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研究生(外文):Da-Yeh, Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Substation Alarm Monitoring
外文關鍵詞:Supervisory Control and Data AcquisitionCommunication ProtocolData BaseDistribution Terminal UnitRemote Terminal Unit
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If the substation’s monitor device meets break down and fail to an emergency alarm immediately, the dispatcher will not operate or survey the substation equipment. We can utilize monitor device’s internal program which adds the function of the prompt alarm. The dispatcher will deal with disturbance and clear fault immediately, and it promotes the reliability of the control center’s apparatus.
The content describes Dong-Xing and Zhong-Yan substations of Taipower Company automatically supervisory control power system. We use remote terminal unit test software, communication interface test the software, dispersing type collection of materials and control device test software, digital power meter test the software and test the simulator as the tool studying.
The items of research include:
1. Automation equipment of transformer substation.
2. The communication protocol employs the discussion.
3. Control device report an emergency and ask for help or increased vigilance some database of establishments and plan immediately.
4. Controlling the device and reporting an emergency and asking for help or increased vigilance immediately a bit to take off machine.
5. Online testing.
The result of study explain, through one''s own procedure can control device planning, the function emerges and reports an emergency and asks for help or increased vigilance in the mechanism of utilizing communication to be transmitted. Therefore, proving that controls application and planning that if the procedure can be appropriate within the device in the substation, the ones that will make the electric monitoring system function in the substation give play to will be thorough.
It is proved that this content studies, the automatic structure of substation and operation of the characteristic, operation of the simulation software, basic structure and application of communication protocol, can by utilize, modify emergency alarm immediately. The function can make controllers operate the promotion of reliability of the apparatus through reporting an emergency and asking for help or increased vigilance immediately, promote the automated system efficiency in the substation effectively. It also promote the operation efficiency of the whole distribution system, reduce and notify the manpower cost that attendants fixed a breakdown live because of being unable to control the apparatus, can set up standardization to apply to the others substation.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
第一章緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的與方法 3
1.3文獻回顧 4
1.4論文內容概述 12
第二章變電所自動化設備概述 14
2.1前言 14
2.2資訊末端設備 15
2.2.1概述 15
2.2.2功能介紹 16
2.2.3硬體架構 16
2.2.4 RTU的取樣點 26
2.2.5軟體架構 28
2.3分散式資料收集和控制裝置 33
2.3.1前言 33
2.3.2功能概述 33
2.3.3硬體架構 36
2.3.4 DTU輸出入卡片配置說明 39
2.3.5 DTU接線說明 40
2.4集合式多功能電力電表 42
2.5測試模擬器 43
第三章通訊協定應用探討 46
3.1前言 46
3.2通訊協定概念及監控系統架構 47
3.2.1通訊協定基本架構 47
3.2.2台電公司階層調度控制系統架構與通訊協定 49
3.3台電監控裝置之通訊協定應用 55
3.3.1 DNP3通訊協定 55
3.3.2 Modbus通訊協定 68
3.3.3 IEC61850通訊協定 71
第四章資料庫規劃 80
4.1前言 80
4.2中研變電所資料庫規劃分析 80
4.3東興變電所資料庫規劃分析 96
第五章即時告警研究結果及測試 113
5.1前言 113
5.2整理歸納設備無法操控之故障原因及時間點 113
5.3東興變電所即時告警之監控點資料庫建置及測試 118
5.3.1前言 118
5.3.2東興變電所即時告警監控點資料庫建置 119
5.3.3東興變電所監控點Off Line及On Line測試 130
5.4中研變電所即時告警之監控點資料庫建置及測試 132
5.4.1前言 132
5.4.2中研變電所即時告警監控點資料庫建置 133
5.4.3中研變電所監控點Off Line及On Line測試 139
第六章結論與未來研究方向 141
6.1結論 141
6.2未來研究方向 142
參考文獻 144
作者簡介 146
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