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研究生(外文):Yu-Mei Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Student Clubs Involvement in High School on Academic Achievement
指導教授(外文):Ming-Ching Luoh
外文關鍵詞:Clubs involvementTEPSDifferent categories of clubsAcademic achievementInstrument variables
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本文使用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫 (TEPS) 的第一波高中職/五專資料, 分析台灣 高中/職階段學生的 「社團參與」 以及 「不同類型社團的參與」 對於學生學習成就是 否造成影響。 問卷將社團類型區分成學生組織性、 服務性、 運動性、 學術性和藝術性 這五類。
首先利用普通最小平方法 (OLS) 分別分析此議題, 發現社團參與對於學生學習 成就有顯著的正向影響; 在不同社團類型的討論, 除了運動性社團參與係數不顯著 之外, 其餘各類型社團參與對於學生學習成就皆有顯著的影響。 其中, 學生組織性社 團參與甚至對學生學習成就有負的影響效果。 然而, 考量到主要解釋變數為自我選 擇後的結果, 導致模型有強烈內生性問題, 進而使得估計結果不可信, 故選擇使用工 具變數組合, 分別利用兩階段最小平方法 (2SLS) 進行估計, 期望因此得到相對可信 的估計結果。
兩階段估計的結果亦證實了無論 「社團參與」 或者 「不同類型社團的參與」, 對於 學生學習成就皆有顯著的影響。 但分社團類型討論時, 卻發現運動性、 服務性社團的 參與會對學生學習成就造成負向的影響; 而學術性社團參與的影響不僅是正向顯著, 係數規模也非常大, 唯解釋時則須特別小心, 因為估計結果並非平均效果, 而是針對 特定樣本的局部效果。
本研究除了在相關文獻基礎上, 證實社團活動對於學生在學習成就上的影響; 加 上社團活動參與能給學生探索和瞭解自我的機會, 希望在未來12年國教計畫中, 對 於學生多元及適性發展的具體政策研擬上能具有參考價值。

The analysis of this paper is based on the first wave of high school sample, which were collected by the research project “Taiwan Educational Panel Survey (TEPS)”, to examine both clubs involvement effect on academic achievement of high school students, and club categories differentials among the clubs involvement effect. Clubs are classified into 5 groups: Student Organization, Service, Sport, Academic and Art.
The research applies Ordinary Least Squares method to examine clubs involvement effect. The empirical results suggest that clubs participation has positive effect upon students’ academic achievement. Furthermore, we distinguish different club categories and find that all categories have significant effects except Sport club. Besides, Student Organization club even has a negative effect on students’ academic achievement among all categories. However, OLS estimation is unreliable because of the endogeneity problem, and our main explanatory variables are the outcomes of self-selection. Therefore, we use instrument variables and Two Stage Least Square method to obtain reliable estimation.
Results provide evidence that no matter which category of clubs students join, attending clubs has remarkable effect on students’ academic achievement. In our analysis, Sport club and Service club have negative effect while the rest of categories have positive effect. Although the effect of Academic club is remarkable and the magnitude of the effect cannot be neglected, it can be only interpreted as a local treatment effect for some specific samples, not the average effect.
This study is along with the related literature and proves that there is a strong relationship between clubs involvement and academic achievement. Furthermore, students have the opportunity to explore and realize themselves from attending clubs. We suggest that the study could provide more information for establishing the concrete policy on diversified and adaptive development of students in K-12 scheme.

1 前言 1
2 文獻回顧 4
3 資料敘述 9
3.1 資料來源..........................................................9
3.2 資料說明........................................................10
3.3 敘述統計........................................................12
3.3.1 高中職/五專學生社團活動參與概況 .............12
3.3.2 學生學習成就的衡量..................................14
4 實證分析—OLS迴歸 16
4.1 社團參與.......................................................16
4.2 不同類型社團參與 .........................................19
4.3 小結—OLS迴歸結果 .......................................21
5實證分析 — 兩階段最小平方法 23
5.1 社團參與.......................................................23
5.2 不同類型社團參與 .........................................28
5.2.1 第一階段迴歸分析 ...................................29
5.2.2 第二階段迴歸分析 ...................................33
5.3 工具變數迴歸分析小結....................................35
6 結論 36

參考文獻 39
附錄 43

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