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研究生(外文):Chih-wen Chou
論文名稱(外文):The effect of casting atmosphere on the microstructrue and mechanical properity of a nickel silicide based intermetallic alloy
指導教授(外文):Jason S-C Jang
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本實驗以鎳-18矽基介金屬合金,應用微量合金法添加硼元素(添加量0.2at%)、及以巨量合金法添加鈮元素(各添加量2at%與3at%)與添加鉻元素(添加量1at%),分別製成Ni-18Si-2.0Nb-0.2B-1.0Cr介金屬合金及Ni-18Si-3.0Nb-0.2B-1.0Cr介金屬合金,在大氣氣氛及真空氣氛之下,使用高週波爐以精密鑄造方式製成標準拉伸試棒鑄塊胚料,持續將鑄塊進行1050℃二十四小時均質化熱處理及700℃十小時時效熱處理,分別進行固定溫度為25℃對不同應變速率(2×10-2 s-1,2×10-3 s-1,2×10-4 s-1及8×10-5 s-1)之拉伸試驗;並取樣進行GDS及EDS成份分析與X光繞射分析,藉由掃瞄式電子顯微鏡、穿透式電子顯微鏡及硬度試驗機,觀察其顯微組織、破斷面之模式及硬度之變化,並探討添加硼、鉻、鈮元素含量對合金顯微結構及機械性質之影響。
With the vigorous development of the technology,the functional requirements of the industries for the outer appearance、dimensional precision、processing reliability and service life of the products are more demanding,such as the parts of the defense industries、process control industries and people''s livelihood appliances。To achieve the goal of rapid production and reduce the production costs,we choose to investigate the affect of the microstructure and mechanical properties by changing the composition of the Ni3Si based intermetallic alloy compound under casting atmosphere and wish to obtain a better alloy process to promote the mechanical properties of the casting materials and find the optimum process for the intermetallic compound to reduce the production costs。
Ni3Si based intermetallic alloy (Ni3Si has the face-centered L12 structure) compounds possess the characteristics of high temperature intensity、corrosion resistance and high temperature oxidation resistance which have high potential as the high temperature structural materials。 However,Ni3Si is similar to other L12 type intermetallic compounds which has the environmental brittleness problem induced by the water moisture and hydrogen gas at room temperature and limit it as a structural material for the engineering applications。Over the past few years,many studies has been done using the physical metallurgy and innovative concepts and the research results show that by adding boron and niobium simultaneously could effectively inhibit the brittleness at the grain boundary and promote the ductility at room temperature。Besides,the addition of chromium could also effectively improve the high temperature toughness。Therefore,through the understanding of the characteristics of the environmental brittleness、preparation conditions and environmental factors of the intermetallic compound and focus on these factors to improve its mechanical properties will be the key points for the engineering applications of the intermetallic compound。
