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研究生(外文):Kai-wen Tang
論文名稱(外文):Exploring the Best Strategy for Designing an Internet-Based Instruction System Based on the Intention and Learning Effect of Higher Education Students in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Chih Lin
外文關鍵詞:the most significant routestructural equation model (SEM)Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)Internet-based instruction systemJoinNet
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本研究以科技接受模式 (Technology Acceptance Model, TAM) 為理論架構,加入個人背景資料、認知輔助過程、JoinNet 特性等構面為外部變項,分析台灣高等教育學生使用網路教學系統 (Internet-based instruction system) 製作數位教材之意圖和學習成效,再透過外部變項到使用意圖和學習成效等構面的最顯著關係路徑,探討網路教學系統之最佳設計策略。本研究之網路教學系統為在台灣使用率較高的 JoinNet,研究對象為近兩年選修數位學習課程、並有 JoinNet 使用經驗的大學生;本研究以問卷調查進行,問卷內容分三大部份,包含:個人背景資料、實際使用 JoinNet 情形、開放式問項。本研究提出八個假設,再以皮爾森相關法 (Pearson Correlation)、路徑分析法 (path analysis) 和結構方程模式 (structural equation model, SEM) 驗證。研究結果顯示:使用者的個人背景資料和認知輔助過程、JoinNet 特性等,皆會透過認知有用性和認知易用性等兩項內在動機,影響使用意圖和學習成效;從個人背景資料的分析得知:對製作數位教材的興趣是影響使用意圖的關鍵因素;從 JoinNet 特性開始,研究架構內到使用意圖的最顯著關係路徑會經過認知易用性,到學習成效的最顯著關係路徑則會經過認知有用性,可知系統目標若是使用意圖,系統設計應以提升使用者認知易用性為主要策略,若是學習成效,則應以提升使用者認知有用性為主要策略。
The purpose of this study is to explore the best design strategy for designing an Internet-based instruction system based on the intention and learning effect of Taiwanese higher education students toward using JoinNet. We tried to verify the relationships among the three constructs of the personal profile, the cognitive instrumental process, and the system quality and those in Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). We also tried to find the most significant route from one of the three constructs to the intention and learning effect. Such a route can be used to represent the best strategy for designing an Internet-based instruction system. To gather empirical data, a questionnaire with three parts, including the personal profile, the experience of using a JoinNet, and open-ended items, were designed. Our participants were 113 undergraduate students who had taken an E-Learning class in the past two years. Pearson correlation, path analysis and structural equation model (SEM) were used to verify our proposed eight hypotheses. According to analysis results, the personal profile, the cognitive instrumental process, and the system quality will affect the attitude, intention, and learning effect of students through the perceived usefulness and the perceived ease of use. The interest in producing digital materials is a dominant that affects user satisfaction. Starting from the system quality, the most significant route to the intention is through the perceived ease of use. And the most significant route to learning effect is through the perceived usefulness. Accordingly, we can conclude two promising strategies for designing an Internet-based instruction system.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致 謝 iii
目 錄 v
表 目 錄 vi
圖 目 錄 vii
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題 2
1.3 研究限制 3
1.4 論文架構 3
第二章 文 獻 探 討 4
2.1 數位學習 4
2.2 數位教材 5
2.3 網路教學系統 5
2.4 科技接受模式 7
2.5其它構面探討 10
2.6 最顯著關係路徑 12
第三章 研 究 方 法 13
3.1 研究架構與假設 13
3.2 操作型定義和問卷 14
3.3 研究對象與實驗流程 16
3.4 資料處理分析 18
3.5 兩學年度樣本之變異數同質性假設 19
3.6 預試問卷分析 20
第四章 結 果 與 討 論 22
4.1 JoinNet 實務課程觀察 22
4.2 個人背景資料 24
4.3 實際使用 JoinNet 情形 31
4.4 最顯著關係路徑 35
4.5 結構方程模式 37
4.6 開放式問項 43
4.7 探討不同的構面—98 學年度樣本 43
第五章 結 論 45
參 考 文 獻 47
附 錄 一 53
附 錄 二 56
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