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研究生(外文):Wei-Ming Chiang
論文名稱(外文):The Design and Implementation of a Novel E-cash System with Fairness Property
指導教授(外文):Chih-Hung Wang
外文關鍵詞:Electronic CashFair ExchangeVerifiable EncryptionElectronic Commerce
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隨著網路的普及,網路付費已經成為趨勢,電子現金(e-cash)是其中的一種付款機制。然而,隨著各種需求的電子現金被構思出來,卻還沒有一個具有公平性的電子現金被提出。本篇論文提出一個新的電子現金架構,使用可驗證的加密(verifiable encryption)和限制性盲簽章(restrictive blind signature),建構出一個可以提供顧客與商家之間公平性的電子現金交易系統。本系統付款階段適切的結合一個公平交換的協定,使得顧客以及商家可以公平的交易他們的現金和商品。我們的系統透過一個離線的可信任第三方的幫助來達到公平性:意即在正常交易狀況下,顧客和商家可以收到他們的目的物,而不需要可信任第三方的參與;然而,有爭議的情況發生時,可信任的第三方可以幫助雙方解決問題使得交易變的公平。除此之外,本系統也可以達到隱私性並防止一些惡意的欺騙像是: 雙重消費、竊取。

With the popularization of the network, the network payment has already become a trend. The electronic cash (e-cash) is one kind of payment; however, although the various types of demands in e-cash have been conceived out, the e-cash scheme with fairness property was not yet proposed. In this thesis, we present a novel electronic cash structure, which uses a verifiable encryption and a restrictive blind signature to construct a electronic cash system with fairness between customers and merchants. The proposed e-cash scheme properly combines the payment protocol with a fair exchange procedure, so that the customer and the merchant can fairly exchange their money and goods. Our scheme can maintain fairness with the aid of an off-line trusted third party (off-line TTP). That means in the normal case, the customer and the merchant can receive their desired items without TTP’s participation. However, only when a dispute occurs, the TTP can help both parties resolve the problem and make transaction be fair. Moreover, this system can also protect customer’s privacy, and prevent some hostile deceptions like double spending, and stealing.

Keywords:Electronic Cash, Fair Exchange, Verifiable Encryption, Electronic Commerce.
Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Contents iii
Lists of Figures vi
Lists of Tables viii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivations 1
1.2 Proposes and Contributions 4
1.3 Organization of This Thesis 5
Chapter 2. Related Works 6
2.1 Development of On-line Payment System 6
2.1.1 Basic Model of Electronic Cash 6
2.1.2 On-line Electronic Cash System 7
2.1.3 Off-line Electronic Cash System 9
2.1.4 Properties of Electronic Cash 11
2.2 Development of Fair-exchange Protocol 13
2.2.1 Fair-exchange Protocols without TTP 13
2.2.2 Fair-exchange Protocols with On-line TTP 14
2.2.3 Fair-exchange Protocols with Of-line TTP 15
Chapter 3. A Novel E-cash System with Fairness Property 18
3.1 Preliminaries 18
3.1.1 The Discrete Logarithm Assumption 18
3.1.2 Double Exponentiation and Double Discrete Logarithm 18
3.1.3 Verifiable Encryption of Discrete Logarithm 19
3.1.4 The Representation Problem in Groups of Prime Order 21
3.1.5 Restrictive Blinding in Groups of Prime Order 22
3.2 Structure and Design of the System 23
3.3 The Proposed Protocol 27
3.3.1 The Initial Phase 27
3.3.2 The Withdrawal Phase 28
3.3.3 The Payment Phase 29 The Cancel Phase 33 The Resolve_M Phase 34 The Resolve_C Phase 35
3.3.4 The Deposit Phase 36
Chapter 4. Security and Fairness Analysis 38
4.1 Security Analysis 38
4.1.1 Unreuseability 38
4.1.2 Untraceability 38
4.1.3 Unforgeability 39
4.1.4 Unexpandability 39
4.1.5 Unlinkability 40
4.1.6 Unstealability 40
4.2 Fairness Analysis 41
Chapter 5. Implementation and Efficiency 46
5.1 Implementation Environment 46
5.2 Structure of the Implemented System 48
5.3 System Simulation on Server Side 49
5.4 System Simulation on Client Side 52
5.5 Efficiency Analysis 56
Chapter 6. Conclusion and Future Works 59
References 60
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