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研究生(外文):Shan Chin
論文名稱(外文):Reputation and salvation based intrusion detection system for mobile ad hoc networks
指導教授(外文):Chih-Hung Wang
外文關鍵詞:Intrusion Detection System (IDS)Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs)Network Security
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近年來,隨意網路由於其自我組織能力、動態網路拓墣、暫時網路週期以及各節點之間的平等關係而成為一項重要研究議題。然而,這些特徵使安全上的問題更加重要。入侵偵測系統(IDS)是現有技術中可以使無線隨意網路更加可靠及安全的一種技術。安裝於移動式隨意網路(MANETs)之入侵偵測系統(IDS)與安全路由協定的不同點在於安全路由協定需要將安全機制套用在所有的節點上,而安裝於移動式隨意網路(MANETs)的入侵偵測系統(IDS)只需將其安全機制套用在某些特定的監視節點上即可。基於上述理由,移動式隨意網路(MANETs)之入侵偵測系統(IDS)可以被廣泛的使用於多種不同的隨意網路路由協定上。在移動式隨意網路(MANETs)上有著多種有名的攻擊如: 氾濫攻擊、黑洞攻擊、灰洞攻擊以及黑函攻擊。許多學者嘗試使用不同的方法去偵測及避免這些攻擊,但是他們用的方法都無法完全適合預防所有的攻擊,尤其是灰洞攻擊和黑函攻擊這兩種。因此,我們提出了基於名聲值和救贖機制的入侵偵測系統,使用極少的計算量來偵測上述的那些著名的攻擊。我們採用名聲值的技巧來抵擋氾濫攻擊和黑洞攻擊這類的服務阻斷式攻擊,並用救贖機制來偵測灰洞攻擊。此外,我們採用了簽章的概念保護黑名單的傳送來避免黑函攻擊,使得我們的入侵偵測系統能夠變的更加強韌。
In recent years, the ad hoc network is becoming an important research issue due to the self-organization network, dynamically changing topology, temporary network life and equal relationship among member of nodes. However, these properties make the ad hoc network security problem more serious. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one of the famous techniques which can make the ad hoc routing protocol become more reliable and secure. The difference between IDS on mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and secure routing protocol is that the latter needs to implement its secure mechanism on all the member nodes while the former only needs to implement the secure mechanism on some specific monitoring nodes. For this reason, IDS on MANETs can be widely used on several kinds of ad hoc routing protocols. There are several kinds of famous attacks on MANETs such as flooding attack, black hole attack, gray hole attack and blackmail attack. In the past, many scholars has used some efficient methods to detect and avoid these kinds of attack, but their schemes are not suitable for detecting all the attacks especially for the gray hole attack and blackmail attack. For this reason, we proposed a reputation and salvation based IDS to detect all of the famous attacks with low computation cost. We use the reputation technique to avoid the denial of service attacks such as flooding attack and black hole attack and the salvation mechanism to detect the gray hole attack. Moreover, we protect the transmission of the blacklist by using the signature concept to avoid the blackmail attack and make our IDS become more robust.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
Contents v
List of Figures viii
List of Tables x
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
Chapter 2: Related works 4
2.1 AODV routing protocol 4
2.1.1 The packet format of AODV 4 Packet format of RREQ 5 Packet format of RREP and RERR 6
2.1.2 The routing technique of AODV 8 Route discovery 8 Route maintenance 9
2.2 Threats on AODV routing protocol 9
2.2.1 Passive attack 10
2.2.2 Active attack 10 Routing availability attack 11 Resource consumption attack 12
2.3 Current IDS classification and related works 13
2.3.1 Observation based IDS 13
2.3.2 SVM based IDS 16
2.3.3 Authentication based IDS 19
2.3.4 Cross layer based IDS 20
2.3.5 A comparison of current IDS classification 21
Chapter 3: Reputation and salvation based IDS 23
3.1 System architecture 23
3.2 Reputation and salvation based intrusion detection system 24
3.2.1 Local anomaly detection 24
3.2.2 Local reputation system 30
3.2.3 Salvation mechanism and gray hole attack 31
3.2.4 Global response 36
Chapter 4: Simulation and analysis 38
4.1 The definition of the malicious nodes 38
4.1.1 Flooding attack 38
4.1.2 Black hole attack 38 Black hole attack caused by modified RREQ control packets 39 Black hole attack caused by modified RREP control packets 39
4.1.3 Gray hole attack 40
4.2 Simulation setup 40
4.3 Performance and analysis 42
4.3.1 Performance Metrics 42
4.3.2 Simulation Results 42 Impacts of different number of monitoring nodes 43 Impacts of different number of malicious nodes 45 Detection of gray hole attack with salvation mechanism 48
4.3.3 Property comparison and analysis 50
Chapter 5: Conclusions and future works 52
Reference 54
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