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研究生(外文):Shu-wen, Chang
論文名稱(外文):Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling to Investigate the Influence of Attitudinal Belief and Internationalization on Knowledge Sharing
指導教授(外文):Meng-ling, Wu
口試委員(外文):Hsu-mei, LiCheng-Li, Tien
外文關鍵詞:decomposed theory of planned behaviorprofessional virtual communitiesknowledge sharing
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This study extended decomposed theory of planned behavior to analyze what determines PVCs members’ willingness to share knowledge. This paper examines how individual-level variables (expected reward, loss of knowledge, altruism, regret, shyness, and organizational commitment) and group-level variables (expected reward, loss of knowledge, knowledge sharing climate, organizational commitment and Internationalization) influences individual knowledge sharing attitude and how individual knowledge sharing attitude subsequently influences individual knowledge sharing behavior. Data was collected from 545 students comprising 56 departments of university in Taiwan. Hypotheses were tested with both hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) and regression analyses. Results indicated that individual-level variables were all related to individual knowledge sharing attitude. Moreover, group-level loss of knowledge, knowledge sharing climate, and group-level organizational commitment was related to individual knowledge sharing attitude. Finally, the relationships among knowledge sharing attitude, knowledge sharing intention, and knowledge sharing behavior were supported.
中文摘要   ..................... i
英文摘要 ..................... ii
誌謝辭  ...................... iii
內容目錄   .................... iv
圖目錄 ....................... vi
表目錄 ....................... vii
第一章  緒論................... 1
第二章  文獻探討................. 5
  第一節  專業虛擬社群之知識分享........ 5
  第二節  解構計畫行為理論........... 6
  第三節  假說推論............... 8
第三章  研究方法................. 23
  第一節  研究架構............... 23
  第二節  研究對象與資料收集.......... 24
  第三節  操作型定義.............. 25
  第四節  統計方法............... 33
第四章  結果分析................. 36
第一節  信效度分析................ 36
第二節  階層線性模式分析............. 37
第三節  迴歸分析................. 40
第五章  結論與建議................ 42
第一節  研究結論................. 42
第二節  研究意涵................. 46
第三節  研究限制與建議.............. 48
參考文獻 ..................... 49
附錄 ....................... 74

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