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研究生(外文):Jiun-Yan Huang
論文名稱(外文):Study of the interaction mechanisms between white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) immediate early gene #1 (IE1) and P. monodon thioredoxin
外文關鍵詞:white spot syndrome virusthioredoxin
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硫醇氧化還原蛋白為生物內參與許多氧化還原反應之蛋白質,利用硫醇-二硫化物間的轉換提供氫離子及電子以進行氧化還原反應。在本研究中發現到當利用本實驗室所產製的草蝦cDNA微陣列晶片觀測草蝦感染白點症病毒後基因表現量的變化時,發現草蝦硫醇氧化還原蛋白基因的表現量有升高之趨勢,在佐以即時定量核酸聚合酶鏈鎖反應確認此一結果後,接續利用西方點墨法得知在轉譯層次上草蝦硫醇氧化還原蛋白在草蝦感染白點症病毒後其蛋白表現量也有上升的現象,顯示草蝦硫醇氧化還原蛋白在白點症病毒感染草蝦過程中應該有重要的角色。硫醇氧化還原蛋白的目標蛋白通常含有Cys-x-x-Cys motif,故我們對白點症病毒基因進行序列比對,共發現有70個白點症病毒開放轉譯區皆含有此motif,其中一個即是白點症病毒極早期表現基因IE1。硫醇氧化還原蛋白會幫助轉錄因子維持其還原態構型,使轉錄因子保有可以與目標DNA啟動子區域結合的能力,故我們先針對草蝦硫氧化還原蛋白是否會與白點症病毒極早期表現基因IE1有蛋白交互作用進行試驗分析。我們利用體外試驗的His pull down分析法証實當在有硫醇氧化劑Diamide的處理下,草蝦硫醇氧化還原蛋白會與白點症病毒極早期表現基因、同時也是轉錄因子的IE1有蛋白交互作用的產生,並且鑑定出在草蝦硫醇氧化還原蛋白藉由Cys62半胱氨酸與IE1結合。接續以昆蟲細胞株SF9進行共免疫沉澱法的體內試驗當中發現到,當細胞株受到氧化壓力如過氧化氫的處理時,草蝦硫醇氧化還原蛋白會與白點症病毒IE1有蛋白交互作用的現象產生,我們進一步的推測白點症病毒IE1其蛋白活性與功能會受到氧化還原的調控,進而我們利用EMSA証實了當白點症病毒IE1受到硫醇氧化劑Diamide處理過後會喪失與DNA結合的能力,而硫醇還原劑如dithiothreitol與beta-mercaptoethanol 皆可以使其恢復活性、使白點症病毒IE1重獲與DNA結合的能力。進一步我們也證實了IE1蛋白其Cys55、Cys189與Cys192 (CXXC motif) 半胱氨酸對IE1的DNA 結合活性有重要的影響,我們証實了草蝦硫氧化蛋白可以直接幫助白點症病毒的轉錄因子IE1維持或恢復其與DNA結合的能力,而以LC/MS/MS分析法發現氧化壓力指標之一的GSH/GSSG比值在蝦體感染白點症病毒24小時後有上升的趨勢,在感染後48小時會有顯著性的下降;而在Trx基因靜默化的蝦體中,白點症病毒的複製套數以及蝦體感染白點症病毒的死亡率都會有顯著性的下降,本研究結果讓我們對硫氧化蛋白所扮演的功能有更多的了解之外,對於白點症病毒的致病機制與在宿主細胞中生存策略提供不同的視野與新思維。

