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研究生(外文):shih-hung Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):The Work-Related Quality of Life Scale for Social Workers in Non-Profit Organizations of Taiwan.
指導教授(外文):Chao-Chan Wu
外文關鍵詞:Structral equation modelNon-profit organizationQuality of work lifeSocial worker
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Previous research pointed out that good quality of work life (QWL) makes employees more flexible, loyal and proactive. These elements are necessary to the competitiveness organization. Good QWL has a positive association betwenn the organizational performance and difference competitiveness. Although there are many research about measuring QWL, but few research for social workers in Non-profit organization.
This research is report of a study to develop and test the psychometric properties of the QWL scale for social worker in Non-profit organization. This research used data which contains 366 social workers from Non-profit organization in Taiwan. Both exploratory(n1=185) and confirmatory(n2=181) factor analysis using split-half data sets produced a good fit and a reliable 33-item, seven-factor measurement model of QWL scale. The factor generated were labelled: Job and Career Satisfaction, Intrinsic Motivation to Work, Work-Home Interface, Stress at Work, Attitude of The Superior, Respect and Support of Colleagues and Participate in Work’s Decision.
The research finding: First, the relationship between social workers and their colleagues, supervisors of Non-profit organization need to strengthen. Second, administrators should provide the opportunity of decision to social workers. Third, We propose that the QWL scale can appropriately be used in Non-profit organizations to assess QWL of social workers.
謝 誌.........................................................................................................................i
摘 要........................................................................................................................ii
Abstract ........................................................................................................................ iii
3.3.1 研究樣本數討論................................................................................32
3.3.2 因素分析............................................................................................33
3.3.3 信、效度與模型配適度....................................................................35
4.1 問卷回收與樣本特徵...................................................................................39
4.2 非營利組織社工員工作生活品質量表問項發展.......................................42
4.2.1 題項精簡............................................................................................42
4.2.2 構面的決定與命名............................................................................47
4.2.3 信度分析............................................................................................51
4.3 驗證性因素分析...........................................................................................53
4.3.1 第一次驗證性因素分析....................................................................53
4.3.2 第二次驗證性因素分析....................................................................57
4.3.3 驗證模型的信、效度分析................................................................59
4.3.4 COMBINED 再次驗證.....................................................................62
4.4 探討非營利組織社工員工作生活品質量表...............................................67
5.1 結論...............................................................................................................74
5.2 管理意涵.......................................................................................................76
5.3 研究限制.......................................................................................................78
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