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研究生(外文):Chuan-yan Huang
論文名稱(外文):When Surrealism Meets David Wong Louie’s Pangs of Love
指導教授(外文):Chiung-huei Chang
外文關鍵詞:SurrealismDavid Wong LouiePangs of Lovestereotypesracial castrationSalvador Dalíparanoia double imageMax Ernstcollageblack humor
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The thesis is divided into five chapters. Based on the main ideas of surrealism, the thesis uses the techniques of surrealistic painting while reading David Wong Louie’s Pangs of Love. By comparing the similarities between surrealist paintings and this collection of short stories, the thesis discusses Asian American men’s fear of racial castration and spiritual hysteria caused by suffering from false stereotypes and racial, social discriminations. According to surrealism’s emphasis on interior world, the thesis also focuses on Asian American men’s inner mind.
Chapter One is an introduction of this thesis. It firstly introduces the basic spirit and painting skills of surrealism, and secondly introduces the important themes in Asian American literature. Chapter Two analyzes “Social Science” and “The Mover,” reading them by Salvador Dalí’s paranoiac double image. Chapter Three analyzes “Bottle of Beaujolais,” “Pangs of Love” and “One Man’s Hysteria—Real and Imaged—in the Twentieth Century” by Max Ernst’s collage. Chapter Four uses the viewpoints of surrealist black humor to read “Birthday,” “Pangs of Love,” “Love on the Rock,” and “Warming Trends.” Chapter Five compares and contrasts Louie’s Pangs of Love and Surrealism, and examines Asian American men’s quandary in the society.
Title Page ---------------------------------------------------------------- i
Acknowledgements --------------------------------------------------------ii-iii
Table of Contents ----------------------------------------------------------iv
Chinese Abstract -----------------------------------------------------------v
English Abstract --------------------------------------------------------vi-vii
Chapter One: Introduction -----------------------------------------------1-27
Chapter Two: Salvador Dalí’s Paranoiac Double Image in “Social Science” and “The Movers” ----------------------------------------------------------28-51
Chapter Three: Max Ernst’s Collage in “Bottle of Beaujolais,” “Pangs of Love” and “One Man’s Hysteria—real and imagined—in the Twentieth Century” ---- 52-75
Chapter Four: Surrealistic Black Humor in Pangs of Love ------------------76-97
Chapter Five: Conclusion ------------------------------------------------98-105
Works Cited ----------------------------------------------------------- 106-113
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