A shrimp cDNA microarray and immunoblotting were used to confirm that white sopt syndrome virus (WSSV) infection up-regulated expression of the important redox regulator thioredoxin (Trx). WSSV immediate early gene #1 (IE1) was identified as a possible target protein of Trx and selected for further study. In a pull down assay, we found that recombinant Trx bound to IE1 under oxidizing conditions, and a co-immunoprecipitation assay showed that Trx bound to WSSV IE1 when the transfected cells were subjected to oxidative stress. A pull down assay with Trx mutants showed that no IE1 binding occurred when cysteine 62 was replaced by serine. EMSA showed that the DNA binding activity of WSSV IE1 was down-regulated under oxidative conditions, and that PmTrx restored the DNA binding activity of the inactivated, oxidized WSSV IE1. Another EMSA experiment showed that IE1’s Cys-X-X-Cys motif and cysteine residue 55 were necessary for Trx binding. Measurement of the ratio of reduced glutathione to oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG) in WSSV-infected shrimp showed that oxidative stress was significantly increased at 48 hpi. The biological significance of Trx was also demonstrated in a dsRNA Trx knockdown experiment where suppression of shrimp Trx led to significant decreases in mortality and viral copy numbers. Based on all of these results, we hypothesize that Trx uses the same binding sites and redox control mechanism in vitro and in vivo, and that Trx increase WSSV’s pathogenicity by rescuing IE1’s DNA binding ability in vivo.

第一章 文獻回顧..................................1
第二章 草蝦硫醇氧化還原蛋白與蝦白點症病毒極早期表現蛋白IE1蛋白質交互作用之機制研究.....................................32

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1.Huang JY*, Liu WJ, Wang KH, Lee DY, Leu JH, Wang HC, Tsai MH, Kang ST, Chen IT, Kou GH, Chang GD, Lo CF. Penaeus monodon thioredoxin restores the DNA binding activity of oxidized WSSV IE1. Antioxid Redox Signal, 17(6): 914-926, 2012. [IF=8.456, Endocrinology & Metabolism, ranking 5/121 =Top 4.1 %; Biochemistry and Molecular biology, ranking 25/289=Top 8.7 %]
2.Leu JH, Lin SJ, Huang JY, Chen TC, Lo CF. A model for apoptotic interaction between white spot syndrome virus and shrimp. Fish Shellfish Immun. 2012. (Accepted) [IF=3.044, Veterinary Science, ranking 4/145=Top 2.75%; MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, ranking 9/93=Top 9.67%; Fisheries, ranking 5/46 =Top 10.8%; Immunology, ranking 58/134 =Top 43.28%;]
3.Lin SJ, Hsia HL, Liu WJ, Huang JY, Liu KF, Chen WY, Yeh YC, Huang YT, Lo CF, Kou KH, Wang HC. Spawning stress triggers WSSV replication in brooders via the activation of shrimp STAT. Dev Comp Immunol. 2012. (Accepted) [IF=3.293, Zoology, ranking 4/145=Top 2.8%; Immunology, ranking 51/134=Top 38%]
4.Chen IT, Aoki T, Huang YT, Hirono I, Chen TC, Huang JY, Chang GD, Lo CF, Wang HC. White spot syndrome virus induces metabolic changes resembling the warburg effect in shrimp hemocytes in the early stage of infection. J Virol 85: 12919-28, 2011. [IF=5.189, Virology, ranking 5/33=Top 15.2%]
5.Chang YS, Liu WJ, Lee CC, Chou TL, Lee YT, Wu TS, Huang JY, Huang WT, Lee TL, Kou GH, Wang AH, Lo CF. A 3D model of the membrane protein complex formed by the white spot syndrome virus structural proteins. PLoS ONE 5: e10718, 2010. [IF=4.411, Biology, ranking 12/86=Top 14%]

1.J. Y. Huang. 2012. Penaeus monodon thioredoxin restores the DNA binding activity of oxidized WSSV IE1. The 27th joint annual conference of biomedical sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. (Oral presentation)
2.J. Y. Huang, W. J. Liu, H. C. Wang, G. D. Chang and C. F. Lo. 2011. Penaeus monodon thioredoxin restores the DNA binding activity of oxidized WSSV IE1. Eighth Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture, Mangalore, India.
3.J. Y. Huang, G. H. Kou, G. D. Chang and C. F. Lo. 2010. Redox controls the DNA binding activity of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) immediate early protein #1 (IE1). Kanagawa University‐National Taiwan University Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.
4.J. Y. Huang, M. F. Tsai, G. H. Kou and C. F. Lo. 2008. Gene Expression Profiling of White Spot Syndrome Virus- Challenged P. monodon Shrimp. Seventh Symposium on Diseases in Asian Aquaculture, Taipei, Taiwan.

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