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研究生(外文):Chia-Ju Liu
論文名稱(外文):Effect of phenolic compounds on xylanase assisted bleaching for hardwood kraft pulp
指導教授(外文):Chun-Han Ko
外文關鍵詞:bleaching selectivitycatecholguaiacolkappa numbervanillinviscosityxylanase
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本研究首先探討酚類化合物對一種商用聚木糖酶(Pulpzyme HC)活性的影響。接著取氧漂前及氧漂後的紙漿進行漂白,於酚類化合物存在時進行聚木糖酶助漂,配合二氧化氯漂白及鹼萃,測定經上述處理的紙漿之卡巴值及黏度變化,以瞭解酚類化合物對漂白效果之影響。
漂白選擇性(Bleaching selectivity)係漂白效果的表現,研究結果顯示酚類化合物濃度較高時會降低漂白選擇性,而添加此商用聚木糖酶則是提高漂白選擇性;酚類化合物存在時,以此商用聚木糖酶處理紙漿的漂白選擇性則介於上述二者中間,顯示出聚木糖酶對於紙漿漂白的助漂效果,可以抵消酚類化合物對於紙漿漂白效果造成的負面影響。

Black liquor produced from kraft pulp contained lot of lignin and lignin-degrading products similar to the structure of phenolic compounds. The most common compounds in black liquor were phenolic compounds. In pulp and paper mill, it would consume lots of water to remove the black liquor then continued to pulp bleaching sequences. Many studies showed that adding xylanase into pulp bleaching sequences could improve the bleaching efficiency. This study simulated the bleaching efficiency in pulp and paper mill to investigate the impact of phenolic compounds on pretreatment of pulp and the impact of phenolic compounds on xylanase pretreatment of pulp. The purpose of this study mainly discussed that the prebleaching ability of xylanase whether reduce the use of water in the process of pulp washing before bleaching.
The study first investigated the impact of phenolic compounds on the activities of Pulpzyme HC. Unbleached and oxygen bleached pulp were used in this study. Adding xylanase into pulp with phenolic compounds subjected to ClO2 bleaching and alkaline extraction. To understand the impact of phenolic compounds on bleaching efficiency measured kappa number and viscosity of the pulp
The six phenolic compounds reacted with xylanase, Pulpzyme HC, only catechol and vanillin acid reduced the xylanase activities. The higher concentration of phenolic compounds, the lower the xylanase activities were. The other phenolic compounds showed no significant effect on xylanase activities. The bleaching efficiency of pulp with phenolic compounds (catechol, vanillin acid and guaiacol) was reduced. Kappa number and viscosity reduced less when adding higher concentrations of phenolic compounds. Adding xylanase into prebleaching sequence of pulp with phenolic compounds, kappa number and viscosity were higher than only adding xylanase. It showed that catechol lowered the prebleaching efficiency of Pulpzyme HC.
Bleaching selectivity could represent the bleaching efficiency. The presence of phenolic compounds was shoed to reduce bleaching selectivity, but Pulpzyme HC prebleaching would increase the bleaching selectivity. The bleaching selectivity of xylanase into pulp prebleaching with phenolic compounds was between solely phenolic compounds and solely Pulpzyme HC. It showed that the bleaching efficiency of adding xylanase into prebleaching sequences could neutralize negative impact of phenolic compounds on prebleaching of pulp.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
Index iv
Table index vi
Figure Index vii
I. Introduction 1
II. Literature review 3
2.1 Xylanase 3
2.2 Pulping liquors 5
2.2.1 Kraft black liquors 5
2.2.2 Lignin and its degradation products 5
2.2.3 Degradation products of lignin 7
2.3 Pulp screening, cleaning and washing 9
2.3.1 The drum displacer 9
2.3.2 Brownstock washing experience 10
2.4 Bleaching sequences 13
2.4.1 Chlorination 13
2.4.2 Chlorine dioxide bleaching 13
2.4.3 Alkaline extraction 15
2.5 Xylanase treatment with phenolic compounds 15
III. Materials and methods 18
3.1. Research framework 18
3.2. Raw materials 19
3.3 Xylanase activity assay 20
3.4. Impact of phenolic compounds on xylanase activity 21
3.5. Prebleaching of Kraft pulps 21
3.5.1 Prebleaching with phenolic compounds pretreatment before ClO2 bleaching 22
3.5.2 Prebleaching with xylanase and phenolic compounds pretreatment before ClO2 bleaching 22
3.5.3 Alkaline extraction 22
3.6. Kappa number 22
3.7. Viscosity 23
3.8. Bleaching selectivity 23
IV. Results and discussion 24
4.1. Impact of phenolic compounds on the activities of Pulpzyme HC 24
4.2. Impact of phenolic compounds on prebleaching of pulp 32
4.3. Impact of phenolic compounds on xylanase prebleaching of pulp 42
4.4. Impacts of adding phenolic compound and xylanase into pulp prebleaching on bleaching selectivity 63
V. Conclusions 68
VI. References 70

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