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研究生(外文):Keng-Hao Chang
論文名稱(外文):The components analysis of extract from fruitbody and fermentation broth of Anthodia Camphorata
指導教授(外文):Kow-Jen Duan
外文關鍵詞:Antrodia CamphorataHPLC
  • 被引用被引用:6
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我們根據中華藥典之標準方法進行以70 % 乙醇萃取,又以C18 reverse phase層析管柱進行120分鐘之分析,以求取能儘量完整呈現野生樟芝之層析圖,再針對台灣花蓮、台東、阿里山、等三地野生樟芝進行分析,發現其層析圖譜幾乎一模一樣,相似度非常高。另外我們也嘗試以指紋圖譜波長之方式(210nm、230nm、254nm、280nm)找出最適合分析之波長為254nm,加入的移動相酸源為0.1%的醋酸。在此條件下可分離出最多之成分。
Antrodia camphorata is one of Fungus that only found in Taiwan.

People found it contains lots of constituents that can protect liver, and stimulate immune system in recent years.

The study compared the constituents extracted from fruit body and commercial products of Antrodia camphorata. The commercial products were from fermentation broth of Antrodia camphorata.

We tried several parameters to make a finger printing of Antrodia camphorata. Finally, we concluded that the best separation condition was 0.1 % acetic acid gradient with ACN and 254 nm wavelength. The ODS column was used. Under this condition we could obtain the maximum constituents of HPLC spectra.

The constituents of fruit bodies were extracted followed China medicine dictionary. We used 70 % (v/v) ethanol to extract the fruit bodies of Antrodia camphorata from three different places (Taitung, Hualian, and Chiayi). The spectra of the three samples are almost the same. This indicated that only one species of Antrodia camphorata is in Taiwan. It was also found that the constituents extracted from fruit body and fermentation broth were very different. There were very few peaks of spectra from the fermentation broth of Antrodia camphorata.

Ethanol extract of fruit body of Antrodia camphorata has a strong absorption at 450 nm in spectrophotometer. However, the absorption was under 400 nm for the ethanol extract from fermentation broth. By use of spectrophometer, we could differentiate the products of Antrodia camphorata from fruit body or fermentation broth.
Abstact I
Index II
Table index III
Figure index IV
1. Introduction 1
2. Review 2
2.1 Classification of Ganoderma lucidum 2
2.2 Classification of Antrodia Camphorata 5
2.3 Effect of Antrodia Camphorata 5
2.4 The components of Antrodia Camphorata 8
2.5 The culture of Antrodia Camphorata 15
3. Material and Methods 17
3.1 The sourcr of Antrodia Camphorata 17
3.2 Material and Instrument 18
3.3 Analysis parameter 18
3.4 Preparation of sample 19
3.5 System condition 24
3.6 Analysis method 24
3.7 Establish finger print 26
4. Experiment data and result 29
4.1 Analysis by UV/VIS Spectrophotometer 29
4.2 Analysis the Antrodia Camphorata with HPLC44
5. Concussion 72
6. References 74
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Scientific and technological master's thesis of research institute of food of university of Taiwan.

Shin-Chang Chang. 2003. Antrodia Camphorata of mycelium assuare liver function assess and hot water exact the body Hydrolysis the influence of the activation on the host metal albumen . Scientific master of research institute of resurgence university food Thesis.

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Hui-Ling Chaug, Guei-Rung chao, chin, chu chen, Jeng-Leun Mau. (2001). Non-Volatile taste components of Agaricus blaze, Anthodia camphorate and Cordyceps militaris mycelia. Food chemistry, 74, 203~207.

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