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研究生(外文):Wan-Chan Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Marital Behavior for Females in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Erh-Rou Lai
外文關鍵詞:marital behaviordelayed marriagewomen’s economic independence hypothese
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The two purposes of this study were (a) exploring marriage change in Taiwan; and (b) finding the relative factors of perspectives of the economic, and personal background and characteristics, to exam how such factors influences martial behavior on Taiwanese women. Data are from the Taiwan Social Change Survey conducted by the Academia Sinica Institute of Sociology. According to different purposes, we used two dataset (i.e., one is four rounds data from the year 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2006, and the other is single year data of the year 2006 ) to test hypotheses by regression analysis.
According to the results, the effect of less marriage and delayed marriage was increased over time. If the birth cohort was younger, the tendency toward less marriage and delayed marriage would be more significant. In addition to, the change of marital behavior for women was more violent than men. About exploring the the relatives factors of marital behavior, this section was divided into two parts. First, regarding the discussion on the relatives factors of ever married or not, the findings indicate that women who were higher educated, mainlanders, lived in metropolitan areas, and with more modern sex role attitudes would lower their likelihood of entering marriage. Second, concerning the relatives factors of age of marriage, women who were higher educated, higher occupational status would delay their time of marriage. According to the results of two aspects, we conclude that the ability of economic independence is the most important key to influence martial behavior on Taiwanese women.

第壹章 緒論...............................................................................................1
第一節 研究動機與研究目的.......................................................... 1
第二節 研究重要性.......................................................................... 5
第貳章 理論與文獻探討...........................................................................8
第一節 台灣地區人口婚姻狀況之變遷.......................................... 8
第二節 婚姻意義之轉變.................................................................12
第三節 婚姻理論與相關實證研究.................................................15
第參章 研究設計.....................................................................................28
第一節 資料來源及樣本選擇.........................................................28
第二節 研究架構及研究假設.........................................................33
第三節 變項定義及測量.................................................................36
第四節 分析方法與程序.................................................................42
第肆章 研究結果……………………………...………………………..44
第一節 台灣民眾婚姻變遷之情形.................................................44
第二節 影響台灣女性婚姻行為之相關因素探討.........................51
第三節 小結…...…………………………………………………..71
第伍章 結論與建議………………………………………………….....73
第一節 結論.....................................................................................73
第二節 研究限制.............................................................................77
第三節 建議.....................................................................................78
參考文獻.................................................................................................... 80
附錄I 問卷題目、變項轉換與操作.................................................85
附錄II 台灣地區歷年育齡婦女年齡別生育率................................88

圖1-1.1 1951-2009年台灣生育率............................................................1
圖1-1.2 1999年和2009年台灣地區未婚比例........................................2
圖1-2.1 台灣地區歷年育齡婦女年齡別生育率......................................6
圖2-1.1 台灣地區兩性之平均初婚年齡................................................10
圖3-2.1 研究架構圖................................................................................34

表1-2.1 「一對情侶住在一起,即使沒有結婚的打算也沒什麼關係」各國回答百分比...........................................................................................5
表2-1.1 台灣地區兩性未婚比例年齡組分............................................11
表3-1.1 「台灣社會變遷基本調查」家庭組四期資料之原始樣本性別分佈.............................................................................................................30
表3-1.2 以未婚率呈現台灣民眾婚姻變遷之兩性樣本........................31
表3-1.3 以平均結婚年齡呈現台灣民眾婚姻變遷之兩性樣本數…....31
表3-3.1 本研究之所有變項說明與操作................................................40
表3-3.2 變項之樣本分佈特性…………................................................41
表4-1.1 台灣地區兩性未婚比例分佈:調查期間與出生世代之比較..45
表4-1.2 台灣地區兩性平均結婚年齡分佈:調查期間與出生世代之比較….............................................................................................................49
表4-2.1 影響台灣女性是否曾經結婚相關因素[類別變項]之比較.....52
表4-2.2 影響台灣女性是否曾經結婚相關因素[連續變項]之比較….54
表4-2.3 影響台灣女性是否曾經結婚相關因素之自變項及依變項相關矩陣.............................................................................................................56

表4-2.4 響台灣女性是否曾經結婚相關因素之邏輯迴歸分析之自變
表4-2.5 影響台灣女性是否曾經結婚相關因素之邏輯迴歸分析…....58
表4-2.6 影響台灣女性結婚年齡相關因素[類別變項]之比較.............63
表4-2.7 影響台灣女性結婚年齡相關因素[連續變項]之比較.............64
表4-2.8 影響台灣女性結婚年齡相關因素之自變項及依變項相關矩陣.................................................................................................................66
表4-2.9 影響台灣女性結婚年齡相關因素之多元迴歸分析之自變項多元線性重合檢驗結果.................................................................................67
表4-2.10 影響台灣女性結婚年齡相關因素之多元迴歸分析..............68
表4.3.1 本研究之研究假設及其驗證結果............................................72

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