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論文名稱(外文):A study of the Relationship among Personnel Staff’s role stress, Dual organizational commitment and Career Satisfaction: A Case Study in Kaohsiung City Government Personnel Department
外文關鍵詞:Personnel StaffRole stressDual organization commitmentCareer Satisfaction
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1. 人事人員角色壓力對職涯滿足具有負向顯著的影響。
2. 人事人員主管機關組織承諾對職涯滿足具有正向顯著的影響;人事人員服務機關組織承諾對職涯滿足具有正向顯著的影響。
3. 人事人員角色壓力對主管機關組織承諾具有負向顯著的影響;人事人員角色壓力對服務機關組織承諾具有負向顯著的影響‧
4. 人事人員的主管機關組織承諾對角色模糊與職涯滿足間之關係具有部分中介效果;人事人員的主管機關組織承諾對角色衝突與職涯滿足間之關係具有完全中介效果;人事人員的服務機關組織承諾對角色模糊與職涯滿足間之關係具有部分中介效果;人事人員的服務機關組織承諾對角色衝突與職涯滿足間之關係具有完全中介效果。
5. 人事人員不同人口變項在角色壓力、雙組織承諾及職涯滿足有顯著差異性。
A object of this study is to explore the extent of role stress and its impact on Dual organizational commitment and career satisfaction that Personnel Staff in Kaohsiung City Government Personnel Department could face while advancing diverse human Public Service. This study collected data from Personnel Staff in Kaohsiung City Government Personnel Department through convenience sampling. Of the returned questionnaires, 367 were usable. The results via empirical analysis indicate:
1.Personnel Staff’s role stress has significant and negative influence on career satisfaction.
2.Personnel Staff’s Personnel Administration organizational commitment has significant and positive influence on career satisfaction.;Personnel Staff’s Service agencies organizational commitment has significant and positive influence on career satisfaction.
3.Personnel Staff’s role stress has significant and negative influence on Personnel Administration organizational commitment.;Personnel Staff’s role stress has significant and negative influence on Service agencies organizational commitment .
4.Personnel Staff’s Personnel Administration organizational commitment has partial mediating effects on the relationship between role ambiguity and career satisfaction;Personnel Staff’s Personnel Administration organizational commitment has full mediating effects on the relationship between role conflict and career satisfaction;Personnel Staff’s Service agencies organizational commitment has partial mediating effects on the relationship between role ambiguity and career satisfaction;Personnel Staff’s Service agencies organizational commitment has full mediating effects on the relationship between role conflict and career satisfaction.
5.Personnel Staff’s different demographic has significant difference on role stress, Dual organizational commitment, and career satisfaction.
According to the study results, this study provides suggestions for Personnel Administration:
1.Reposition Personnel Staff’s role to increase Personnel Staff’s Personnel Administration organizational commitment.
2.Developing the strategic partner role of Personnel Staff to decrease role conflict and increase their career satisfaction.
3.Simplify personnel routine affairs to increase Personnel Staff’s Personnel Administration organizational commitment.
4.Authorized personnel staff participation in making decisions to increase Personnel Staff’s Personnel Administration organizational commitment.
5.Implement the performance appraisal system, and establish a fair and equitable promotion system and the opportunities for incentives in any time.
6.Adjust the personnel agency standards reasonably, and implement the personnel staffing.
According to the study results, this study provides suggestions for Service Agencies:
1.Enhance the identity between the executive and colleagues, and to respect professionalism on personnel staff;
2.Enhance satisfaction of mission and of belonging for personnel staffs, willing to pay for the work;
3.Improving the professional learning of colleagues, and glad to work for organization.
According to the study results, this study provides suggestions for Personnel Staff:
1.Continuously learning to improve Personnel Staff’s professional role and responsibilities.
2.Using coordination and communication to resolve conflicts of dual subordination.
3.Emphasis on leisure time.
4.Make the using of employee support timely.
誌謝 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ⅰ
中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ⅱ
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV
目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI
表目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VIII
圖目錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X
第一章 緒論-------------------------------------------- 1
第一節 研究背景與動機-------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究目的與問題-------------------------------- 5
第三節 研究範圍與流程-------------------------------- 6
第四節 研究方法與限制-------------------------------- 8
第二章 文獻探討---------------------------------------- 10
第一節 人事人員-------------------------------------- 10
第二節 角色壓力-------------------------------------- 21
第三節 雙組織承諾------------------------------------ 51
第四節 職涯滿足-------------------------------------- 70
第五節 各研究變項之關係------------------------------ 82
第三章 研究方法---------------------------------------- 91
第一節 研究架構-------------------------------------- 91
第二節 研究假設-------------------------------------- 92
第三節 研究變項之操作性定義-------------------------- 93
第四節 分析工具-------------------------------------- 99
第五節 研究範圍、研究對象與抽樣方法------------------ 101
第六節 因素分析與信度檢定---------------------------- 102
第四章 實證結果與分析---------------------------------- 108
第一節 樣本基本資料分析------------------------------ 108
第二節 各研究構面之整體性資料分析-------------------- 112
第三節 各研究變項間之相關分析------------------------ 117
第四節 各研究變項間之迴歸分析------------------------ 119
第五節 雙組織承諾之中介效果分析---------------------- 124
第六節 不同個人屬性在各研究變項上之差異性分析-------- 129
第五章 結論與建議-------------------------------------- 151
第一節 研究結論-------------------------------------- 151
第二節 管理意涵與研究建議---------------------------- 164
參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------ 169
附錄 ------------------------------------------------ 193
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1. 政府部門人事人員角色壓力與幸福感之相關研究
2. 學校人事人員角色衝突及其因應策略之研究-以桃竹苗四縣市國民中小學為例
3. 人事人員工作負荷與工作滿意度關係之研究-以高雄市政府所屬機關學校人事人員為例
4. 高雄市人事人員角色壓力與工作投入之相關研究-以激勵因素為調解變項
5. 生涯自我效能、生涯復原力與職涯滿足關係之研究-以生涯管理行為為中介變項
6. 學校人事人員的角色期望、角色壓力、角色踐行、組織承諾與工作倦怠之關聯性研究-以嘉義縣市高中職國中國小為例
7. 臺東縣國民中、小學專任人事人員角色扮演認知及因應策略之研究
8. 國立大專校院人事主任轉型領導、人事人員組織承諾與創新工作行為之關係
9. 人事人員工作滿足與組織承諾之探討-以屏東縣政府人事處暨所屬人事機構為例
10. 臺中市國民小學人事人員工作壓力與工作滿意度之研究
11. 壓力來源、員工協助方案與工作績效關係之研究:以台灣中油公司為例
12. 組織成員之主動人格特質、知覺組織支持與職涯滿足關係之研究:以生涯自我管理為中介變項
13. 臺北縣公立學校人事人員集中辦公制度與組織認同之研究臺北縣公立學校人事人員集中辦公制度與組織認同之研究
14. 臺北市國民中小學人事人員工作壓力與調適方式關係之研究
15. 組織變革中逆境商數與專業承諾間之關係-以臺中市國民小學人事人員為例