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研究生(外文):Mei Fang Lin
論文名稱(外文):The study of one single counseling applied for suicide prevention
指導教授(外文):Chih Hung Wang
外文關鍵詞:Suicide InterventionOne Single CounselingMixed- Method Research
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材料與方法:研究對象多為自殺危險個案,以立意取樣為主,透過自殺防治中心、生命線、社區諮商中心、學校諮商中心、醫療院所門診等尋找個案,後續質性受試者為接受量化研究之個案。排除條件:排除兩次以上精神科住院經驗與經診斷為人格疾患者。研究工具包括:「自殺危險程度量表」、「無望感量表」、「台灣人憂鬱症量表」、「活下來理由量表」、「研究者」、「協同研究者」、「訪談大綱」與「訪談日誌」等8部份。研究方法在瞭解一次單元自殺處遇之成效與理解受試者對處遇成效的解釋與經驗,經考量後採二階段嵌入式實驗模式。量化資料以描述性統計、相關分析、Mann-Whitney U test, Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test進行分析;統計顯著水準設α=.05。質性資料在一次單元自殺處遇後加入,採類別-內容分析法,以對量化研究提供強化與補足無法說明處遇何以發生療效之提問限制。
結果:首次一次單元自殺處遇在自殺危險程度(Z=-2.67, p =.008)與自殺意念(Z=-2.67, p =.008)前後測顯著性考驗達.01之顯著水準;一次單元自殺處遇在憂鬱(Z=-1.99, p =.046)與生存及因應信念(Z=-2.20, p =.028)前後測顯著性考驗達.05之顯著水準。質性資料分析發現接受一次單元自殺處遇之療效發生在個人層次之情緒、認知、行為層面,關係層次及靈性層次,經彙整發現與一次單元自殺處遇階段所強調的介入重點–活下來理由、希望灌注、替代的問題解決策略及生命價值與意義–有所契合。一次單元自殺處遇進行兩個時間點追蹤,整體看來第二個追蹤點之自殺危險程度低於第一個追蹤點,且正向感高於第一個追蹤點,顯見一次單元自殺處遇之追蹤測持續有達到減緩自殺危險程度與穩定提升正向感之效果。細部分析接受不同單元數組,在處遇之初始自殺警訊與保護因子特性不同。單元數1組(接受單次自殺處遇組)高度自殺危險程度、極重度憂鬱情緒、有時出現無望感;單元數2以上數組(接受兩次以上自殺處遇組)自殺危險程度中等、重度憂鬱情緒、有時出現無望感。此外單元數2以上組在自殺意念前後差異考驗達顯著差異,生存及因應信念達邊緣臨界顯著,顯示一次單元自殺處遇特別適用於中等自殺危險程度、有明顯憂鬱情緒、有時出現無望感之個案。

Background and Aims of this Study: Since 1999 to 2010, suicide was continuous the nineth of the main cause of death last twelve years. In the recently, the Department of Health, Executive Yuan authorized Suicide Prevention Center of Taiwan to conduct suicide prevention work, and established the national suicide prevention center to help all the cities set into motion for caring the suicidal person. It’s noticeable that suicide was the concerned issue of the nation- wide, and the suicide rate of 2011 was less than the former year. The suicide prevention has had a good outcome, so it needed to keep moving for the mental health all the nation. Whether discipline or practice it was lack of crisis prevention models in our country, most of models discussed suicide from the level of theory, but lack for the evidence- base. The aims of our study were ahead of suicidal signs and protective factors assessment, and following the one-single suicide crisis intervention to attempt establishing the crisis prevention model for providing the suicide issue an alternative program.
Materials and Methods: Subjects our study adopted the purposive selection for the suicide risk client, to find the participants through the Suicide Prevention Center, Lifeline, Community Counseling Center, School Counseling Center, Hospital outpatient, and the following subjects collected qualitative data were the same as the quantity. Exclusion conditions were exception for the twice above psychiatry inpatient, and personality disorder patient. Instruments There were eight parts of them including suicidal risk inventory, hopelessness scale, Taiwan depression scale, reasons for surviving, researcher, co-researcher, outline of interview, and diaries of interview. Design In deep consideration we adopted explanatory design- embedded model. The quantitative date were used descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, Mann-Whitney U test, Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test, and the significant statistic was set α= .05. Qualitative data was collected after the one-single suicide crisis intervention, we selected category-content analysis to complement and strengthen the research results about telling why and how it effective.
Results:At first one single suicide crisis intervention, the suicide risk(Z=-2.67, p=.008) and suicide ideation(Z=-2.67, p=.008) had the significant effect on the pre and post-test intervention; Otherwise, at the end one single suicide crisis intervention, depression and survival and copying belief had the significant effect on the pre and post-test intervention. Qualitative analysis found that clients reported how they felt good and gone far away suicide were in their personal level about affect, cognition and behavior. In addition, our study discovered the levels of relationship and spirit. In sum, we converged the findings and obtained the same as what we think important to stress in one single suicide crisis intervention, such as the reasons for living, to implant hope, to find alternative copying strategies, and the meanings of the life. There were two following stage in our study, at the second stage the suicide risk was lower than the first, besides the positive feelings were the higher than the first. Those showed that one single suicide crisis intervention at following stages still achieved the effects on decreasing suicide risk and improving the positive feelings. In details, the clients accept the different session had different property on initial suicide signs and protecting factors. The session one group (accept one session intervention) had the high risk of suicide, the profound depression, the sometimes hopelessness; In addition, above of session two (accept two or three session interventions), it had the moderate risk of suicide, the severe depression, and the sometimes hopelessness. Moreover, the above session 2 group had the significant effect on suicide ideation at pre and post-test intervention, and borderline significant effect on survival and copying beliefs, so it revealed one single suicide crisis intervention was specific to the client who at moderate suicide risk, severe depression and no obvious hopelessness.
Conclusion and Discussion:The results showed one single suicide crisis intervention could lessen the suicide risk, especially for suicide ideation, moreover clients responded decreasing the depression, and gained the more survival and copying beliefs, so the one single suicide crisis intervention has good effect on behavior, affect, and cognition of suicide. Those same findings had been found from qualitative analysis, furthermore the levels of relationship and spirit played the important roles on the curative effect. In details, one single suicide crisis intervention was specific impacted on the clients they had moderate suicide risk, severe depression, but no obvious hopelessness, and if the clients accepted more than one session intervention they would gain more help keep from suicide and facilitate the outcomes.

