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研究生(外文):An-Ji Ma
論文名稱(外文):The Priming Effects of Applying the Memory Strategies for the Learning of Military Tactics on Creativity and Critical thinking: the Moderating Effect of Regulatory Focus.
指導教授(外文):Fa-Chung Chiu
口試委員(外文):YU-WEN MAHsiao-Chi Ling
外文關鍵詞:perceptual scoperegulatory focusmemory strategies for the learning of military tacticscreativitycritical thinking
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本研究目的在探究「軍事準則記憶策略」促發對創造與批判性思考表現的影響,並探究個體調整焦點特質調節軍事準則記憶策略促發與創造力、批判思考間的關係。實驗一要求60名軍校生進行軍事準則記憶策略-逐字記憶組、要旨記憶組及控制組的作業,之後,測量個體的知覺注意廣度和調整焦點動機。結果發現,逐字記憶促發會使知覺廣度變窄,及誘發預防焦點動機。而要旨記憶會促發促進焦點動機,然而,在知覺廣度上並未變寬。實驗二A對120位軍人進行軍事準則記憶策略-逐字記憶組、要旨記憶組及控制組的促發,之後,進行新編創造思考作業。此外,在促發前先施測調整焦點特質量表。結果發現,要旨記憶組在創造力表現上高於逐字記憶組,然而,個體調整焦點並未調節軍事準則記憶策略促發與創造力表現間的關係。實驗二B對120位軍人進行軍事準則記憶策略-逐字記憶組、要旨記憶組及控制組的促發,之後,進行批判思考作業。此外,在促發前先施測調整焦點特質量表。結果發現,逐字記憶組在批判性思考 (華—葛氏批判性思考作業) 表現上高於要旨記憶組,而個體調整焦點特質對軍事準則記憶策略與批判性思考表現的關係有調節效果。實驗三對40位軍人進行「準則背誦回憶組」、「控制組」的促發,之後,進行新編創造思考作業及批判性思考測驗。結果發現,準則背誦回憶組在新編創造思考作業表現上,獨創力低於控制組,然而,在流暢力及變通力上則沒有差異。此外,準則背誦回憶組在批判性思考作業表現上則高於控制組。綜合上述可知,逐字記憶可以促發個體知覺廣度變窄、促發個體預防焦點及提升批判性思考,而要旨記憶可以促發個體促進焦點及提升創造力。而在情境促發方面,回憶背誦軍事準則的情形會提升個體批判性思考,然而,卻會降低個體的獨創力。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the priming effects of applying the memory strategies for the learning of military tactics on creativity and critical thinking, and used regulatory focus as the moderating variable. In experiment 1, Sixty Participants were induced verbatim memories, gist memories and control group, then measure subjects’ perceptual scope and regulatory focus motives. The result found that verbatim memories could induce subjects’ local processing style and prevention focus motives, while the gist memories could not induce subjects’ global processing style, but induce promotion focus motives. In experiment 2A, it activated the verbatim memories, gist memories and control group subjects on one hundred twenty soldiers, then, did New Creativity Assessment. Take the “Regulatory Focus Questionnaire” before the activation. The result was that gist memories group has higher performance of creativity (New Creativity Assessment) than verbatim memories group, but it could not moderate the relationship between memory strategies for the learning of military tactics and creativity. In experiment 2B, it activated the verbatim memories, gist memories and control group subjects on one hundred twenty soldiers, then, did Critical Thinking Appraisal. Take the “Regulatory Focus Questionnaire” before the activation. The result was that verbatim memories group has higher performance of critical thinking than gist memories group, and it could also moderate the relationship between memory strategies for the learning of military tactics and critical thinking. In experiment 3, it activated the military principle recall and control group on forty soldiers. After activation, did emotion test、new creativity assessment and critical thinking appraisal. The result found that principle recall group has lower performance of originality (one dimension of New Creativity Assessment) than control group, while it did not have different on fluency and flexibility (both are dimensions of New Creativity Assessment). Furthermore that principle recall group has higher performance of critical thinking than control group. The findings show that verbatim memories could activate local processing style and promote prevention focus motives、critical thinking. Gist memories could promote promotion focus motives and creativity. Recall reciting principle could promote critical thinking, but decrease originality.
謝詞 Ⅰ
摘要 Ⅲ
英文摘要 Ⅴ
目錄 Ⅶ
表目錄 Ⅸ
圖目錄 Ⅹ
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 創造力的定義 7
第二節 創造思考之認知機制 10
第三節 批判性思考 16
第四節 軍事準則記憶策略 18
第五節 軍事準則記憶策略對創造力及批判性思考的影響 23
第六節 軍事準則記憶策略與調整焦點適配對創造力、批判性思考影響 32
第三章 實驗一 35
第四章 實驗二A 42
第四章 實驗二B 52
第五章 實驗三 60
第六章 綜合討論 65
第一節研究結果摘要 65
第二節研究結果意涵 68
第三節 研究限制 74
第四節 未來研究建議 75
第五節 研究結果的應用 78
第六節 結語 79
參考文獻 80
附錄1 逐字記憶指導語 93
附錄2 要旨記憶指導語 94
附錄3 控制組指導語 95
附錄4 情緒、動機評定問卷 96
附錄5 連連看 97
附錄6 調整焦點特質量表 98
附錄7 新編創造思考測驗使用同意書 99

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