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研究生(外文):Ying-Jiun Ko
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Program Behavior Anomaly Detection Based on System Calls
指導教授(外文):Chih-Hung Wang, Ph. D.
外文關鍵詞:Intrusion detectionanomaly detectionsystem callprogram behaviorhidden markov model
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Because of the convenience of internet, many applications and services on it have been rapidly developed. For this reason, the security issues on internet become more and more important. Intrusion detection system was born due to an open and lawless network environment and it can help manager to analyze the information of internet traffic or system calls to create a normal behavior model for detecting attacks. Most researches of anomaly detection adopt network traffic for training and building normal behavior model by normal datasets which are clean and free of attack. But it is hard to obtain such kinds of normal datasets. The system call sequences produced by executing processes can be considered as normal behavior of processes; therefore, we employ system call analysis as building model.
In this thesis, we propose two schemes of anomaly detection on system calls. The first scheme, we use a reduced state hidden markov model for anomaly detections on system calls. Second, we combine the differences of addresses between system calls and the executing paths of system call sequences to create a normal behavior model. The executing paths of system call sequences ensure normal behavior of processes, and recording the differences of addresses between system calls can avoid unauthorized address taken by system call services. Moreover, we collect executing paths of system call sequences by known attacks as a database for detecting.

第一章 導論..............................................1
1.1 研究動機.............................................1
1.2 研究目的.............................................3
1.3 論文架構.............................................3
第二章 相關研究..........................................4
2.1 入侵偵測系統.........................................4
第三章 方法架構.........................................11
3.1 運用簡化狀態隱藏式馬可夫模型在系統呼叫上之異常偵測研究......................................................11
3.1.1 隱藏式馬可夫模型..................................11
3.1.2 方法架構..........................................13
3.2 運用位址偏差與系統呼叫路徑上之異常偵測研究..........16
3.2.2 位址偏差..........................................18
3.2.3 方法架構..........................................18
第四章 實驗與分析.......................................21
4.1 方法一(簡化狀態隱藏式馬可夫模型)....................21
4.2 方法二(以位址偏差與系統呼叫路徑為基礎之模型)........24
4.2.1 DOS攻擊...........................................24
4.2.1 Buffer Overflow攻擊...............................27
第五章 結論與未來工作...................................33

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