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研究生(外文):Yu-Feng Peng
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Application of Controller in the Rack Cooling System
外文關鍵詞:IDCPIDPUEPLCEnergy Conservation
  • 被引用被引用:4
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實驗結果得知,在定冷卻水溫實驗下最大負載的PUE為1.47,而在變冷卻水溫實驗下PUE為1.42,此結果與國內機房實際量測PUE平均值為1.9,和美國ASHRAE之300RT 等級之標準PUE值為1.52相較之下,其機櫃冷卻系統之電能使用效率皆優於國內外之案例。

This study aims on the application of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) associates with PID control on Rack Cooling system. In order to achieve the target point accurately, steadily and faster, the controller is designed based on the variation characteristic between the superheated temperature set point and the actual superheated temperature. The rack cooling system is a closed loop (In-Row) system. The IT equipment cooling load in the rack is simulated by electric heater, which can be removed by the rack cooling system if IT rack is tied with cooling system rack. This research used the PLC controller to monitor the operating parameters and pass the parameter values to the computer. Once the optimum PID parameters were calculated by computer program, the control signal was sent back to the PLC for the optimum superheat control of electronic expansion valve of the evaporator.
In the research, Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) was used to evaluate the optimum operating point of the cooling system for different condenser water temperature and cooling load for the sake of energy saving.
The results show that the PUE could be 1.47 at maximum cooling load point, and 1.42 at lower cooling water temperature. This maximum PUE is much better than the average PUE 1.9 of the surveyed data in Taiwan and also better than the PUE 1.52 of ASHRAE for a 300RT cooling system.

摘 要 i
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧與探討 2
1.3 研究目的 6
第二章 系統辨識與PID控制方法 7
2.1 系統辨識 7
2.2 Ziegler-Nichols法則 9
2.2.1 頻率響應法 9
2.2.2 步階響應法 11
2.3 傳統PID控制 12
2.3.1 PID控制架構 16
2.3.2 PID控制器應用 18
第三章 IDC設備類型與能源效率 21
3.1 IDC機房空調系統類型 21
3.1.1 外氣預先處理空調系統 21
3.1.2 直膨式空調系統 22
3.1.3 中央空調系統 23
3.2 IDC機房空調設計與送風方式 25
3.2.1 高架地板送風方式 27
3.2.2 頂板(天花板)分配方式 28
3.2.3 出風口的配置 29
3.3 IT設備散熱方式 30
3.3.1 冷熱通道概念 30
3.3.2 IT風扇擺設位置 33
3.3.3 背板式冰水熱交換系統 34
3.4 IDC能源效率評估方式 35
第四章 實驗設備介紹 37
4.1 設備與系統配置 37
4.1.1 機櫃冷卻系統之架構 37
4.1.2 實驗設備簡介 40
4.1.3 控制與通訊 45
4.2 量測方法與位置 47
4.2.1 量測設備 48
第五章 結果與討論 54
5.1 機櫃冷卻系統PID控制 54
5.2 定冷卻水溫實驗結果 56
5.2.1 定冷卻水溫結果分析 57
5.3 變冷卻水溫實驗結果 58
5.3.1 變冷卻水溫結果分析 59
第六章 結論 61
6.1 研究結論 61
6.2 後續研究建議 62
參考文獻 63

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