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研究生(外文):Chien-Hung Chiu
論文名稱(外文):Effect of xylanase pretreatment on oxygen delignification of Eucalyptus kraft pulp
指導教授(外文):Chun-Han Ko
外文關鍵詞:Xylanaseoxygen bleachingbleachabilityselectivityhexenuronic acid
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在本次的研究,酵素添加於尤加利硫酸鹽漿氧漂前,探討對其日後助漂的效果。漿料分為高卡巴值和低卡巴值,在進入氧漂階段前,分別以木聚醣酶 (每克絕乾重漿料添加10 IU,反應溫度為65oC,反應時間為60分鐘) 為前處理。在99oC下,分別經過0、15、30、45、60分鐘的氧漂處理,以60分鐘處理後的效果為最佳,可以有效去減少卡巴漿料和高卡巴漿料中的卡巴值,並提高低卡巴漿料和高卡巴值漿料的黏度,分別為6.4o/o和1.3o/o;移除殘餘木質素的能力分別為17o/o和13o/o,並且增加了紙漿的可漂性和選擇性。

The pulp industry was trying to change and improve the old bleaching sequences to decrease the dosage of bleaching chemicals and environmental pollution furthermore increase the pulp properties. Currently the most important application of enzymes is in the pre-bleaching of kraft pulp. Xylanase enzymes have been found to be most effective for that purpose.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of xylanase (Pulpzyme HC) pre-treatment and oxygen bleaching time on Eucalyptus globules kraft pulp. Unbleached pulps, divided into low kappa number and high kappa number, were pre-treated with xylanase (10 IU/g of oven-dried pulp, 65oC) before oxygen delignification stage. After varying oxygen bleaching time, ranges from 0, 15, 30, 45, and 60 min and the temperature maintained at 99oC, it enhanced the removal of the kappa number of low and high kappa number pulps after 60 min reaction, besides, the viscosity of those can be enhanced to 6.4o/o and 1.3o/o at final oxygen delignification, respectively; the residual lignin can be removed 17o/o and 13o/o, respectively. Besides, it enhanced the bleachability and selectivity of pulp.
The removal of hexenuronic acid (HexA) has attracted a lot of concerns, because HexA will react with potassium permanganate so that increase the consumption of bleaching chemical agents. The HexA contents in the low kappa number and high kappa number contribute kappa number about 18.0o/o and 13.1o/o. The result showed that the dosage of bleaching agent will be reduced as the removal of hexenuronic acid.

審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Index vi
Table index viii
Figure index ix
I.Introduction 1
II.Literature reviews 3
2.1 Xylanase 3
2.2 Hexenuronic acid 6
2.2.1 Characterization 6
2.2.2 Formation during kraft cooking 7
2.2.3 Measurement methods 9
2.3 Chromophoric compounds 11
2.4 Oxygen bleaching 12
III.Materials and methods 14
3.1 Preparation of kraft pulp 14
3.2 Oxygen bleaching 15
3.3 Enzymatic pretreatment 16
3.4 Ethanol-toluene extractives 19
3.5 Residual lignin 19
3.6 DE bleaching sequence 19
3.7 Analytic methods 20
3.8 Measurement of hexenuronic acid 21
3.9 Analysis of chromophores 23
IV.Results and discussions 25
4.1 Ethanol-toluene extractives 25
4.2 Hexenuronic acid 28
4.3 Kappa number and residual lignin 30
4.4 Viscosity 36
4.5 Chromophoric groups 38
4.6 Selectivity and bleachability 44
4.7 Properties of xylanase pretreatment after DE bleaching 47
V.Conclusions 52
VI.References 54

Table index
Table 1 Conditions of xylanase pre-treatment and pulping 17
Table 2 Conditions of unbleached kraft pulps 18
Table 3 Conditions in bleaching sequence 20
Table 4 Properties of low kappa number kraft pulp after oxygen delignification 27
Table 5 Properties of high kappa number kraft pulp after oxygen delignification 28
Table 6 Lignin content of low kappa number kraft pulp 31
Table 7 Lignin content of high kappa number kraft pulp 31
Table 8 Molecular weight of alkaline extractives 43
Table 9 Results of low kappa number pulps oxygen bleaching 46
Table 10 Results of high kappa number pulps oxygen bleaching 47
Table 11 Properties of kraft pulps bleached during DE bleaching sequence 48

Figure Index
Fig. 1 A hypothetical plant xylan structure showing different subsituent groups with sites of attack by microbial xylanase 4
Fig. 2 Functionality of HexA groups attached to xylanFig. 3 Proposed pathways of HexA during acid degradation 7
Fig. 4 Extractives of kraft pulp after varying oxygen delignification time 26
Fig. 5 Relationship between kappa number and oxygen bleaching time 32
Fig. 6 Relationship between total lignin content and oxygen bleaching time 32
Fig. 7 Impact of HexA contents on oxygen delignification of low kappa number pulps with xylanase pre-treatment determined by kappa number 34
Fig. 8 Impact of HexA contents on oxygen delignification of low kappa number pulps without xylanase pre-treatment determined by kappa number 35
Fig. 9 Impact of HexA contents on oxygen delignification of high kappa number pulps with xylanase pre-treatment determined by kappa number 35
Fig. 10 Impact of HexA contents on oxygen delignification of high kappa number pulps without xylanase pre-treatment determined by kappa number 36
Fig. 11 Relationship between viscosity and oxygen bleaching time 37
Fig. 12 Viscosity as a function of kappa number during oxygen delignification 38
Fig. 13 RI signals of alkaline extraction from high kappa number pulp with xylanase pre-treatment 39
Fig. 14 RI signals of alkaline extraction from high kappa number pulp without xylanase pre-treatment 40
Fig. 15 RI signals of alkaline extraction from low kappa number pulp with xylanase pre-treatment 40
Fig. 16 RI signals of alkaline extraction from low kappa number pulp without xylanase pre-treatment 41
Fig. 17 UV signals of alkaline extraction from high kappa number pulp with xylanase pre-treatment 41
Fig. 18 UV signals of alkaline extraction from high kappa number pulp without xylanase pre-treatment 42
Fig. 19 UV signals of alkaline extraction from low kappa number pulp with xylanase pre-treatment 42
Fig. 20 UV signals of alkaline extraction from low kappa number pulp without xylanase pre-treatment 43
Fig. 21 Kappa number of high (down) and low (up) kappa number pulps after DE bleaching 49
Fig. 22 Brightness results of high (down) and low (up) kappa number pulps after DE bleaching 50
Fig. 23 Viscosity results of high (down) and low (up) kappa number pulps after DE bleaching 51

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