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研究生(外文):Pei-ji Ma
論文名稱(外文):Body SAR Study of the WLAN Antennas for Tablet PC Application
指導教授(外文):Kin-Lu Wong
外文關鍵詞:Monopole slot antennaShorted monopole antennaLoop antennaTablet computer antennasMonopole antennaSpecific absorption rateMobile antennasBody SARWLAN antennas
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為了瞭解不同操作機制之天線與其造成人體所吸收的電波能量之關聯性,本論文提出一系列操作於WLAN頻帶的平板電腦天線設計,分別是耦合饋入短路單極天線、耦合饋入迴圈天線、寬頻短路單極天線以及單極槽孔天線,並且對前述天線進行body SAR的模擬測試,分析在使用者以不同方式操作平板電腦時平板電腦天線的SAR值表現,比較不同操作機制之天線的SAR值表現。同時也分析在相同配置下改變天線與測試模型之間的距離時,天線SAR值的變化,找出天線與測試模型間所需要的最小距離以通過SAR規範。結果顯示耦合饋入迴圈天線具有較低的body SAR值,詳細的數據與分析在本論文中說明。最後並比較平面結構的天線與具有彎折的立體結構的天線兩者SAR值表現的差異。
In this thesis, a comparison of the body SAR value of five planar WLAN antennas including two coupled-fed shorted monopole antennas, a coupled-fed loop antenna, a monopole antenna, and a monopole slot antenna for tablet PC applications are presented. A required minimum distance between the antenna and the testing flat phantom to meet the 1-g body SAR requirement of 1.6 W/kg has been determined. Results show that the body SAR results of the coupled-fed loop antenna are lowest among the five tested antennas. Detailed results and discussion are presented in this thesis. Also, a comparison of the body SAR value of a planar antenna and an antenna with 3-D bent structure are presented.
第一章 序論 (Introduction) .........................................................................................1
1.1 研究動機.........................................................................................................1
1.2 文獻導覽.........................................................................................................2
1.3 論文提要.........................................................................................................3
第二章 應用於平板電腦的無線區域網路天線設計(WLAN Antennas for Tablet PC Application)................................................................................................4
2.1 平板電腦中天線的配置方式.........................................................................4
2.2 天線設計結構及原理.....................................................................................5
2.3 心得與討論...................................................................................................14
第三章平板電腦WLAN天線設計之人體電波能量吸收研究(Study of the Body SAR of WLAN Antennas for Tablet PC).......................................................15
3.1 Body SAR測試方式介紹及參數設定........................................................15
3.2 Body SAR測試模型配置方式....................................................................16
3.3 Body SAR模擬結果及分析........................................................................19
3.4 減少天線與測試模型間距之於SAR值變化.............................................31
3.5 心得與討論...................................................................................................35
第四章 具有彎折立體結構之天線的Body SAR分析(Analysis of the Body SAR of Antennas with 3-D Bent Structure)................................................................37

4.1 具有彎折立體結構之天線設計...................................................................37
4.2 Body SAR模擬結果及分析........................................................................40
4.3 心得與討論...................................................................................................44
第五章 結論 (Conclusions) .......................................................................................45
參考文獻 (References) ...............................................................................................47
論文著作表 (Publication List) ...................................................................................51
參 考 文 獻
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