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論文名稱(外文):The constituents of the fruit body of Taiwanofungus camphoratus
指導教授(外文):Tian-Shung Wu
外文關鍵詞:AntrodiaTaiwanofungus camphoratus
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由牛樟芝(Taiwanofungus camphoratus)之子實體共分離得到45個化合物。2個化合物coenzyme Q3 (20)及benzocamphorin F (29)為首次從天然界分離。8個為新化合物經由分析光譜確定出結構式,分別為camphoratin K (12)、camphoratin L (13)、camphoratin M (14)、camphoratin N (15)、
camphoratin O (17)、benzocamphorin G (30)、benzocamphorin H (31)、benzocamphorin I (44)。其中Camphoratin L (13)及camphoratin O (17)為天然界之新骨架化合物。另外35個化合物經由光譜分析確認其化學結構式,分別為methyl antcinate A (1)、antcin A (2)、zhankuic acid A methyl ester (3)、
zhankuic acid A (antcin B) (4)、zhankuic acid C (5)、zhankuic acid D (6)、
zhankuic acid B (7)、antcin C (8)、camphoratin E (9)、camphoratin F (10)、
methyl antcinate H (11)、1-hydroxy-p-menth-3-en-2-one (18)、nerolidol (19)、
4-acetylantroquinonol B (21)、ergosterol (22)、ergosterol peroxide (23)、
camphoratin I (24)、sesamin (25)、4-hydroxysesamin (26)、antrocamphin B (27)、
antrocamphin A (28)、methyl 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate (32)、
methyl 2,3,4,5-tetramethoxybenzoate (33)、
1-methyl-2,3,4,5-trimethoxybenzene (34)、
2,3,6-trimethoxy-5-methylphenol (35)、benzocamphorin C (36)、
methyl 2,5-dimethoxy-3,4-methylenedioxybenzoate (37)、
4,7-dimethoxyl-5-methyl-1,3-benzodioxole (38)、
4,5-dimethoxyl-6-methyl-1,3-benzodioxole (39)、
2,3-(methlenedioxy)-4-methyl-5-methylphenol (40)、
2,2’,5,5’-tetramethoxyl-3,4,3’,4’-bi-methylenedioxyl-6,6’-dimethylbiphenyl (41)、benzocamphorin E (42)、benzocamphorin D (43)、alkyl ferulate (45)。

Forty five compounds were isolated from the fruiting body of Taiwanofungus camphoratus. Two compounds were Coenzyme Q3 (20) and benzocamphorin F (29) which were reported for the first time from natural sources. Eight new compounds were characterized as camphoratin K (12), camphoratin L (13), camphoratin M (14), camphoratin N (15), camphoratin O (17), benzocamphorin G (30), benzocamphorin H (31), benzocamphorin I (44) by spectroscopic analyses. Among them, (13) and (17) were characterized as novel carbon skeleton. On the other hand, thirty five known compounds were identified as methyl antcinate A (1), antcin A (2), zhankuic acid A methyl ester (3), zhankuic acid A (antcin B) (4), zhankuic acid C (5), zhankuic acid D (6), zhankuic acid B (7), antcin C (8), camphoratin E (9), camphoratin F (10), methyl antcinate H (11), antcin K (16), 1-hydroxy-p-menth-3-en-2-one (18), nerolidol (19), 4-acetylantroquinonol B (21), ergosterol (22),
ergosterol peroxide (23), camphoratin I (24), sesamin (25),
4-hydroxysesamin (26), antrocamphin B (27), antrocamphin A (28),
methyl 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate (32),
methyl 2,3,4,5-tetramethoxybenzoate (33),
1-methyl-2,3,4,5-trimethoxybenzene (34),
2,3,6-trimethoxy-5-methylphenol (35), benzocamphorin C (36),
methyl 2,5-dimethoxy-3,4- methylenedioxybenzoate (37),
4,7-dimethoxyl-5-methyl-1,3-benzodioxole (38),
4,5-dimethoxyl-6-methyl-1,3-benzodioxole (39),
2,3-(methlenedioxy)-4-methyl-5-methylphenol (40),
2,2’,5,5’-tetramethoxyl-3,4,3’,4’-bi-methylenedioxyl-6,6’-dimethylbiphenyl (41), benzocamphorin E (42), benzocamphorin D (43), and alkyl ferulate (45).
The structures of the isolated compounds were elucidated by 1H-, 13C-, 2D-NMR, MS, UV and IR spectral analyses and the comparison of spectroscopic data with those reported in the literatures. The bioactive assay of the isolated compounds are in progress.

Abstract I
中文摘要 III
謝誌 V
第一章 緒論 1
第一節:前言 1
第二節:牛樟芝之形態介紹 2
第二章 台芝屬真菌之藥理研究回顧 3
第三章 台芝屬真菌之成分研究回顧 23
第四章 牛樟芝成分之萃取與分離 41
第五章 化學構造解析 51
第一節 Antcin A (2)之構造解析 51
第二節 Camphoratin K (12)之構造解析 54
第三節 Camphoratin L (13)之構造解析 62
第四節 Camphoratin M (14)之構造解析 70
第五節 Camphoratin N (15)之構造解析 80
第六節 Camphoratin O (17)之構造解析 88
第七節 Coenzyme Q3 (20)之構造解析 97
第八節 4-Acetylantroquinonol (21)之構造解析 107
第九節 Antrocamphin A (28)之構造解析 115
第十節 Benzocamphorin F (29)之構造解析 117
第十一節 Benzocamphorin G (30)之構造解析 123
第十二節 Benzocamphorin H (31)之構造解析 129
第十三節 Benzocamphorin D (43)之構造解析 135
第十四節 Benzocamphorin I (44)之構造解析 138
第十五節 其他化合物構造解析 144
第十六節 樟芝酸及相關類固醇之光譜特徵 145
第六章 Camphortin L (13)和O (17)生合成之路徑推演 157
第七章 結論 158
第八章 實驗部分 160
第一節 本實驗所使用之儀器 160
第二節 牛樟芝子實體成分分離 162
第三節 光譜數據 167
參考文獻 185
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