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研究生(外文):Hsu, Ya-Chuan
論文名稱:主管有毒領導、社工離職意向之相關性 -以社會支持為調節變項
論文名稱(外文):The Correlation between Superior’s Toxic Leadership, Social Workers’ Turnover Intention - Social Support as a Moderator
指導教授(外文):Chang, Chen-Cheng
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Li-ChenSu,Jinhuei
外文關鍵詞:toxic leadershipturnover intentionsocial support
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工作壓力一向為職場健康心理學所關注,但以帶來員工痛苦和負面情緒的領導和組織行為作為壓力¬之研究者卻很少。Peter J. Frost 提出「有毒領導」這項新興壓力源後,高尚仁編製為量表,目前在兩岸企業、醫療及警政等領域已有少數研究,卻無社會福利界,社工離職異動普遍,其與有毒領導關係為何,值得探究。因此,本研究欲瞭解有毒領導對離職意向之影響,及社會支持於其間之調節作用。

本研究採量化方法,對臺北市兒少社工進行問卷調查,有效問卷103份。以SPSS 套裝軟體進行各項統計分析,結果如下:

本研究建議,在組織層面,應由員工評量工作環境有毒領導程度與影響, 透過創造同事情感與主管工具性支持工作氛圍、推行措施以避免有毒領導產生,如:訓練主管提升對部屬敏感度,及培養毒性管理者等方式,預防員工產生離職意向。在個人層次,培養員工自我效能感與成就動機,從內在調節外部有毒領導影響。最後,盼我國建立社工資料庫,以利各種研究、人力資源發展,及社福制度與服務輸送規畫。

The relationship between work stress and its’ outcomes has been generally researched in Occupational Health Psychology, but few of them attempted to treat the leadership and organization behavior which bring the employees pain and a variety of negative emotions as a stressor. Peter J. Frost defined the toxic leadership as a new kind of stressor, and Henry Kao developed the Toxic Leadership Questionnaire which has been used in a few research on the field of business, medical and policeman, etc, in Taiwan and mainland China, but without social welfare. On the other hand, turnover of social workers has been a common problem; therefore, it’s worthy of plumbing the relationship between toxic leadership and it. This is exactly the purpose of this paper. Moreover, it was postulated that this relationship would be moderated by social support.

The qualitative research method and questionnaire interview were adopted. The study purposively sampled social workers who worked with child and youths in Taipei City. There were 103 valid questionnaires. These data were analyzed by SPSS. The research findings are following:
1.Descriptive Statistics: The toxic leadership exists at the participants’ workplaces and its’ level is under average. The insensitivity is the most serious one. The level of turnover intention is above average. The most common reason is that participants think it’s easy to get a new job. The level of social support is above average. The highest support is from colleague’s affection, and the lowest is from superior’s instrument.
2.t-test & ANOVA: The participants who believe in Oriental religions and work in public section suffer higher toxic leadership and they have higher turnover intention than those who believe in Occidental religions and work in contracting-out organizations. Furthermore, the participants who work in public section have higher turnover intention.
3.Correlation: The toxic leadership correlates with turnover intention positively, but correlates with social support negatively. The correlation between Social support and turnover intention is negative.
4.Hierarchy regression: The toxic leadership has positive effect on turnover intention. The social support from colleague’s affection and superior’s instrument would effectively reduce the infidelity which affects turnover intention.

Some suggestions based on the results are below:
From the level of organization, they should let employees evaluate the degree of toxic leadership and its influence at work to prevent turnover intention by creating a supportive work atmosphere with colleague’s affection and superior’s instrument, implement measures to avoid toxic leadership, e.g., training leaders to increase their sensitivity to the subordinates, and cultivating talent toxic handler. From the level of employees, it’s important to strengthen workers’ self efficiency and achievement motivation, so they could deal with the toxic leadership more effectively. Moreover, the government is expected to establish a social work database for conducting more researches, developing manpower resource, and planning the social welfare system and social service delivery.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 4
第三節 名詞釋義 7

第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 臺北市兒少社工與服務 8
第二節 有毒領導 20
第三節 離職意向 28
第四節 社會支持 31

第三章 研究設計 37
第一節 研究方法、問題、架構及假設 37
第二節 研究工具 39
第三節 研究對象與資料蒐集 48
第四節 資料分析方法 57
第五節 研究倫理 57

第四章 資料分析 58
第一節 研究樣本之描述性統計分析 58
第二節 子構念間之差異與相關分析 70
第三節 有毒領導對離職意向之預測 77
第四節 社會支持之調節效果 80

第五章 研究結論、建議及限制 83
第一節 研究結果摘要與討論 83
第二節 研究假設檢定 89
第三節 研究建議 89
第四節 研究限制與未來研究展望 93

參考文獻 95

附錄 104
※ 線上問卷 104
※ 紙本問卷 120
※ 授權使用同意書 126

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