目 次
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
目次 V
表次 VII
第一章 導論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 19
第三節 名詞定義 20
第二章 文獻探討 24
第一節 危險因子與自殺警訊 24
第二節 自殺危機處遇 33
第三節 一次單元自殺處遇 47
第三章 研究方法 63
第一節 研究方法之選擇 63
第二節 研究準備階段 68
第三節 研究執行階段 82
第四章 結果 90
第一節 研究參與者背景資料及自殺警訊評量 90
第二節 一次單元自殺處遇之成效 160
第三節 一次單元自殺處遇之經驗與回饋 176
第五章 結論與討論 201
第一節 一次單元自殺處遇自殺警訊評估與介入之概念 201
第二節 一次單元自殺處遇之成效及其經驗與回饋 203
第三節 一次單元自殺處遇之追蹤 216
第四節 研究貢獻 218
第五節 研究限制與未來研究建議 222
第六章 參考文獻 224
附錄一 評量表 239
附錄二 研究邀請函 246
附錄三 研究目的與研究過程說明書 247
附錄四 諮商知後同意書 248
附錄五 諮商暨訪談札記 249

表3-1 世界觀的共同要素以及對於實際的啟示 65
表3-2 研究參與者收案之相關資訊 74
表3-3 訪談大綱 80
表3-4 編碼對照表 85
表4-1 所有研究參與者歷次自殺處遇之收案項目 91
表4-2 背景資料之描述性統計 92
表4-3 各研究變項之描述性統計 161
表4-4 各變項之相關係數 164
表4-5 首次一次單元自殺危險程度前後測顯著性考驗 (N=9) 165
表4-6 一次單元憂鬱、無望感、活下來理由前後測顯著性考驗 (N=6) 167
表4-7 背景變項在各前測依變項之顯著性考驗 170
表4-8 背景變項在後測各依變項之顯著性考驗 (N=6) 171
表4-9 一次單元自殺處遇第一個時間點之追蹤分數 173
表4-10 一次單元自殺處遇第二個時間點之追蹤分數 174
表4-11 一次單元自殺處遇之經驗與回饋分析簡表 199
表5-1 達統計顯著之面向與質性主題之矩陣表 208
表5-2 一次單元自殺處遇,相較一次單元諮商之共同介入因素與強調之特色 211

圖1-1 自殺行為歷程之假設 10
圖1-2 自殺行為多元互動模式 12
圖1-3 研究概念圖:一次單元自殺處遇模式圖-1 15
圖1-4 研究概念圖:一次單元自殺處遇模式圖-2 16
圖3-1 嵌入式設計 70
圖3-2 嵌入式設計-研究架構之流程 72
圖3-3 先量化後質性混合設計研究抽樣、資料整合之議題 73
圖4-1 一次單元自殺處遇兩個追蹤時間點分數曲線 175
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