In our experiment,we use Ni-18 silicon intermetallic compound by applying the micro-alloy addition to add boron element (quantity for addition is 0.2%) and macro-alloy addition to add niobium (quantities for addition are 2% and 3%, respectively) as well as the addition of chromium (quantity for addition is 1%) to prepare the Ni-18Si-2.0Nb-0.2B-1.0Cr intermetallic alloy compound and the Ni-18Si-3.0Nb-0.2B-1.0Cr intermetallic alloy compound。We use high frequency furnace heat treatment to precisely casting the blank material for the standard drawing testing bar casting block under atmosphere and vacuum atmospheric conditions and continuously proceeding at 1050° for 24 hours homogenization heat treatment and at 700°C for 10 hours aging heat treatment for the casting block and fixed at 25°C to proceed the drawing testing on various strain rate(2×10-2s-1,2×10-3s-1,2×10-4s-1,8×10-5s-1 ) and also sampling to proceed the GDS and EDS composition analysis and XRD analysis。The microstructure 、rupture cross section mode and the variations of hardness could be observed using SEM、TEM and hardness tester。 We also investigate the addition of boron、chromium and niobium elements on the affect of the microstructure and mechanical properties。
Experimental results indicate that the addition of chromium could increase the high temperature ductility which is less affected by the environment。The addition of boron element could promote the grain boundary homogeneity and reduce the environmental brittleness problem。When the temperature is fixed at 25°C,the elongation rate of the testing bar prepared under vacuum atmosphere could reach to 12.4% at atmospheric condition and the tensile intensity could reach to 1124MPa which show better mechanical properties。Besides,in the drawing rupture cross section,no matter the Ni-18Si-2.0Nb-0.2B-1.0Cr intermetallic alloy compound or the Ni-18Si-3.0Nb-0.2B-1.0Cr intermetallic alloy compound,the rupture cross sections all show similar phenomena with ductile vortex rupture cross section mixed with the splitting rupture cross section 。The Ni-18Si-2.0Nb-
0.2B-1.0Cr intermetallic alloy compound prepared under vacuum atmosphere show more delicate in its ductile vortex rupture cross section than the Ni-18Si-3.0Nb-0.2B-1.0Cr intermetallic alloy compound。The main reason might be the addition of niobium could improve the ductility of the intermetallic compound。
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅳ
誌謝 Ⅶ
總目錄 Ⅷ
表目錄 XI
圖目錄 XII
第一章 前言 1
第二章 研究背景 4
第三章 理論基礎 8
3.1 影響鎳矽基合金延性之因素 10
3.1.1 介在物 10 添加鈮元素對鎳矽基介金屬之影響 10 添加硼元素對鎳矽基介金屬之影響 10 添加鉻元素對鎳矽基合金之影響 12 添加鉻元素對介金屬化合物腐蝕行為之影響 12 添加鉻元素對介金屬化合物高溫氧化之影響 12
3.2 環境因素 13
3.3 表面因素 16
3.4 冷卻速率 17
3.5 有害物質 17
3.6 滑移系統 17
3.7 晶界因素 18
3.8 成核因素 18
3.9 劈裂強度 18
3.10 鎳矽基合金之延軔性改善 19
3.10.1 巨量合金法 19
3.10.2 微量合金法 20
3.10.3 纖維強化 20
3.11 鎳矽基合金與鎳矽鈮基合金 21
3.11.1 相變化 21
3.12 添加鈮元素對Ni-19Si基合金微觀組織變化及機械行為之影響 27
第四章 實驗流程 31
4.1 陶模製備(Shell Mold Making) 31
4.2 合金及試桿的準備 31
4.2.1 合金組成(Alloy Combination) 31
4.2.2 高週波熔解爐鑄造(Induced-melting Casting) 32
4.2.3 均質化熱處理 32
4.3 微觀組織分析 32
4.3.1 光學顯微鏡(Optical Microscopy) 33
4.3.2 掃掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscopy)與EDS
