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研究生(外文):Chun-Wei Peng
論文名稱(外文):Ontological Information Service Platform for Rehabilitation with Multi-Agent and Evidence-based Medicine Support
指導教授(外文):Chuan-Jun Su
外文關鍵詞:Rehabilitation medicineOntologyEvidence-based medicineKnowledge-based systemAgent technology
  • 被引用被引用:1
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Information technologies have played key roles in a wide range of applications such as hospital wards, operating rooms, emergency departments, and rehabilitation centers. This dominating role of information technology has made biomedical knowledge and data more accessible for human comprehension, comparison, analysis and communication. In this context, ontology has been recognized in the bioinformatics literature as a suitable technique for advancing knowledge and data representations in Biomedicine. With the enhancement of automated reasoning and graphical visualization, ontology technology is capable of providing support for human comprehensibility as well as in dealing with the complexity inherent to this domain.
Rehabilitation medicine has become an important part of medicine field, which is apposition to preventive medicine, health care medicine and clinic medicine.
In this thesis, we describe our development of ontology-based application OntRis for providing rehabilitation information service, and use Agent technology to search exist ontologies on the internet and combine with the foundation ontology on the OntRis which enhance OntRis makes it provide more information related to rehabilitation. The OntRis is designed for patients to acquire comprehensive information about his/her prescribed rehabilitation with evidence-based medicine supported tips to expedite recovery. Moreover, the OntRis can also serve as an interactive learning platform for people who are interested in rehabilitation medicine.

Acknowledgements iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
List of Figures ix
List of Tables x
List of Tables x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Background and Motivation 1
1.2. Research Objective 7
1.3. Research Overview 7
Chapter 2 Literature Review 9
2.1. Traditional database approach to medical KBS 9
2.2. Ontology 10
2.2.1. The concept and definition of ontology 10
2.2.2. Ontology components 12
2.2.3. Ontology language 13
2.2.4. OWL 16
2.2.5. Ontology tools 18 Protégé-OWL Editor 18 TopBraid Composer Maestro Edition 19
2.2.6. Building domain ontology 20
2.2.7. Search ontologies on internet 21
2.3. Ontology base medical KBS 22
2.4. Mobile Agent Technology 23
2.4.1. Mobile Agent 23
2.4.2. JADE 25
2.5. Evidence-based medicine and Systematic reviews 26
2.5.1. Cochrane Library 27
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 28
3.1. OntoRis platform design 28
3.2. Agent Environment in OntoRis 29
3.2.1. Agent Containers 30
3.2.2. User Agent 31
3.2.3. Discovery Agent 32
3.2.4. Update Agent 32
3.2.5. Resource Agent 33
3.3. Ontology-based Knowledge Engine 33
3.3.1. Rehabilitation Ontology 34
3.3.2. Inference engine 36
3.3.3. Query engine 38
3.4. User Interface 39
Chapter 4 Implementation 40
4.1 Hardware and software configuration 40
4.2 Initiating the platform 41
4.2.1 Design of Rehabilitation Ontology 41
4.2.2 Query & Inference in Knowledge Engine 46
4.2.3 Agent Environment 47
4.3 Demonstration of Usage Scenario: Using agent to enhance OntRis – an administrator’s perspective. 50
4.4 Demonstration of implement scenario: Acquiring knowledge regarding rehabilitation - from a user’s perspective. 55
Chapter 5 Conclusion Remarks and Future Works 61
5.1 Conclusions 61
5.2 Limitations 61
5.2 Future works 62
Reference 64

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