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研究生(外文):Shu-wen Chang
論文名稱(外文):The relationship between "the degree of knowledge application” and the economic growth in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Li-hsuan Huang
外文關鍵詞:“The degree of applying workers’ knowledge”human capitaleconomic growth
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實證估計結果發現:以不同方式衡量「學用配合度」指標來探討與經濟成長關係,「學用配合度」指標與經濟成長呈現正向顯著關係,隨著一個國家之「學用配合度」越低,表示勞動者之生產力在勞動市場上越沒有效率,其對經濟成長負面影響效果越高,使整體經濟成長率趨於緩慢,影響效果介於-1.68%至-17.74%之間。即使控制其他總體變數作頑強性分析(robustness test)。
In recent decades, the workers in Taiwan have improved their educational attainment remarkably, but it is not sure that their educational attainment can fit the demand of the labor market or not. Previous macroeconomic models assume that higher educational attainment can raise the human capitals accumulation. In this study, we focus on the issue regarding the degree of knowledge application and economic growth rate. The degree of knowledge application might influence the wage payments of the workers and the work satisfaction, which are the key points of the workers’ productivity. We discuss the issue of the interaction between “the degree of knowledge application” and the labor’s productivity, and explore the effects on the overall economy. In this study, we use the data of the Manpower Utilization Survey of Taiwan from 1978 to 2010 and construct five measurements for the aggregate degrees of knowledge application. We first expand the endogenous growth model, where the Cobb-Douglas technology is assumed. Empirically, the relationship between the degrees of knowledge application and the economic growth is studied.
The empirical results demonstrate that using different ways to measure the relationship between “the degree of knowledge application” and the economic growth can obtain a positive and significant result. The lower “the degree of knowledge application” is, the more inefficient the labor market and the higher the negative effect on economic growth, ranging from -1.68% to -17.74%. We further control for other macroeconomic variables to do the robustness test. The above negative findings still apply.
一、 序論...................................................................................................................................1
二、 文獻回顧...........................................................................................................................4
2-1 人力資本對經濟成.....................................................................................................4
2-2 配適度程度對經濟體影響.........................................................................................6
2-3 配適度程度之衡量方法.............................................................................................6
三、 實證結果方法...................................................................................................................9
3-1 理論模型.....................................................................................................................9
3-2 實證模型...................................................................................................................13
四、 資料來源與變數分析.....................................................................................................15
4-1 資料來源...................................................................................................................15
4-2 樣本資料分析...........................................................................................................16
4-2-1 勞動配適程度指標-LMIA..............................................................................16
4-2-2 勞動配適程度指標-LMIB..............................................................................16
4-3 變數資料建構...........................................................................................................20
4-4 δ教育報酬的估算....................................................................................................24
五、 實證結果分析...................................................................................................................26
5-1 LMIA對經濟成長的影響..........................................................................................26
5-2 LMIB~LMIE對經濟成長的效果............................................................................28
5-3 頑強分析--- 以LMIA指標為例.............................................................................29
5-3-1 控制其他總體變數............................................................................................30
5-3-2 控制政府變數....................................................................................................31
六、 結論...................................................................................................................................34
附錄一 主計處現行人力低度運用「教育與職業不相稱」之判別標準...............................38
附錄二 人力運用調查之職業分類標準...............................................................................40
附錄三 其他總體變數建構與資料來源...............................................................................44
附錄四 認知能力變數...........................................................................................................45
附錄五 Eindex2:衡量不同勞動配適程度對經濟成長影響...............................................47
附錄六 Eindex2:控制政府變數,衡量LMIA的影響效果..................................................48
附錄七 Eindex2:控制政府變數,衡量LMIA的影響效果..................................................49
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