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研究生(外文):Su, Yu-Xuan
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Chinese herb addition on the formation of bioactive components in submerged cultures of Antrodia cinnamomea
指導教授(外文):Yang, Fang-Chiang
口試委員(外文):Lin, Jun-JieHuang, Jin-Fa
外文關鍵詞:Antrodia cinnamomeatriterpenoidssubmerged culturesChinese herb
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樟芝(Antrodia cinnamomea)為台灣特有的藥用菇類,主要的有效成分為多醣體、三萜類及總酚,三萜類的抗腫瘤功能仍是目前研究重點。本研究於樟芝液態培養中添加不同中草藥萃取液探討活性成分變化情形。在不同中草藥水萃液添加方面,添加薑黃水萃液第34天有最佳的粗三萜含量37.52 mg/g D.W.為control的1.67倍,總三萜產量468.63 mg/L為control的1.66倍。在不同濃度薑黃萃取液實驗結果發現,添加4 ml薑黃乙醇萃取液第28天有最大粗三萜含量可達24.58 mg/g D.W.為control的1.26倍,總三萜產量331.72 mg/L為control的1.74倍;總酚、類黃酮方面,一樣是添加4 ml薑黃乙醇萃取液第28天有最佳效果,49.92 mg/g D.W和17.46 mg/g D.W,分別是control的5.06和3.52倍。不同時間肉桂萃取液添加培養試驗中,在20天添加肉桂乙醇萃取液,第28天可達32.99 mg/g D.W.為control的1.74倍;在第8天添加肉桂乙醇萃取液,第28天時可達312.87 mg/L為control的1.47倍。總酚方面,在20天添加肉桂乙醇萃取液,28天時可達20.75 mg/g D.W.為control的2.23倍。在8天添加肉桂乙醇萃取液,28天取樣,類黃酮可達7.98 mg/g D.W.為control的1.85倍。研究結果及培養策略希望可供日後樟芝活性成分提升的參考。
Antrodia cinnamomea is an endemic medicinal mushroom in Taiwan. It is well known that the major effective components in this medical fungus are polysaccharides, flavonoids, phenols and triterpenoids. Anti-tumor is still the focus of current research in triterpenoids. In this research, different kinds of Chinese herb extracts were added into the media to investigate their effects on the formation of bioactive components of A. cinnamomea in submerged cultures.
The results reveal that when turmeric water extracts was added, the best crude triterpenoids content and the total crude triterpenoids conten of 37.52 mg/g D.W. and 468.63 mg /L, respectively at the 34th day was obtained and was 1.67 times more than the control. Concerning the effects of different concentrations of turmeric extracts added into the media, the addition level of 4ml obtained the highest crude triterpenoids content of 24.58 mg/g D.W. at the 28th day which was 1.26 times of the control. The total crude triterpenoids content of 331.72 mg /L was 1.74 times of the control. The total phenol, flavonoid value 49.92 mg/g D.W and 17.46 mg/g D.W, respectively at the 28th day were 5.06 times and 3.52 times of the control. About addition cinnamon extracts timing, the addition at day 20 obtained the highest crude triterpenoids content of 32.99 mg/g D.W. at 28th day and was 1.74 times more than the control. If cinnamon ethanol extracts was added at the 8th day, the total crude triterpenoids content reached to 312.87 mg /L and was 1.47 times of the control. The culture strategy of this study are expected to be used for the enhancement of bioactive components production in the submerged culture of A. cinnamomea.


摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 II
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 樟芝 3
2-1-1 樟芝簡介 3
2-1-2 樟芝的生理活性成分 5
2-1-3 樟芝生理活性成分研究及應用 10
2-2 中草藥 12
2-2-1 黃耆(Astragalus) 15
2-2-2 薑黃(Turmeric) 16
2-2-3 八角(Star anise) 17
2-2-4 肉桂(Cinnamon) 18
2-2-5 花椒(Fagara) 19
2-3 特定中草藥成分簡介 20
2-3-1 莽草酸 20
2-3-2 槲皮素 20
第三章 實驗材料與方法 23
3-1 實驗菌株 23
3-2 實驗藥品 23
3-3 實驗儀器與設備 24
3-4 分析方法 25
3-4-1 菌體濃度 25
3-4-2 殘餘澱粉含量測定 26
3-4-3 多醣濃度測定 26
3-4-4 胞內粗三萜含量測定 27
3-4-5 總酚類化合物含量測定 28
3-4-6 總類黃酮物質含量 28
3-4-7 HPLC分析樟芝三萜類含量 29
3-5 實驗方法 30
3-5-1實驗架構 30
3-5-2 菌種斜面試管保存 30
3-5-3 培養皿平面培養與接菌活化 31
3-5-4 種菌的製備 31
3-5-5 中草藥水萃液製備 31
3-5-6中草藥乙醇萃取液製備 32
3-5-7 不同中草藥水萃液添加培養試驗 32
3-5-8 不同濃度薑黃萃取液添加培養試驗 33
3-5-9 不同中草藥乙醇萃取液添加培養試驗 33
3-5-10 不同時間肉桂萃取液添加培養試驗 34
3-5-11 特定中草藥成分添加培養試驗 34
第四章 結果與討論 35
4-1不同中草藥水萃液添加培養試驗 35
4-1-1 不同中草藥水萃液添加對樟芝菌絲生長影響 35
4-1-2 不同中草藥水萃液添加對樟芝菌絲體胞內多醣生成影響 42
4-1-3 不同中草藥水萃液添加對樟芝菌絲體粗三萜生成影響 43
4-2不同濃度薑黃萃取液添加培養試驗 47
4-2-1 不同濃度薑黃萃取液添加對樟芝菌絲體生長影響 47
4-2-2 不同濃度薑黃萃取液添加對樟芝菌絲體粗三萜生長影響 49
4-2-3 不同濃度薑黃萃取液添加對樟芝菌絲體總酚生長影響 54
4-2-4 不同濃度薑黃萃取液添加對樟芝菌絲體類黃酮生長影響 55
4-3不同中草藥乙醇萃取液添加培養試驗 57
4-3-1 不同中草藥乙醇萃取液添加對樟芝菌絲體生長影響 57
4-3-2 不同中草藥乙醇萃取液添加對樟芝菌絲體粗三萜生長影響 59
4-4不同時間肉桂萃取液添加培養試驗 62
4-4-1 不同時間肉桂萃取液添加對樟芝菌絲體生長影響 62
4-4-2 不同時間肉桂萃取液添加對樟芝菌絲體粗三萜生長影響 64
4-4-3 不同時間肉桂萃取液添加對樟芝菌絲體總酚生長影響 69
4-4-4 不同時間肉桂萃取液添加對樟芝菌絲體類黃酮生長影響 70
4-5特定中草藥成分添加培養試驗 72
4-5-1 特定中草藥成分添加對樟芝菌絲體生長影響 72
4-5-2 特定中草藥成分添加對樟芝菌絲體粗三萜生長影響 74
第五章 結論與未來展望 77
5-1 結論 77
5-2 未來展望 79
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