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研究生(外文):Fang-Wei Yuan
論文名稱(外文):Process development of a skin-care component – Ectoine using Marinococcus sp.
中文關鍵詞:EctoineMarinococcus sp.培養基最適化回應曲面實驗設計法兩階段醱酵策略
外文關鍵詞:EctoineMarinococcus sp.RSMtwo stage fermentation strategy
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本研究所使用之菌株Marinococcus sp.係由台灣南部高鹽環境下篩選而得,且經菌種分析後確定其為一新穎之菌株。而Marinococcus sp.之產物透過13C-NMR、1H-NMR與FAB-MS之分析確定其為ectoine。當Marinococcus sp.培養於初始之複合培養基 (YCMS) 時,其ectoine產量僅有0.4 g/L,但經由培養條件最適化並利用回應曲面法 (Response surface methodology,RSM) 進行培養基最適化探討後,除ectoine產量可高達3.5 g/L之外,產率更達2.3 g/L/Day之多。
之後,透過不同醱酵策略之結合對於ectoine之生產更有進一步之突破。首先,針對Marinococcus sp.在環境滲透壓急遽下降時進行探討,結果顯示,除細胞不會因滲透壓之急遽改變而破裂或萎縮外,同時,細胞內所累積之ectoine更能釋放至環境中。因此,利用特性所進行之連續萃取醱酵策略,已將ectoine產率提升至超過3.0 g/L/Day;另外,於重複批次策略中,Marinococcus sp.培養至93小時更有最高產量達7.0 g/L。而將上述兩策略進行結合之兩階段醱酵生產策略,ectoine最高產量仍然可高達6.0 g/L,但在產率方面已比單階段之策略更大幅提升至10.0 g/L/Day之多,且Marinococcus sp.在經過多次萃取與長時間培養後,依然可維持菌體量與生產ectoine之活性,此對於未來若要大量且連續生產ectoine將會是一大優勢。
最後,本研究以5 L醱酵槽進行製程放大,而批次醱酵之結果顯示,不論是利用轉速或純氧控制溶氧 (dissolved oxygen,DO),當Marinococcus sp.培養至30小時左右ectoine產量皆可達3.3 g/L之多,至於ectoine產率與content則大約為2.6 g/L/Day與11 %,這些結果皆與搖瓶實驗具有一致性。此外,結合pH與DO作為yeast extract饋料時機之饋料批次醱酵策略,ectoine產量於Marinococcus sp.培養34小時後更高達5.6 g/L,ectoine產率則有3.9 g/L/Day之多。
綜合上述之結果,本研究所進行一系列Marinococcus sp.醱酵生產ectoine策略之探討,已成功提升ectoine之產量與產率。於搖瓶策略中,ectoine最高產量為7.0 g/L,而最佳產率更超過10.0 g/L/Day;而於醱酵槽策略中,ectoine最高產量與產率則為5.6 g/L與3.9 g/L/Day。特別於ectoine產率部份,更為目前文獻最佳値2.0 g/L/Day之5倍。
A halophilic bacterium isolated from a salt environment located in southern Taiwan was identified as a Marinococcus sp. The bacterium could synthesize and accumulate intracellular ectoine as a compatible solute to resist osmotic stress in a hyper-osmotic environment. The chemical structure and molecular mass of the purified product was confirmed by 13C-NMR, 1H-NMR, and FAB-MS. The fermentation medium composition was optimized via response surface methodology (RSM) to improve ectoine production from Marinococcus sp. With the optimization strategy, the ectoine production was enhanced from 0.6 g/L to 3.5g/L.
Subsequently, in order to break through the ectoine production, so use the different fermentation strategies. First, ectoine accumulated by Marinococcus sp. to cope with hyperosmotic pressure environment, interested, the ectoine are released from the microorganisms when they are exposed to osmotic downshock. Via this characteristic, in this study developed a continue extracted fermentation strategy and the ectoine productivity was advance to 3.0 g/L/Day; in addition, the ectoine concentration even reach to 7.0 g/L when Marinococcus sp. incubated for 93 hours through the repeat-batch fermentation strategy. So combine the continue extracted fermentation strategy and repeat-batch fermentation strategy, the result was amazingly. In the two stage fermentation strategy, the maximum ectoine concentration was not only reached to 6.0 g/L but also the ectoine productivity was more than 10.0 g/L/Day. By the way, although the Marinococcus sp. incubated for a long time and extracted repeatedly but the microorganisms still maintain the ability of ectoine produce, and it is an advantage for the ectoine production.
Finally, to achieve a large scale of supply for ectoine in compliance with the demands, the 5 L fermentor has been used. The results show that ectoine concentration, content and productivity can reach to 3.3 g/L, 11% and 2.6 g/L/Day when the Marinococcus sp. incubated for 30 hours, respectively. Moreover, the ectoine concentration and productivity even reach to 5.6 g/L and 3.9 g/L/Day via the fed-batch fermentation strategy, which the feed timing of yeast extract was depended on pH and DO factors.
