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研究生(外文):Wen-yan Huang
論文名稱(外文):The effects of gold dopant on the optical anisotropic properties of ReSe2 layered crystal
指導教授(外文):Ying-sheng Huang
外文關鍵詞:ReSe2Polarized photoreflectance spetroscopyband-edge excitons
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本論文主要利用室溫極化穿透量測實驗與溫度變化極化壓電調制量測實驗( PzR )和光子調制量測實驗( PR ),溫度範圍為20到300 K,來探討摻雜金( Au )的二硒化錸( ReSe2 )單晶在帶間能隙躍遷的非等向性光學特性。在極化穿透量測方面,當極化光方向為E || b 和 E⊥b時,間接能隙量測結果分別為1.16和1.19 eV。這個結果顯示二硒化錸單晶在摻雜微量的金之後,吸收邊緣會往低能量移動0.01 eV 。由溫度變化極化壓電調制量測和光子調制量測可以知道帶間能隙附近的三個激子躍遷訊號E1與(E2、E3)來自於不同的起源。這個結果和具有相同結構的化合物二硫化錸(ReS2)單晶在帶間能隙附近只有E1、E2兩個躍遷有所不同。在較高能量區域的激子躍遷譜線,其激子躍遷位置和n=2開始的雷得堡級數(the Rydberg series)相當相似。直接能隙躍遷訊號E1、E2與E3的躍遷能量,和未摻雜的二硒化錸的躍遷能量相較下並沒有改變。我們觀察到激子躍遷訊號的展寬係數有輕微地變大,這來自於摻雜的效應。另外,用溫度係數相關公式吻合溫度變化的激子躍遷能量位置和展寬係數得到溫度變化相關係數並加以討論。
In this thesis, we report an anisotropic optical study of the near band-edge transition properties of gold (Au) doped ReSe2 single crystals. Room temperature polarization dependent transmittance and temperature dependent polarized piezoreflectance (PzR) and photoreflectance (PR) measurements were carried out in the temperature range between 20 and 300 K. The indirect band gaps are determined to be 1.16 and 1.19 eV with E || b and E⊥b polarizations, respectively. The results show that in corporation of small amount of Au into ReSe2 shift the absorption edge 0.01eV toward lower energy side. The temperature dependent PzR and PR spectra with E || b and E⊥b polarizations in the near band-edge region provide conclusive evidence that band-edge excitonic transition features, namely E1 and (E2、E3)are from different origins. This observation is different from the anisotropic compound ReS2 where only E1 and E2 features were detected. The features located at higher energy side are most likely correspond to the Rydberg series starting with principal quantum number n=2. The direct band-edge excitonic transition energies E1 , E2 and E3 of doped ReSe2 single crystals remain practically unchanged in comparison with the undoped ReSe2. Nevertheless the doping effects show up in a slight increase of the broadening parameter of the excitonic features. In addition, the parameters describing the temperature dependence of the band edge excitonic transitions are evaluated and discussed.
論文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌 謝 Ⅲ
目 錄 Ⅳ
圖 目 錄 Ⅵ
表 目 錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 ReSe2 的晶體結構 3
1.2 ReSe2 的光學特性和電傳導特性 8
1.2.1 ReSe2 的光學特性 8
1.2.2 ReSe2 的電傳導特性 9
第二章 Au-ReSe2單晶之形成方法 10
2.1 晶體成長設備簡介 10
2.1.1 真空系統 10
2.1.2 長晶反應系統 10
2.2 單晶的成長程序 11
第三章 量測技術 14
2.1 X光繞射原理 14
3.2 穿透量測實驗 16
3.3 調制光譜簡介和系統概論 18
3.3.1 調制光譜簡介 18
3.3.2 調制光譜系統概論 19
3.3.3 壓電調制反射光譜量測(PzR) 20
3.3.4 光子調制反射光譜量測(PR) 24
第四章 結果與討論 26
4.1 Au-ReSe2 之X光繞射實驗結果 26
4.2 Au-ReSe2在穿透量測結果與討論研究 29
4.3 Au-ReSe2在調制量測結果與討論研究 33
4.3.1 Au-ReSe2在PzR量測結果與討論研究 33
4.3.2 PR量測結果與討論 44
4.3.3 極化角度變化調制光譜量測結果與討論 55
第五章 結論 57
參考文獻 59
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