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研究生(外文):Jui-feng Peng
論文名稱(外文):Factors for Voice Onset Time: Stops in Mandarin and Hakka
指導教授(外文):Li-mei Chen
外文關鍵詞:place of articulationlexical tonetone languagevoice onset timegendervowel context
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本研究主要為探討嗓音起始時間(voice onset time)之影響因素,藉由對國語和客語的六個塞爆音(stop) /p, t, k, p', t', k' /資料的收集,探討發音位置、相鄰母音、聲調和性別對嗓音起始時間的影響。

1. 發音位置、相鄰的母音、聲調和性別對嗓音起始時間均有顯著的影響。
2. 除了國語的送氣音,國語的不送氣音和客語均符合Cho and Ladefoged (1999) 所提出”發音位置越後面,嗓音起始時間愈長”的規則。本研究並進一步發現,後面的母音為後元音/u/時,國語和客語雙唇音之VOT值均長於齒齦音。此結果顯示,雖然塞爆音之VOT值會隨著發音部位愈後面而愈長,但該塞爆音和其相鄰母音相互作用的結果,仍會使其VOT值產生變異。
3. 當塞爆音後面跟隨著高元音/i, u/時,其嗓音起始時間將長於後面跟隨著低元音/a/的塞爆音。而當塞爆音後面跟隨著前元音/i/時,其嗓音起始時間將長於後面跟隨著後元音/u/的塞爆音,但國語不送氣音呈現相反的結果。
4. 聲調對塞爆音之VOT值有顯著的影響。客語的資料並顯示:當聲調為促音時,塞爆音之VOT值顯著的短於其他聲調。此外,分析國語的資料時,發現假字的存在使得VOT值明顯變長,也使得分析聲調影響的結果有所不同。所以,聲調對塞爆音之影響,仍有待進一步的研究探討。
5. 性別對塞爆音之嗓音起始時間有顯著的影響,男性念不送氣音之VOT值長於女性,而女性念送氣音之VOT值長於男性。此外,國語和客語的研究結果顯示:女性唸送氣音與不送氣音之差異均大於男性唸送氣音與不送氣音之差異。

This thesis examines the influence of four factors—place of articulation, vowel context, lexical tone, and gender—upon voice onset time (VOT) in Mandarin and Hakka. The examination of VOT values for Mandarin and Hakka word-initial stops /p, t, k, p', t', k'/ followed by three vowels /i, u, a/ in different lexical tones revealed that these factors have significant influences on the VOT values for stops. The results related to lexical tone are important as they suggest that future studies should take the influence of lexical tone into account when studying VOT values for stops in tonal languages. In addition, the results indicated that Hakka stops and Mandarin unaspirated stops conform to Cho and Ladefoged’s (1999) general agreement—namely, the further back the closure, the longer the VOT. However, Mandarin aspirated stops contradict this rule: the mean VOT for alveolar is shorter than that for bilabial. Furthermore, the phenomenon for Mandarin aspirated stops was caused by the interactions of the stop and its vowel context. That is, when followed by the vowel /u/, bilabial stops have longer mean VOTs than alveolar stops. As for the influence of vowel context, the results revealed that stops preceding high vowels have significantly longer mean VOT values than stops preceding low vowels, while stops followed by the front vowel have longer mean VOTs than stops followed by the back vowel, with the exception of Mandarin unaspirated stops. Finally, the results demonstrated that men produce longer mean VOTs for unaspirated stops than their female counterparts, but women produce longer mean VOTs for aspirated stops than male counterparts, suggesting that the number of male and female participants should be equal in future studies. The current study also determined that the distinctions of female speakers’ productions of unaspirated and aspirated stops are greater than the distinctions of male speakers’ productions in both languages.
Abstract (Chinese) i
Abstract (English) iii
Acknowledgements v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix

1.1 Research Questions 3
1.2 Contribution of the Study 3

2.1 Voice Onset Time (VOT) and Its Measurement 5
2.2 Factors Affecting Voice Onset Time 6
2.2.1 Place of Articulation 8
2.2.2 Vowel Context 14
2.2.3 Lexical Tone 17
2.2.4 Gender 20
2.3 The Features of Mandarin and Hakka 21

3.1 Participants 23
3.2 Corpus 24
3.3 Procedure 24
3.4 Data Measurement 25
3.5 Data Analysis 26

4.1 Mandarin Chinese 28
4.1.1 Place of Articulation and VOT 30
4.1.2 Vowel Context and VOT 33
4.1.3 Lexical Tone and VOT 38
4.1.4 Gender and VOT 42
4.2 Hakka 47
4.2.1 Place of Articulation and VOT 48
4.2.2 Vowel Context and VOT 52
4.2.3 Lexical Tone and VOT 57
4.2.4 Gender and VOT 60
4.3 Summary of the Results 64

Limitation of the Study and Suggestions for Future
Studies 75

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