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研究生(外文):Shi-jie Zhang
論文名稱(外文):Goal-Oriented Data mining base on item-transformation methods
指導教授(外文):Fan Wu
外文關鍵詞:Goal-OrientedData miningData Cube
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我們另外透過Data Cube的方式來處理item發生頻率與規則產生。優點是能夠以批次方式處理資料,而不需要將所有資料一次載入記憶體處理,能單筆資料處理後,直接將發生頻率累計,透過這樣的方式,我們僅需要掃描一次資料庫即可得到所有發生頻率,有效降低IO與記憶體使用量。並且配上Filter作前處理,以加快處理速度。最後累計頻率可直接產生規則回應給使用者。我們也透過不同的實驗參數來驗證此方法效能。
If data mining is going to apply in every domain, there must be some policy maker want to do some mining in some certain products. In former algorithm, computer would scan the entire database, and list all the association rules to user. In order to increase the pace for users to search for the association rules, we give up the traditional way to search all the association rules. We only focus on certain items which are interesting to users. Therefore, we can make sure the results would fit the need of users, and decrease a large number of un-related rules.

We use the way of Data Cube to deal with the items’ frequencies and rule generation. The advantage is to conduct the data with batch way rather than load all the data into the memory and then search them. We can conduct with every item and add up the frequencies. Through this way, what we do is only scan the database once and we can get every frequency. Efficiently reduce the IO and the use of memory. Collocating with Filter to pre-deal the data would increase the pace. In the end, the add-up frequencies can generate association rules to the user. We can verify the efficiency of this way through many different experiment parameters.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
第一章節 簡介 1
第二章節 相關研究與預備定理 5
Define 1:符號說明 5
Define 2:支持度Support / 信賴度 Confident 5
Define 3:Objective-Oriented utility-based Association mining (OOA) 7
Define 4:Data Cube 9
第三章節 我們的方法 11
3-1 流程簡介 11
3-2 詳細步驟說明 11
3-3 序列資料分析 14
第四章 實驗與分析 16
4-1 演算法: 16
4-2 實驗環境 17
4-3 參數分析 17
4-4 比較結果 20
第五節 結論 24
第六節 參考文獻: 25
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