(Energy Dispersion Spectrrometer) 33
4.4 相的鑑定 33
4.4.1  X光繞射 (X-ray Diffractometer) 34
4.4.2 熱差分析儀(Differential Thermal Analysis) 34
4.4.3 穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission Electron Microscopy)與
擇域繞射(Select Area Diffraction pattern) 34
4.5 機械性質的分析 35
4.5.1 硬度值量測 35
4.5.2 拉伸測試(Tensile Test) 36
第五章 結果與討論 44
5.1 輝光放電分析(G.D.S) 44
5.2  X光繞射分析(XRD) 47
5.3 金相微觀組織觀察及微觀成分分析 47
5.3.1 合金經鑄造及熱處理後之觀察 47
5.3.2 EDS成份分析 50
5.3.3 微觀組織的改變 56
5.4 穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)與擇域繞射(SAD) 56
5.5 硬度測試(Hardness Test) 57
5.6 拉伸性質(Tensile properties) 60
5.6.1 不同應變速率下之常溫拉伸測試(Room temperature tensile
Test with different strain rate) 63
5.6.2 應變速率敏感指數-m值(Strain rate sensitivity value ) 67
5.6.3 環境對拉伸性質之影響 67
5.7 拉伸破斷面之SEM觀察 68
第六章 結論 74
參考文獻 76


表5-1 鎳矽鈮基介金屬合金配置目標成份與輝光放電分析(GDS) 45
表5-2 Ni-18Si-3.0Nb-0.2B-1.0Cr氮氧分析 46
表5-3 鎳-18矽-2.0鈮-0.2硼-1.0鉻合金EDS成份鑑定 52
表5-4 鎳-18矽-3.0鈮-0.2硼-1.0鉻合金EDS成份鑑定 52


圗3-1  (a) Ni3Si之L12有序f.c.c.結構
   (b)硼或碳格隙型原子於 Ni3Si 之位置 9
圗3-2  鎳矽二元相圖與主要之結晶結構 22
圗3-3  鎳-鈮二元相圖 24
圖3-4  鈮-矽二元相圖 25
圖3-5  鎳-矽-鈮三元相圖 26
圖3-6  鎳-19矽基合金添加不同比例鈮元素後對 X光繞射之影響 28
圖3-7  鎳-19矽基合金添加不同比例鈮元素後對晶格常數之改變 29
圖3-8  鎳-19矽基合金之TEM影像與擇域繞射圖 30
圖4-1  實驗流程 37
圖4-2  鑄件及試片製作示意圖 38
圖4-3  ASTM拉伸試棒圖 39
圖4-4  陶模準備的流程 40
圖4-5  (a)氧化鋁坩鍋及(b)陶模 41
圖4-6  高週波熔解爐外觀圖 42
圖4-7  Hung TA Instrument 靜態拉伸試驗機之主機及電腦控制系統 43
圖5-1  各成份之X-ray分析 46
圖5-2  鎳-18矽-2.0鈮-0.2硼-1.0鉻介金屬合金SEM二次電子相(a)
氣氛製備時效後 48
圖5-3  鎳-18矽-3.0鈮-0.2硼-1.0鉻介金屬合金SEM二次電子相(a)
氣氛製備時效後 49
圗5-4  鎳-18矽-3.0鈮-0.2硼-1.0鉻合金EDS取樣位置示意圖
(a)基地(b)共晶區(c)析出物(d)第四相 51
圖5-5  鎳-18矽-2.0鈮-0.2硼-1.0鉻合金EDS取樣位置示意圖
(a)基地(b)共晶區(c)析出物(d)第四相 51
圖5-6  鎳-18矽-2.0鈮-0.2硼-1.0鉻之EDS觀察;其中(a)為元素分佈
圖(b)為鎳之分佈(c)為矽之分佈(d)為鈮之分佈(e)為鉻之分佈 54
圖5-7  鎳-18矽-3.0鈮-0.2硼-1.0鉻之EDS觀察;其中(a)為元素分佈
圖(b)為鎳之分佈(c)為矽之分佈(d)為鈮之分佈(e)為鉻之分佈 55
圖5-8  鎳-18矽-2.0鈮-0.2硼-1.0鉻合金之(a)TEM明視野影像(b)基地
B〔 11〕擇域繞射圖(c)析出物B〔011〕擇域繞射圖 58
圖5-9  鎳-18矽-2.0鈮-0.2硼-1.0鉻合金之TEM影像(a)基地明視野(
BF)影像(b)基地B〔001〕擇域繞射圖 59
圖5-10 Ni-18Si-2.0Nb-0.2B -1.0Cr合金與Ni-18Si-3.0Nb-0.2B -1.0Cr合
 金維氏硬度比較圖 61
圖5-11 Ni-18Si-2.0Nb-0.2B -1.0Cr合金之微小維氏硬度圖 61
圖5-12 Ni-18Si-3.0Nb-0.2B -1.0Cr合金之微小維氏硬度圖 62
圖5-13 Ni-18Si-2.0Nb-0.2B -1.0Cr合金與Ni-18Si-3.0Nb-0.2B -1.0Cr合
金微小維氏硬度比較圖 62
圖5-14 不同製程氣氛與不同應變速率對Ni-18Si-2.0Nb-0.2B -1.0Cr合
金之常溫拉伸機械性質 64
圖5-15 不同製程氣氛與不同應變速率對Ni-18Si-3.0Nb-0.2B -1.0Cr合
金之常溫拉伸機械性質 65
圖5-16 應變率對Stress-Strain曲線敏感指數影響 66
圖5-17 於大氣氣氛下製備Ni-18Si-2.0Nb-0.2B-1.0Cr 介金屬合金,在
常溫大氣環境下,不同應變速率拉伸破斷後之1000X SEM觀
察照片:(a) 2×10-2 s-1 (b) 2×10-3 s-1 (c) 2×10-4s-1 (d) 8×10-5 s-1 69
圖5-18 於真空氣氛下製備Ni-18Si-2.0Nb-0.2B-1.0Cr 介金屬合金,在
常溫大氣環境下,不同應變速率拉伸破斷後之1000X SEM觀
察照片:(a) 2×10-2 s-1 (b) 2×10-3 s-1 (c) 2×10-4s-1 (d) 8×10-5 s-1 70
圖5-19 於大氣氣氛下製備Ni-18Si-3.0Nb-0.2B-1.0Cr 介金屬合金,在
常溫大氣環境下,不同應變速率拉伸破斷後之1000X SEM觀
察照片:(a) 2×10-2 s-1 (b) 2×10-3 s-1 (c) 2×10-4s-1 (d) 8×10-5 s-1 71
圖5-20 於真空氣氛下製備Ni-18Si-3.0Nb-0.2B-1.0Cr 介金屬合金,在
常溫大氣環境下,不同應變速率拉伸破斷後之1000X SEM觀
察照片:(a) 2×10-2 s-1 (b) 2×10-3 s-1 (c) 2×10-4s-1 (d) 8×10-5 s-1 72
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