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論文名稱(外文):Development of a Humanoid Robot and Its Self-Learning Control for Robotic Table Tennis
指導教授(外文):Tsing-Iuan Tsay
外文關鍵詞:Redundant anthropomorphic robot armadaptive resonance theoryself-organizing mapreinforcement learninghumanoid robot
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In the recent decade, humanoid robots are widely anticipated to emerge owing to factors such as anthropomorphism, friendly design, and intelligence within human living environments. To fulfill these consumer demands, several humanoid robots have been developed in recent years. However, ball game tasks have recently attracted more attention of researchers in robotics fields, such as soccer robots, table tennis robots, and so on. This kind of robot must be able to adjust the motion and timing of interactions during the intermittent interactions between the robot and its environment. Therefore, it is difficult to find general approaches for robots to perform these tasks.
Based on this motivation, this research constructs a wheeled humanoid robot to play ping-pong. The developed humanoid robot comprises mainly a wheeled mobile base, a torso with a 3-DOF waist mounted on the mobile base, two 7-DOF robot arms, two 7-DOF robot hands and one 7-DOF robotic binocular head. An embedded DSP-based control system is also designed and constructed for real-time control.
Imitating the learning process of a human playing ping-pong is extremely complex. In this research, four steps are proposed for imitating a human playing ping-pong. First, we construct an optical/inertial track motion-capture system that captures the strike motion and analyze the motion trajectory, then the analyzed data is applied on the robot to perform the ping-pong play. Second, we propose inverse kinematics to solve the smooth joint spaces of the redundant anthropomorphic arm to imitate a human’s paddle motion. Finally, as humans instinctively determine which posture is suitable for striking a ball, this research proposes two novel processes—(a) estimating ball states and predicting trajectory using a fuzzy Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) network, and (b) self-learning the behavior for each strike using a Self-Organizing Map (SOM)-based reinforcement learning network that imitates human learning behavior. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms work effectively when applied to an actual humanoid robot playing ping-pong.
Abstract (in Chinese) i
Abstract (in English) ii
Acknowledgements iii
Content iv
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
Nomenclature xi

1. Introduction 1
1.1 Preface 1
1.2 Motivation and Objective 2
1.3 Literature Survey 2
1.4 Contribution 5
1.5 Structure of This Dissertation 6

2. Design of a Humanoid Robot 8
2.1 Mechanism Design of the Humanoid Robot 8
2.1.1 Design of Robotic Binocular Head 11
2.1.2 Design of Robot Arms and Hands 13
2.1.3 Design of the Robot Waist and Wheeled Mobile Base 18
2.2 Control System of the Humanoid Robot 20
2.2.1 Design of Motor Board for Robotic Servo Control 20
2.2.2 Design of Processor Board for the Decision Maker Part 22
2.2.3 Design of the Image-Processing Subsystem 24
2.3 Whole Control System of the Humanoid Robot 26
2.4 Design of Servo Controller of Humanoid Robot 28

3. Kinematic Model and Simulation System of Humanoid Robot 34
3.1 Coordinate System 35
3.2 Coordinate Frames of the Humanoid Robot 38
3.3 Infinitesimal Translation and Rotation of the Robotic Arm 42
3.4 Inverse Kinematics of the Robotic Arm with Redundant Structure 45
3.5 Inverse/Forward Dynamics of the Humanoid Robot 48
3.6 Simulation System of the Humanoid Robot 55
4. Calibration of Visual System and Motion-capture System 58
4.1 Calibration of Visual System 59
4.1.1 Camera Geometry 59
4.1.2 Camera Model Calibration 60
4.1.3 Stereo Vision and Paddle/Eye Calibration 67
4.2 Coordinate Frame of Motion-capture System 69
4.3 Fusion Filter for Motion-capture System 71
4.4 Analysis and Processing of Data from Motion-capture System 72

5. Self-learning for a Humanoid Robotic Ping-Pong Player 76
5.1 Events and States while Playing Ping-Pong 77
5.2 States Estimation of Ball 79
5.3 Prediction using Fuzzy ART 81
5.4 Self-learning using SOM-based Reinforcement Learning 86
5.4.1 Reinforcement Learning and Q-learning 86
5.4.2 SOM-based Reinforcement Learning 88
5.5 Strike Trajectory Generation 93

6. Experimentation 96
6.1 Experimental Setup 96
6.2 Calibration for the Humanoid Robotic Stereo Vision 98
6.3 Experimentation for the Motion-capture System 98
6.4 Experimentation for the Humanoid Robotic Ping-pong Player 103

7. Conclusion 111
7.1 Summary 111
7.2 Future Work 112

Bibliography 114
Appendix A 119
Appendix B 120
Appendix C 124
Biography 126
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