The ectoine production by Marinococcus sp. has successes development in this study. Where the maximum ectoine concentration was reach to 7.0 g/L as well as the ectoine productivity even more than 10.0 g/L/Day through the different fermentation strategies in flask cultured. In addition, the ectoine concentration and productivity were also reaching to 5.6 g/L and 3.9 g/L/Day. Especially, the maximum ectoine productivity in this study was the highest in the ectoine production field.
第一章 前言………………………………………………… 1
1.1 Marinococcus sp.……………………………….……… 1
1.2 Ectoine之簡介………………………………….……….. 1
1.3 回應曲面法 (Response surface methodology,RSM)… 4
1.3.1 二水準因子設計………………………….……… 5
1.3.2 陡升路徑法……………………………….……… 5
1.3.3 中心混成設計……………………………………… 6
1.4 研究動機與目的………………………………….…… 6
第二章 材料與方法………………………………………… 10
2.1 實驗材料………………………………………… 10
2.1.1 實驗菌株………………………………….……… 10
2.1.2 培養基……………………………………………… 10
2.2 實驗方法………………………………………… 10
2.2.1 批次醱酵實驗……………………………………… 10 菌株之保存…………………………………… 10 菌株之培養……………...……………………… 11
2.2.2 回應曲面法(Response surface methodology,RSM) 11 實驗設計………………...……………………… 11
2.2.3 連續萃取醱酵實驗………………………………… 12 重複批次與菌液濃縮之實驗…………… 12 水之萃取體積對於ectoine釋放量之影響…… 13 連續醱酵策略………………………………… 13 掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning electron microscope, SEM) ……………………………… 14
2.3 分析方法………………………………………… 14
2.3.1 菌體濃度…………………………………………… 14
2.3.2 ectoine之濃度分析………………………………… 15
2.3.3 ectoine之粗萃取…………………………………… 15
2.3.4 Ectoine之定性分析……………………………… 16
第三章 結果與討論………………………………………… 19
3.1 論文研究架構……………………………………… 19
3.2 Ectoine醱酵生產菌株之篩選……………………… 20
3.3 Ectoine之定性與定量分析………………………… 21
3.3.1 定性分析…………………………………………… 21
3.3.2 定量分析…………………………………………… 22
3.4 溫度、pH、轉速與NaCl濃度對於Marinococcus sp.代謝ectoine之影響………………………………… 23
3.4.1 溫度、pH、轉速……………………………………… 23
3.4.2 NaCl濃度對於Marinococcus sp.代謝ectoine之影響…………………………………………………… 25
3.5 不同碳、氮源對於Marinococcus sp.代謝ectoine之影響………………………………………………… 26
3.6 利用回應曲面法(Response surface methodology,RSM)進行最適化培養基之開發…………………… 27
3.6.1 二水準因子設計 (Two-level factorial design)…… 28
3.6.2 陡升路徑法 (Method of path of steepest) ………… 29
3.6.3 回應曲面法 (Response surface methodology) … 29
3.6.4 最適化培養基條件之確認………………………… 31
3.7 Ectoine連續釋放醱酵策略 (bacteria milking)……… 32
3.7.1 Ectoine萃取溶劑之篩選………………………… 32
3.7.2 掃描式電子顯微鏡 (Scanning electron microscope, SEM) 與水萃取體積對於Ectoine釋放率之影響………………………………………… 33
3.7.3 水萃取體積之篩選………………………………… 35
3.7.4 重複批次醱酵策略 (repeat-batch stratery)……… 36
3.7.5 連續釋放醱酵策略與重複批次醱酵策略之結合… 37
3.7.6 連續釋放醱酵策略與菌液濃縮策略之結合… 39
3.7.7 不同醱酵策略對於Marinococcus sp.生產ectoine能力之比較………………………………………… 41
3.8 醱酵槽之應用…………………………………………… 41
3.8.1 批次醱酵 (Batch)………………………………… 41
3.8.2 饋料批次醱酵-利用pH之特性 (Fed-batch) …… 44
3.8.3 饋料批次醱酵-結合pH與DO之特性 (Fed-batch) 45
3.8.4 批次與饋料批次策略對Marinococcus sp.生產ectoine能力之比較………………………………… 46
第四章 結論與未來展望…………………………………… 75
4.1 結論……………………………………………… 75
4.1.1 一新穎之ectoine醱酵生產菌株:Marinococcus sp.………………………………………………… 75
4.1.2 最適化培養基之開發……………………………… 75
4.1.3 連續萃取醱酵策略之探討………………………… 76
4.1.4 醱酵槽之應用……………………………………… 80
4.2 未來展望………………………………………… 81
參考文獻………………………..……………………………… 82
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