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研究生(外文):Kuei-Feng Peng
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Low-Voltage High Swing Pseudo-Differential Amplifier
指導教授(外文):Yin-Fang Wei
外文關鍵詞:CMOSCommon mode feedback (CMFB)Pseudo-Differential amplifier
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本文呈現一個可以工作於低電壓1.2伏特之CMOS類-差動放大器,藉由電流鏡電路形成共模訊號偵測器,透過轉阻放大器與轉導放大器組成共模回授電路,設計時使用軟體HSpice及台積電(TSMC)0.18μm CMOS混合訊號為製程參數。類-差動放大器的輸出擺幅為 ± 0.6 V,功率消耗為0.439 mW,差模增益為30dB,單位增益頻寬為300MHz。
This paper presents a low-voltage operating under 1.2-V CMOS pseudo-differential amplifier with simple CMFB circuit. The proposed circuit employs the complementary common mode feedback (CMFB) consisting of common mode detector, transimpedance and transconductance amplifiers. The simulation results using HSPICE with TSMC 0.18μm CMOS mixed-signal process technology shows high output swing achieved with low common mode gain. The differential output swing of the circuit is ± 0.6 V. The power dissipation of the circuit is 0.439 mW, the differential mode gain is 30 dB and the unity-gain frequency is 300 MHz.
List of contents………………..…………..……………….…………Ⅳ
List of figures…………....……………….………………………......Ⅵ
List of tables………………..………………………………….…...…Ⅷ
Chapter 1 Introduction…..…………….....…..……….……...........……...1
Chapter 2 CMOS operational amplifier(Op-Amp)...……………..……..3
2-1 The operational transconductance amplifier……..……...…………3
2-1-1 Design of CMOS Op-Amps……….…….….…………….....3
2-1-2 Stability and pole location……….……………………....…9
2-2 Transimpedance amplifier(TIA)…………...…………………….10
2-2-1 TIA applicatiom………………………...………..…...……10
2-3 Pseudo-differential amplifier……………..……………………....11
2-3-1 Pseudo-differential Input pair……..……………….………12
2-4 CMFB circuit considerations……………......…..…………..……13
2-4-1 Pseudo-differential input stage and CMFB………………..14
2-5 Differential-output OTA and CMF Circuit……….………………14
2-5-1 Basic configuration………………………………………..14
2-6 Bootstrap bias technique (Self-biasing)……….……………....….15
2-6-1 Constant-gm circuit……………………..……….….……...17
2-6-2 Constant-gm reference discussion……….…………………19
2-6-3 Simulation results………………….………….…………...21
2-7 Simple CMOS current mirror……………...…….……………….25
2-8 Common-source amplifier………………………………………..27
2-9 The self-biased current reference…………..….…………….....…29
2-7-1 Start-up circuit….………………….….……...…………..30
Chapter 3 A low-voltage high swing pseudo-differential amplifier……31
3-1 Proposed architecture……………………………………..………31
3-2 PD-OTA input stage with CMFB……………..……………….….31
3-3 Implementation of the linearization technique…........………32
3-4 Circuit description………………………………………...………33
3-5 Quasi-current mirrors…………………….…………………….....35
Chapter 4 Simulation results………………………..………………...…36
Chapter 5 Conclusions and future research……………….…………….38
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