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研究生(外文):Min-Ni Jiang
論文名稱(外文):Analyzation of Dust influences on labors’ health in an interior working environment: Case study of new townhouse project
外文關鍵詞:PM10PM2.5Indoor air qualityIndoor environmental qualityParticlesAir pollutionAsthmaVentilation
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根據研究指出,營建工程施工作業所產生之粒狀物是屬於逸散性污染物(fugitive emissions),而營建工程勞工工作長時間暴露在高粉塵、高噪音等有害之環境因子下,可能會對勞工的呼吸系統、眼睛、皮膚以及聽力造成傷害,隨著近年來工商業的發展快速,且資訊、知識的發達,隨之而來人們就開始追求良好且舒適的生活品質,並開始注重室內空氣品質與室內環境,而營建工程勞工的工作環境品質卻鮮少有人重視,且四處可見在進行房屋興建或修繕,常常可見到一群營建業工人,在居家或新建工程場所進行工作。由於工作項目多半在室內進行,同時,國內外在這方面的研究較少且不完整,故為值得研究之主題。


Based on the research, the dust has been produced during engineering constructing which belongs to fugitive emissions. However, constructional engineering labors have exposed in a high percent environment of dust, noise and other pernicious factors whose respiratory systems, eyes, skins and listen comprehension might be harmed. The industry and commerce have been rapid growing lately and also the information and knowledge have well developed which influence human being start pursuing better living quality and concern about indoor air quality and indoor environment as well. Yet, the engineering construction environments have rarely concerned by the mass population, but there are still thousands of house repairing cases being processed. As the main constructions are proceeding indoor, but there are quite limited researches being in public, so it has been concerned a worth project to be analyzed.

This research targets on the dust diameter of suspended particulates is smaller then and or equal to 2.5 um and smaller then and or equal to 10 um, not catalogue the standard of suspended particulate diameter. The research methods will be used via literature review, questionnaires survey, simulation experiment, contrastive experiment and also sample experiment figures to collect PM2.5 and PM10 in a construction site and at the same time will use interview or questionnaire to test and verify. The data received from the experiments will cross check with the interview data to find out the related factors and bring up a method or a strategy.

The data of the experiment, which was measured on a construction site, found that when mixing cement and sand, and cutting ceramic tiles would produce more flying dust than the standard of indoor air quality recommended by Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C(Taiwan). Spraying is the most effective and best way to reduce the amount of dust in the air, thus serving as a solution in the experiment. It&;#39;s obvious that the data acquired from the questionnaires and interviews is relative to the workers&;#39; working environments and hygienic habits. The research only focused on some parts of the new constructions in winter; therefore, it didn&;#39;t include measurements during spring, summer and fall. The theme of the study in the future could consider revising this section due to the expansion of reconstruction markets and the saturation of new constructions. Measurements done separately in different seasons could be the future objective. Better effects might be achieved by using a mask on the mannequin to acquire a measurement in the future than by watering and spraying as the only proposed solutions.
摘要 iii
Abstract v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2研究對象與範圍 2
1.3研究流程圖 3
1.4研究方法與限制 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1大氣懸浮微粒的來源與特性 6
2.2空氣中懸浮微粒對人體健康之影響 9
2.3營建工地粒狀物排放特性 10
2.4粉塵相關法令規定 13
2.4.1室內空氣品質 13
2.4.2勞工安全衛生建議值及相關法規 13
2.4.3大氣內建議值及相關法規 18
2.5國內外粉塵量測之方法 22
第三章 研究方法與設備 25
3.1研究架構 25
3.2實驗規劃與儀器 25
3.2.1實驗規畫 26
3.2.2建築作業動態監測規畫(仿真) 29
3.2.3儀器介 36
3.3實驗場地 38
3.3.1建築物使用類型 42
3.3.2透天厝的類型 44
第四章 研究結果與討論 45
4.1施工與管理活動分析 45
4.1.1人物之類型 46
4.1.2工種別之分析 46
4.2環境危害感知調查 63
4.2.1環境因素之影響 63
4.2.2PM2.5、PM10對人體所引發之徵狀或疾病 63
4.2.3訪談之問卷調查 65
4.3改善策略實驗 75
4.3.1灑水 75
4.3.2噴霧 78
4.4應用價值與後續 81
第五章 結論與建議 82
5.1結論 82
5.2建議 83
參考文獻 84
英文文獻 84
中文文獻 88
網路資料 90
國外網路資料 91
附錄 92
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