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研究生(外文):Syue-Yan Huang
論文名稱(外文):On the performance analysis and study of BLASTS for MIMO Spatial Multiplexing system
指導教授(外文):Ching-Song Chuang
外文關鍵詞:MIMOBLAST.Frequency Selective FadingZero-ForcingMinimun Mean-Squared ErrorMaximun LikelihoodQR Algorithm
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多輸入多輸出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output,MIMO)系統是一項在傳送與接收兩端皆運用多根天線的可靠通訊系統,其利用MIMO所提供的多重空間自由度,藉以獲取空間多工或空間多樣性(Spatial Multiplexing or Spatial Diversity)之效益,可有效提升資料傳輸速率(Data Rate)及改善通訊品質;而作為目前最具代表性的一種MIMO系統,就是貝爾實驗室所提出的分層空時編碼(Bell Laboratories Layered Space-time Coding,BLAST)系統可以獲得極高的頻譜效率,在未來的無線通訊領域中也有著很好的應用前景。本文主要介紹了BLAST的三種架構,其中以垂直-貝爾實驗室分層空時編碼(Vertical-BLAST)系統易於實現,因此研究方向為V-BLAST系統的檢測接收技術,研究目標是針對現有V-BLAST檢測算法計算複雜度較高的問題,研究實用、有效、低複雜度的檢測接收法。本文中比較了4種檢測法:迫零法(Zero-forcing,ZF)、最小均方誤差算法(Minimun mean-squared error,MMSE)、最大相似算法(Maximun likelihood,ML)、QR演算法,針對這4種演算法去做一個比較,使硬體方面的實現能夠有所幫助。
The use of multiple antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver for a wireless communication link which is referred to as the Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) wireless communication system has recently been recognized as one of the most effective methods to improve the quality of the wireless data link. In general, the MIMO system can be configured either to use as the spatial multiplexing mechanism to boost the data throughput or to use as the diversity technology to improved data link reliability. The key technique that make the MIMO spatial multiplexing high throughput data link possible is the space-time coding schemes. Among them, the Bell Laboratories Layered Space-Time coding (BLAST) technique which proposed by the Bell Laboratory Company has been shown to possess the potential to provide the extremely high spectrum efficiency and consequently has a very good application prospect in the future wireless communication. This paper is thus mainly to introduce the BLAST space-time coding for Spatial Multiplexing MIMO structures including vertical-BLAST, Diagonal-BLAST and Hybrid-BLAST, where the V-BLAST can be the most effective in practical implementation. Therefore this research aims at the study of the V-BLAST system coincident with various receiving detection algorithms and techniques consisting of Zero-forcing, Minimum mean-squared error (MMSE), Maximum likelihood (ML) and QR algorithm. Then, the detection techniques and performance are compared. It is the author hopes that the results obtained in this paper can make a contribution to the hardware realization aspect in the future wireless data link systems.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究動機及目的 1
1.2 論文架構 4
第二章 無線通道環境及模型 5
2.1 概述 5
2.2 無線通道特性 5
2.3 無線通道衰落現象 8
2.3.1 簡介 8
2.3.2 多重路徑效應 8
2.3.3 都卜勒影響 14
2.3.4 平坦衰落通道 17
2.3.5 頻率選擇性衰落通道 19
第三章 多輸入多輸出天線架構 21
3.1 概述 21
3.2 MIMO系統模型 21
3.3 MIMO之特性介紹 24
3.3.1 空間多樣性 24
3.3.2 MIMO通道容量 30
3.4 空-時編碼 32
3.4.1 簡介 32
3.4.2 空-時籬柵編碼 32
3.4.3 空-時區塊編碼 34
3.4.4 分層空時編碼 34
第四章 分層空時編碼技術 37
4.1 概述 37
4.2 水平分層空時編碼 37
4.3 對角分層空時編碼 40
4.4 垂直分層空時編碼 43
第五章 平坦衰落垂直分層空時編碼的檢測 46
5.1 概述 46
5.2 V-BLAST系統模型 46
5.2.1 迫零算法 47
5.2.1 最小均方誤差算法 50
5.2.1 最大相似算法 54
5.2.1 QR算法 55
第六章 結論 59
參考文獻 60
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