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研究生(外文):Kun-Hung Shen
論文名稱(外文):Chalcone arrests cell cycle progression and induces apoptosis through induction of mitochondrial pathway and inhibition of nuclear factor κB signaling in human bladder cancer cells
指導教授(外文):Jiunn-k ae ChangPo-lin kuo
外文關鍵詞:cell cyclechalconebladder cancerApoptosisNF-κB
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膀胱癌在最近十年內一直是國人男性十大癌症之一(台灣男人中第七常見的癌症,美國男人中是第四常見的癌症),也是台灣地區國人最常見的泌尿系統癌症。膀胱癌泛指各種出自膀胱的惡性腫瘤,也就是有異常細胞大量增生而不受管制。膀胱是貯存尿液的中空器官,主要由肌肉構成,位於下腹部,其內部接觸尿液的表面覆有一層防水的移形上皮細胞組織,最常見的膀胱癌大多源自於這一層移形性上皮細胞,稱為膀胱移行上皮細胞癌(Transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder)或稱為膀胱泌尿上皮細胞癌(Urothelial cell carcinoma of urinary bladder)。膀胱癌不管是發生率或死亡率都有逐年上昇之驅勢。其五年平均存活率為六成左右,因為膀胱癌常反覆地再發,所以病程延長,而且病人需經常出入醫院,因此生活品質不佳。
在人類食物的蔬菜水果中,被發現含有豐富的Chalcone可以預防癌症。在這個研究中,發現Chalcone(1,3-Diphenyl-2-propenone)在人類膀胱癌T24和HT1376兩個細胞株中有化學預防的作用,結果顯示Chalcone可以抑制T24和HT1376細胞的增生,以及引誘細胞凋亡和阻礙細胞週期的進行,使其停止在G2/M期。西方墨點分析試驗顯示Chalcone有意義的增加p21和p27蛋白質的表現,以及降低cyclin B1,cyclin A和Cdc2的表現來促成細胞週期的停止。另外Chalcone可以增加Bax和Bak的表現,及降低Bcl-2和Bcl-XL的表現,接著激發了粒線體細胞凋亡途徑(釋放cytochrome c和活化caspase-9 和caspase-3)。結果顯示Chalcone在人類膀胱癌T24和HT1376細胞中的增生抑制作用上,以及在誘發粒腺體細胞凋亡途徑和抑制NF-κB存活系統上將扮演重要的角色。
Chalcones are cancer preventive food components found in a human diet rich in fruits and vegetables. In this study, we first report the chemopreventive effect of chalcone (1,3-Diphenyl-2-propenone) in two human bladder cancer cell lines, T24 and HT-1376. The results show that chalcone inhibits the proliferation of T24 and HT-1376 cells by inducing apoptosis and blocking cell cycle progression in the G2/M phase. Western blot assay showed that chalcone significantly increases the expression of p21 and p27 proteins, and decreases the levels of cyclin B1, cyclin A and Cdc2, thereby contributing to cell cycle arrest. In addition, chalcone increased the expression of Bax and Bak, but decreased the levels of Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL and subsequently triggered mitochondrial apoptotic pathway (release of cytochrome c and activation of caspase-9 and caspase-3). Our study suggests that the induction of mitochondrial pathway and inhibition of the NF-κB survival system may play important roles in the antiproliferative activity of chalcone in T24 and HT-1376 cells.

1-1 膀胱癌的流行病學研究(膀胱癌形成的原因) ……………………..1
1-2 膀胱癌的症狀………………………………………………….....….2
1-3 膀胱癌的診斷及分期……………………………………….....….....3
1-4 膀胱癌的治療…………………………………………………..........4
1-5 預後及追蹤………………………………………………….......…...5
1-6 膀胱癌的分子致癌機轉……………………………………......……6
1-7 Chalcone處理膀胱癌症的研究動機及策略…………………….….9
2-1 材料(試劑)……………………………………………...….....…15
2-2 儀器設備............................................................................................15
2-3 細胞培養(cell culture)……………………………...…………........16
2-4 細胞增生分析(Cell proliferation assay)............................................17
2-5 細胞週期分析(Cell cycle analysis)...................................................18
2-6 細胞凋亡的測量(Measurement of apoptosis)...................................18
2-7 Caspase-9和caspase-3的活性分析(Assay for caspase-9 and caspase-3 activity)…………………………………………….....…20
2-8 分離細胞中的粒線體(Mitochondria)..……..…………………..….21
2-9 分離細胞質與細胞核…………………………………………........22
2-10 NF-κB的活性(The activity of NF-κB)…………………………...…22
2-11 準備質體(NF-κB SEAP plasmid)……………………………..........23
2-12 利用SEAP(Alkaline phosphatase)測定NF-κB的活性………....…24
2-13 西方墨點法分析(Western blot assay)……………………..…...…..24
2-14 統計分析(Statistical analysis)………………………………….......25
3-1 Chalcone在T24和HT-1376細胞的抗增生作用(Antiproliferative effect of chalcone in T24 and HT-1376 cells)………………...…....26
3-2 Chalcone在細胞週期分佈和細胞凋亡誘導的作用(Effects of chalcone on cell cycle distribution and apoptosis induction)….…...26
3-3 Chalcone在細胞週期相關蛋白質表現的作用(Effect of chalcone on the expression of cell cycle-related proteins)……………...….…....27
3-4 Chalcone在粒線體細胞凋亡途徑表現的作用(Effect of chalcone on the expression of mitochondrial apoptotic pathway)……………….28
3-5 Chalcone抑制NF-κB轉位和活性(Chalcone inhibited the translocation and activation of NF-κB).............................................29
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