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研究生(外文):Sui Chin Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Career Barriers and Decision Makingof Roaming Teacher
指導教授(外文):Sui Ming Wu
外文關鍵詞:Roaming TeacherA Study on Career Barriers and Decision Making
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摘 要
The purpose of this study was to discuss relationships between motives that substitute teachers chose for their career at an elementary school, the barriers they encountered and their career choice and relevant influencing factors. Starting from the Hermeneutics perspective, the researcher has set an interview outline specifically for this study and conducted in-depth interviews with 20 elementary school substitute teachers in Kaohsiung. Through in-depth interviews, and based on the Hermeneutic circles, this study revealed the story of those interviewees and analyzed career barriers facing substitute teachers.
It has been identified that the motives that elementary school substitute teachers chose their career varied across the interviewees. Some chose this career because they were moved by the dedication of their instructors, some were encouraged and their passion lit up as they started teaching at a classroom, while others were motivated by the lower tuition to ease the financial burdens for their family and lower admission scores. In terms of analyses of career barriers of substitute teachers, some of the interviewees were getting along very well with key persons at their schools including students, parents, principals, administrative staff members and faculty members, and this has not erected any barrier for their career development. For substitute teachers, the most severe setback in their career was the failure to acquire teacher certificates. Among the 20 interviewees, all of them have applied the certificate for at least three times and almost all of them failed at the written exam, or the first test in the certification exam.
Finally, for factors influencing career choices of substitute teachers, the 20 interviewers indicated that a wide variety of interrelated factors have affected their career choice in the workplace. Those factors could be divided into personal background category and professional background category. In terms of the personal background category, factors such as families, interests, values and working experiences before the teacher training program affected their decision to study at the elementary school teacher education program and their influences would carry over in their later career as a substitute teacher. In terms of professional background category, substitute teachers may switch between educational institutes as a result of unstable jobs or some substitute teachers may require a better compensation package because of their higher level of education. Factors such as the workload appropriateness of substitute teachers, relationships with their colleagues and whether the teacher system at an elementary school can ensure a healthy working environment would all determine the career choices of qualified substitute teachers.
According to the study result, this study proposed policy recommendations addressing issues of substitute teachers. These recommendations were aimed to assisting substitute teachers to better cope with the tough career environment and seek a stable career they could settle down with and included the following: prudent educational policies, improvements of the teacher recruitment system, efficient allocation of substitute teacher human resources and regulations on teacher qualification requirements at education related industries. Additionally, this study also provided suggestions on the research methods, research subjects and variables for future studies.

Keyword: Substitute Teacher, Motive of Teacher Career Choice, Career Barrier, Career Choice
目 次

摘 要 II
Abstract III
目 次 V
圖目次 VII
表目次 VII
壹、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究問題 4
1.5 研究範圍 4
貳、文獻探討 6
2.1 流浪教師的定義 6
2.2 臺灣流浪教師問題現況 8
2.2.1 流浪教師數量眾多 8
2.2.2 正式教師缺額稀少 10
2.3 教師之職業生涯發展與抉擇相關分析 13
2.4 教師之職業生涯阻礙相關分析 16
2.4.1 生涯阻礙的意義 17
2.4.2 流浪教師的生涯阻礙 18
參、研究方法 22
3.1 研究流程 22
3.2 研究方法 24
3.2.1 文獻研究 24
3.2.2 深度訪談 24
3.3 深度訪談合理性 24
3.4訪談設計 25
3.5 研究物件及取樣 27
3.6 資料收集方法 29
3.7 研究的信效度 30
肆、 結果分析與討論 32
4.1 流浪教師之教職選擇動機訪談 32
4.2流浪教師之編號及訪談統計 32
4.3流浪教師之教職選擇動機訪談分析 33
4.4 流浪教師之生涯阻礙分析 39
4.5 流浪教師之生涯抉擇分析 49
4.5.1流浪教師之生涯抉擇分析 49
4.5.2流浪教師生涯抉擇的影響因素 55
五、結論與建議 62
5.1 結論 62
5.1.1流浪教師之教職選擇動機分析 62
5.1.2流浪教師之生涯阻礙分析 63
5.1.3流浪教師之生涯抉擇 64
5.2 對政策及未來研究性建議 65
5.2.1對政策之建議 65
5.2.2對流浪教師之建議 66
5.2.3流浪教師對未來研究性建議 67
附錄一 流浪教師生涯阻礙與生涯抉擇之探討訪談同意書 69
附錄二 流浪教師生涯阻礙與生涯抉擇之探討受訪教師基本資料表 70
附錄三 流浪教師生涯阻礙與生涯抉擇之探討訪談大綱 71
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