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研究生(外文):Chiao-Pei Chen
論文名稱(外文):Quality evaluation of Antrodia mycelium bread and Phellinus mycelium bread
指導教授(外文):Jeng-Leun Mau
外文關鍵詞:Antrodia myceliumPhellinus myceliumbreadsensory evaluation
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樟芝(Antrodia camphorata)又名牛樟芝或牛樟菇,氣味芳香,味苦;富含多醣體(polysaccharides)、三萜類化合物(triterpenoids)等化合物,具有增強人類免疫力、預防癌症的發生、強化肝臟機能、降低血壓及健全腸胃等功能。桑黃(Phellinus linteus)是傳統中國醫藥中所使用的珍貴藥用真菌之一類,可作為抑制腫瘤、提昇免疫力的保健食品。為了提升烘焙食品的保健功效,本實驗將5%的樟芝菌絲體與桑黃菌絲體粉末分別取代麵粉,所製得的樟芝菌絲體土司與桑黃菌絲體土司,並以白土司當作對照組,進行一般成分、理化性質、呈味品質、儲藏性質及感官品評之評估。


在呈味品質上,三種土司的可溶性醣含量,樟芝菌絲體土司(20.01 mg/g)比白土司(17.91 mg/g)高,而桑黃菌絲體土司(19.13 mg/g)和樟芝菌絲體、白土司之間無顯著差異。在核苷酸含量方面,樟芝菌絲體土司(45.17µg/g)和桑黃菌絲體土司(40.41µg/g)明顯高於白土司(13.04 µg/g)。在游離胺基酸總含量方面,則依序為桑黃菌絲體土司(30.27 mg/g)>樟芝菌絲體土司(24.97 mg/g)>白土司(14.71 mg/g)。因此,樟芝菌絲體及桑黃菌絲體可提高土司的鮮味及甜味,進而提高土司的風味與營養價值。

Antrodia camphorata (niu-chang-chih) smells aroma and tastes bitter. It contains the compounds including polysaccharides, triterpenoids, and so on. The Antrodia camphorata can not only improve the human immunomodulation, but also prevent the cancer and tumor. Besides, it can also strengthen the ability of liver. Moreover, it is able to reduce the blood pressure and improve the healthy human digestion system. Phellinus linteus is one of traditional medicinal mushroom in China medical. It is a healthy food for anti-tumor and human immunomodulation. In order to improve the healthy efficacy of baked foods, we replaced the wheat flour by Antrodia mycelium and Phellinus mycelium to bake the Antrodia mycelium bread and Phellinus mycelium bread. We take the white bread to be the control group as a reference. The objectives of this research were to study the proximate composition, taste quality, physicochemical properties and sensory evaluation of Antrodia mycelium bread and Phellinus mycelium bread.
Carbohydrate is the major components found in the wheat flour, Antrodia mycelium and Phellinus mycelium (84.74, 43.97 and 33.08%). Phellinus mycelium contains large quantity crude fiber and crude protein (23.61 and 20.97%). Crude fiber and crude protein of Phellinus mycelium bread (1.27 and 14.29%) is the highest, greater than white bread (1.03 and 12.41%). White bread, Antrodia mycelium bread and Phellinus mycelium bread were stored at 4oC. The texture profile analysis showed that along with the storage time, the hardness of the three breads was increased whereas springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness and resilience decreased. The decreasing rates of the springiness, cohesiveness and gumminess for Phellinus mycelium bread are slower. The net structure is getting close and smooth with the increasing of storage day which is able to be observed by the SEM. These situations are due to the consequence of staling.
About the taste quality, the composition of soluble sugars contained rate of the Antrodia mycelium bread (20.01 mg/g) is greater than that of the white bread (17.91 mg/g), and the Phellinus mycelium bread (19.13 mg/g) contains the amount between them. The flavor 5´-nucleotides contain rate of the Antrodia mycelium bread (45.17 µg/g) and the Phellinus mycelium bread (40.41 µg/g) are greater than that of white bread (13.04 µg/g). About the contain rate of free amino acid, the amout that sorted from large to small are Phellinus mycelium bread(30.27 mg/g), Antrodia mycelium bread (24.97 mg/g) and white bread(14.71 mg/g). Therefore, the addition of Antrodia mycelium and Phellinus mycelium could enhance the palatable taste and sweet taste of the bread and further improve its flavor and nutritive values.
From hedonic scores for bread, mouthfeel and appearance of Phellinus mycelium bread is more acceptable because it is similar to the white bread. The overall preference of the three breads were in the order of bread (5.02) > Phellinus mycelium bread (4.31) > Antrodia mycelium bread (3.38).
In conclusion, the bread with Phellinus mycelium and Antrodia mycelium will not only increase the nutrition componts, but also provide the optimal new choices of health food for customers.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
目錄 v
圖目次 viii
表目次 ix
前言 1
文獻整理 3
一、樟芝的介紹 4
二、桑黃的介紹 6
三、麵包 9
四、 理化性質分析 14
五、 感官品評 22
材料與方法 23
一、 實驗材料 23
(一) 樟芝菌絲體與桑黃菌絲體 23
(二) 試藥 23
二、 實驗方法 27
(一) 樟芝菌絲體、桑黃菌絲體及土司樣品製備 27
(二) 麵粉、樟芝菌絲體、桑黃菌絲體及土司之一般成分分析 27
1. 水分測定 27
2. 灰分測定 27
3. 還原糖測定 27
4. 脂質測定 28
5. 粗纖維測定 28
6. 粗蛋白測定 29
(三) 理化性質分析 29
1. 溶解度、膨潤度分析 29
2. 水結合力分析 30
3. 色差(白度、亮度、色澤)測定 30
4. 比體積分析 30
5. 食品質地之輪廓分析(TPA) 30
6. 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)觀察 31
7. .X射線繞射分析 31
8. 示差掃描熱分析 31
(四) 呈味成分分析 32
1. 可溶性糖 32
2. 核苷酸之測定 32
3. 游離胺基酸組成之測定 33
(五) 感官品評 34
(六) 統計分析 36
結果與討論 37
一、一般成分與理化性質分析 37
(一)麵粉、樟芝菌絲體和桑黃菌絲體之一般成分分析 37
1. 水分 37
2. 碳水化合物 37
3. 粗灰分 37
4. 粗脂質 39
5. 粗纖維 39
6. 粗蛋白 39
(二)麵粉、樟芝菌絲體和桑黃菌絲體之溶解度、膨潤度、水結合力 40
(三)麵粉、樟芝菌絲體和桑黃菌絲體之色差分析 43
(四)白土司、樟芝土司和桑黃土司之一般成分分析 48
(五)白土司、樟芝菌絲體土司和桑黃菌絲體土司之色差分析 52
(六)比體積分析 52
二、 白土司、樟芝菌絲體土司與桑黃菌絲體土司於儲藏期間之水分含量和理化性質分析 52
(一)儲藏期間之水分含量變化 52
(二)食品質地之輪廓分析 56
(三)掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)觀察 62
(四)X射線繞射分析 67
(五)示差掃描熱分析 67
三、 呈味成分分析 72
(一)可溶性糖 72
(二)核苷酸 75
(三)游離胺基酸 79
四、 消費者喜好性感官品評 84
結論 90
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