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研究生(外文):Chi-Tang Ho
論文名稱(外文):Feasibility of System Specifications Using Multi-Stages Verification Method
指導教授(外文):Hao-Ching Yang
外文關鍵詞:system specification verificationmulti-stage verificationreachability-tree analysisPetri Nets
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因此,本研究提出一多階段驗證方法(Multi-Stages Verification Method, MSVM),針對系統規格之派區網路做更完整的驗證。基於改良後之規格狀態可達樹,本方法可推論出系統存在的拘束性、死結性、可達性、不一致性與時限性等性質。推論過程中,能逐步紀錄其推論結果,並儲存各性質之錯誤與可能原因於資料庫中。此外,本方法之時限性推論除可找出系統規格中所有的封閉迴路外,並可驗證其最大時間限制的合理性,確保系統規格回授資訊的即時性。

The verification of system specifications is a key for requirement engineering. For a large or complex system, its faulty specification delays the system developing schedule and even affects its reliability after developing. Among the verification methods, Petri Nets is popularly applied to transform the specifications for verifying and inferring the feasibility of specifications. But current Petri Nets methods are with few capabilities for verification issues of the faulty specifications including boundedness, deadlock, reachability, inconsistency and time-issue.

In this paper, we divide the five issues into three stages and propose a Petri Nets based Multi-Stages Verification Method (MSVM) with a new reachability-tree algorithm. By the algorithm, we also provide five algorithms to verify the five issues. MSVM can infer the firing sequences, the faulty location, and find out all close-loops to guarantee the feedback information returning within its time limit. Moreover, the proposed reachability-depth policy can solve the problem of state explosion.
第一章 緒論.....................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機..............................1
1.2 研究目的....................................2
1.3 研究範圍與限制..............................3
1.4 研究架構....................................3
第二章 文獻探討.................................5
2.1 系統規格的轉換..............................5
2.2 派區網路之驗證..............................8
第三章 多階段規格驗證方法與分析.................11
3.1 定義階段性驗證方法..........................11
3.1.1 三階段五項目之驗證方法....................11
3.1.2 三階段五項目之指標........................14
3.2 相關特性探討................................15
3.2.1 初始狀態的影響............................15
3.2.2 可達樹停止點討論..........................16
3.3 各階段之演算法..............................17
3.3.1 Algorithm 1:派區網路特性分析演算法......19
3.3.2 Algorithm 2:ω-tree分析演算法...........26
3.3.3 Algorithm 3:拘束性演算法與死結演算法....28
3.3.4 Algorithm 4:可達性演算法................34
3.3.5 Algorithm 5:不一致性演算法..............36
3.3.6 Algorithm 6:回授時限演算法..............38
3.4 驗證方法之演算法順序........................41
3.4.1 原預定驗證順序............................41
3.4.2 改變驗證順序..............................42
3.5 實現之驗證軟體..............................44
3.5.1 程式關聯介紹..............................44
3.5.1 資料表格關聯介紹..........................47
第四章 案例分析與探討...........................49
4.1 系統架構....................................49
4.2 案例研究與分析..............................52
4.2.1 MES活動派區網路..........................52
4.2.2 機台流程派區網路..........................61
4.2.3 工程鏈簡化模型之派區網路..................66
4.3 結果與討論..................................73
4.3.1 案例分析結果討論..........................73
4.3.2 可達樹之深度問題討論......................74
4.3.3 MSVM之優缺點.............................78
4.3.4 MSVM驗證之例外...........................81
第五章 結論與未來方向...........................83
5.1 結論........................................83
5.2 未來發展方向................................84
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