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研究生(外文):Jui-shan Hu
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Team diversity, conflict and Team performance
指導教授(外文):Bih-Shiaw Jaw
外文關鍵詞:Team performanceGroup emotional intelligenceTeam conflictTeam diversity
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摘 要

頁數: 92
研究生:胡瑞珊(Jui-Shan Hu) 指導教授:趙必孝(Bih- Shiaw Jaw) 博士
由於全球化企業的競爭,團隊的多元化與日俱增,使得產生衝突的機會大增,有關團隊多元的研究,大部份都是針對團隊特性來研究,鮮少針對情緒面來探討;若有關情緒面的研究,也大都以個人情緒智商為研究主軸。每個人有不同的情緒,相對地,每種團隊也有不同的情緒。研究指出,有高情緒智商的團隊較有能力面對與處理成員間意見上的差異,所以能有較好的團隊績效(Druskat & Wolff, 2001;轉引自Jordan et al.,2004)。團隊情緒智商的建立可以鼓勵開放與接受意見不合與爭論,可以增強衝突帶來的正面效果且減低衝突帶來的負面效果(Jehn, 1995)。由此可知,團隊如何在文化中透過團隊情緒智商的建立,來減低衝突帶來的負面影響對團隊的績效亦有助益。就像拔河一樣,每人的性格都不同,需透過凝聚共識才能贏得勝利。
Title:The Study of Team diversity, conflict and Team performance
School:National Sun Yat-Sen University
Department : Institute of Human Resource Management
Academic year:2007
Author:Jui-Shan Hu Adviser:Dr. Bih- Shiaw Jaw

Due to globalization competition of companies, the team diversity trend of managing team aggravates day by day, and team conflict-generating probability increase greatly. The previous literature related to multi-tonic team concentrates on team specialty and characteristic mainly, rarely focuses on the emotion and discusses it. If any research covers the emotional issues, the scope limits in individual emotion quotient as the major thread. Every person has different emotion, relatively, every team has different emotion also, some discovery indicates the team with higher emotion quotient has better ability to conduct and negotiate opinion difference of members, hence, producing better team performance. (Druskat & Wolff, 2001; transferred from Jordan et al., 2004) Group emotional intelligence establishment enables to encourage open and accept non-identical opinions and argumentation, enables to strengthen the positive effect the crash stimulates and weaken the negative impact the crash also gives (Jehn, 1995), hence, how can team pass through emotion quotient establishment in such culture, to reduce the negative impact the crash brings, so benefit the whole team performance. It is like , each member has his own characteristic, needing to pass collection and consensus reaching to gain the victory, this article is based on such background, envisage in the angle of team performance to understand how the team diversity influences team inharmonic and investigate the interference eclipsing team performance by correlation between group emotional intelligence and team conflict.
This article uses questionnaire survey, by 244 effective samples from team’s response, and by iterative analytic skill to process dates analyze, the result shows:
1. The task crash inside the team can boost team performance.
2. The relationship crash inside the team may eclipse team performance.
3. The group emotional intelligence adjustment dominates the relationship between crash and team performance, it approves establishing group emotional intelligence inside the team makes team members produce reliability, it can help reduce the negative impact the crash brings on the performance, for example: the inharmonic and negative temp on people relationship.
目  錄 頁數
目 錄........................................................................... Ⅰ
表目錄....................................................................... Ⅱ
圖目錄....................................................................... Ⅲ
第一章 緒論........................................................... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機....................................... 1
第二節 研究目的................................................... 3
第三節 研究流程................................................... 4
第二章 文獻探討 .................................................. 6
第一節 團隊.............................................................. 6
第二節 團隊多元化................................................. 10
第三節 團隊衝突..................................................... 12
第四節 團隊績效..................................................... 15
第五節 團隊多元化與團隊衝突............................. 16
第六節 團隊衝突與團隊績效................................ 18
第七節 團隊情緒智商............................................ 20
第三章 研究方法 ................................................. 26
第一節 研究架構................................................  26
第二節 研究假設.............................................. ... 27
第三節 研究工具................................................  28
第四節 修正後的研究架構.................................. 37
第五節 研究變項與操作性定義.......................... 38
第六節 研究設計.................................................. 41
第七節 資料分析方法.......................................... 44
第四章 研究結果與分析......................................... 46
第一節 各研究變項之描述性統計分析................. 46
第二節 團隊屬性對各研究變項之變異數分析....... 49
第三節 各研究變項之相關分析.............................. 63
第四節 各研究變項之迴歸分析............................... 67
第五節 團隊情緒智商的干擾效果分析.................. 69
第六節 研究假設驗證結果彙整.............................. 71
第五章 結論及建議.................................................. 73
第一節 結論............................................................. 74
第二節 實務意涵..................................................... 75
第三節 研究限制及後續研究的建議...................... 78
參考文獻.......................................................... .......... 80
附錄................................................................ ........... 89

表目錄 頁數
表2-7-1 團隊情緒智商規範.................................... 21
表3-3-1 各主要衡量變項的信度分析結果. .......... 31
表3-3-2 團隊多元化因素分析結果 ..................... 33
表3-3-3 團隊衝突因素分析結果............................. 33
表3-3-4 團隊衝突構面之信度分析........................ 34
表3-3-5 團隊績效因素分析結果............................. 34
表3-3-6 團隊績效構面之信度分析..........................35
表3-3-7 團隊情緒智商之因素分析結果與信度......35
表3-3-8 團隊情敘智商分量表之信度分析..............36
表3-6-1 問卷回收情況............................................. 41
表3-6-2 研究樣本之團隊產業別分佈表................ 42
表3-6-3 研究樣本之團隊類型分佈表..................... 42
表3-6-4 研究樣本之團隊人數分佈表..................... 43
表4-1-1 各研究變項統計量彙整表......................... 48
表4-2-1 團隊屬性對團隊多元之平均數與標準差. 52
表4-2-2 團隊屬性對團隊衝突之平均數與標準差..53
表4-2-3 團隊屬性對團隊情緒智商之平均數與標準差.54
表4-2-4 團隊屬性對團隊績效之平均數與標準差...55
表4-2-5 團隊屬性對團隊多元之變異數分析...........59
表4-2-6 團隊屬性對團隊衝突之變異數分析...........60
表4-2-7 團隊屬性對團隊情緒智商之變異數分析...61
表4-2-8 團隊屬性對團隊績效之變異數分析...........62
表4-3-1 各變項之Pearson相關分析................... . .66
表4-4-1 團隊多元化對關係衝突及任務衝突的
迴歸分析 結果..............................................67
表4-4-2 關係衝突及任務衝突對團隊績效的迴
歸分析結果.................................................. 68
表4-5-1 團隊情緒智商對團隊衝突與團隊績效
之迴歸分析................................................. 70
表4-7-1 研究假設驗證結果................ .................. 73

圖目錄 頁數
圖1-3-1 本研究流程圖.......................................... 5
圖2-7-2 團隊情緒智商規範的綜效............... ........ 25
圖3-1-1 本研究概念性架構.................................... 26
圖3-4-1 修正後的架構........................................... 37
圖4-5-2 團隊情緒智商與關係衝突對團隊績效
的影響.......................................................... 70

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