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研究生(外文):Li-ling Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Approximate Distributions of Weighted Sum of Correlated Chi-square Random Variables
指導教授(外文):Yu-shan Shih
外文關鍵詞:normal approximationchi-squared approximationweighted sum of correlated chi-squared random va
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Many authors have discussed the approximate distribution of a weighted sum
of mutually independent chi-squared random variables. The results of previous
studies can be used to combining independent tests of significance. In some situations,
the individual tests are correlated. Thus the test statistic is no longer
a weighted sum of independent chi-squared variables. This paper studies the
approximate distribution of a weighted sum of correlated or uncorrelated chisquared
variables. This approximate distribution can be obtained by two types
of approximations, namely the chi-squared approximation and the normal approximation.
This study calculates the error bounds of both approximations, and
compares using simulations.
1. Introduction
2. Main Results
3. Simulation
4. Conclusion
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100(469), 273–285.
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