Applications 41
4.1 An Efficient Contract Signing Protocol 41
4.1.1 Basic Model 44
4.1.2 Security Issues 47
4.1.3 Protocol Construction 49
4.1.4 The Contract Signing Protocol with Signers’ privacy 51
4.1.5 Reliability Consideration 53
4.1.6 Shared Verifiable Encrypted Signature 54
4.1.7 Performance Analysis 57
4.2 E-Cash System with Fair Payment 58
4.2.1 The Proposed E-Cash System 59
4.2.2 Performance analysis 66
4.2.3 Security Analysis 67
Chapter 5 . Conclusions and Future Researches 69
Reference 71
Appendix. MSBHS 76
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