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研究生(外文):Chia-Tzu Hsu
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Teaching Effectiveness Assisted by Different Size Terminal Learning Devices
指導教授(外文):Tian Wei Sheu
口試委員(外文):Bor Chen KuoHsiao Yun HuangTian Wei Sheu
中文關鍵詞:iPod TouchiPad學習終端行動教學團班教學個別指導輔助教學高中數學個別指導行動教學輔助示範計畫
外文關鍵詞:iPod TouchiPadterminal learning devicesmobile learninggroup classindividual guidance assisted teachingThe Demonstrative Mobile Learning Plan of High School Mathematics Individual Guidance Assisted Teaching
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本研究旨在探討不同尺寸學習終端載具在臺灣地區兩種型態高中教育之輔助教學成效;以高中學生為對象,使用目前行動裝置市佔率第一的蘋果公司Apple, Inc.兩大手持式產品 3.5吋的iPod Touch及9.7吋的iPad進行教學融入及補救教學,作為教師在團班教學活動中施行個別指導教學策略的輔助工具,比較相同師生在教學過程中對於有無使用載具學習成效是否有明顯差異,並同時針對所有參與研究者進行滿意度調查分析;另外對應「高中數學個別指導行動教學輔助示範計畫」成果發表亦以「iPad融入教與學」的主題進行使用者意願的市場調查及分析。
本研究依據研究目的探討不同尺寸學習終端載具對學習成效之影響,資料收集共可以分為兩個部分,第一部分,先在南北兩區各挑選一個高中補習教育單位,共邀請165位受試者,其中50位受試者使用iPod Touch進行課前、課後教學輔導活動,其餘的115位則無,歷經八週的實驗試行,並皆使用「量尺化高中數學學科能力測驗題庫系統」進行測驗後,分析各自學習成效以評估之。
研究結果顯示,在高中補習教育單位實驗結果表示使用iPod Touch進行課前、課後教學輔導對於學生的學習成效沒有明顯幫助,由事後的滿意度調查分析可知其主要原因如下:一因研究對象為高中補習教育單位,學生在補習班遇到大部分都是來自不同學校的學生,程度與學習進度不一;二是學生在補習班內時間大多為上課,較少時間可以使用iPod Touch學習或與同學討論;三為學生使用iPod Touch玩遊戲或上社群網站的時間多於學習;四即iPod Touch內容多為上課錄影,與課程內容重覆,學生學習意願不大;五將iPod Touch使用於課前、課後教學輔導,缺乏應用在課堂上的趣味及互動,學生自主學習的動機不高。

The study aims at inquiring the teaching effectiveness assisted by different size terminal learning devices in two types of Senior high school education in Taiwan. Taking high school students as the participants, as teachers applying group class activity teaching strategies or individual guidance, the researcher integrated two major handheld devices into teaching and remedial teaching:the 3.5 inch iPod Touch and the 9.7 inch iPad, produced by the American Apple (Apple Inc.) whose mobile device market share remains current No. 1. The researcher also compared the learning effectiveness between those teachers and students with or without learning devices, surveyed and analyzed their degrees of Satisfaction. Further corresponding to the results from the achievements publication of “The Demonstrative Mobile Learning Plan of High School Mathematics Individual Guidance Assisted Teaching,” the researcher also practiced a theme survey named “Integrating iPads into Teaching and Learning,” and analyzed the user wishes.
Data collection of the study in accordance to the teaching effectiveness assisted by different size terminal learning devices is divided to two parts:
In the first part, 165 senior high school student participants from several cram schools in the north and south of Taiwan were invited. 50 of them used iPod Touch before, in and after class in tutoring activities, while the remaining 115 did not. After eight weeks of the experimental period, each participant was tested by “The Scale of High School Mathematics Achievement Test Bank System.” The results of learning effectiveness were analyzed.
In the second part, a six-week field experiment was carried out to formal senior high schools while those grade-one participants were learning math probability unit. A total of 169 participants were involved, including 87 using the iPad for learning and tutoring activities, while the remaining 82 did not. Through a quasi-experimental design:“Non-equivalent control group design,” both the experimental and the control groups of participants were taught by the same teachers of the same material ranges. Each participant was also tested by “The Scale of High School Mathematics Achievement Test Bank System.”
Results of the study are as follows.
1.Using iPod Touch in participants from remedial educational units for before, in and after-class learning does not significantly help their learning effectiveness. The following satisfaction survey analysis shows the causes:
(1)Participants in those cram schools come from different senior high schools with various degree of progress in learning;
(2)In the cram schools, students spend most time in-class learning. Only very little time do students use to learn with the iPod Touch for discussions;
(3)Students spend more time using the iPod Touch to play games or surf on community websites than learning;
(4)Learning contents in the iPod Touch are repeated materials and class videos that do not interest students;
(5)Using the iPod Touch for before or after class counseling lacks of enjoyment and interactions to arouse student independent learning motivations.
2. Results show that integrating the iPad for teaching and after-class remedial education has significantly increased student learning effectiveness in formal senior high schools. Analysis from the afterward satisfaction survey indicates the most causes:
(1)All participants from formal high schools have comparable learning progress and abilities that makes peer discussions easy;
(2)Before integrating the iPad into teaching, teachers help enhance student learning motivations by re-adjusting lesson plans and teaching methods to increase the enjoyment and interactions in the classroom.
(3)School teachers pre-load videos in the iPad before class, which helps reduce time of student note-taking and increase time for other activities in class. Students are able to do repeated learning or review concepts when they come across difficulties after school.
(4)Teachers are able to offer additional information or assign extra-curricular materials to individual or all students; therefore, student learning contents are immensely expanded.
3.In corresponding to the results from the achievements publication of “The Demonstrative Mobile Learning Plan of High School Mathematics Individual Guidance Assisted Teaching,” the researcher also collected 46 sample questionnaires from teachers and professionals in regular high schools and elementary schools. Based on “Integrating the iPad in Teaching and Learning,” the user wishes reveal positive for 4 dimensions including: supports from the administrative system, hardware environment, mobile devices and digital contents. In them, the average scores of supports from the administrative system and hardware environments are relatively low, while the average scores of the two dimensions of mobile devices and digital contents are relatively high. It indicates that in using terminal learning devices as teaching assistances, Taiwan's formal school teachers’ confidences in mobile devices and digital contents are relatively high; while in supports from the administrative system and the hardware environment are relatively low.

誌謝 I
摘要 V
Abstract VII
目錄 XI
表目錄 XIII
圖目錄 XV
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 資訊融入教學之研究 6
第二節 行動學習之研究 15
第三節 學習終端與使用者行為之研究 22
第三章 研究方法 29
第一節 研究流程 30
第二節 研究實施與實驗設計 35
第三節 研究工具 42
第四節 研究範圍與限制 48
第四章 研究結果 49
第一節 高中補習教育單位教學成效分析 49
第二節 高中正規教育單位教學成效分析 53
第三節 高中補習教育單位學生滿意度分析 57
第四節 高中正規教育單位學生滿意度分析 60
第五節 高中補習教育單位教師滿意度分析 63
第六節 高中正規教育單位教師滿意度分析 65
第七節 「iPad融入教與學」之使用者意願分析 67
第五章 結論與建議 69
第一節 結論 69
第二節 建議 70
參考文獻 71
附錄一 高中補習教育單位前測試題及解答 81
附錄二 高中補習教育單位後測試題及解答 85
附錄三 高中補習教育單位延後測試題及解答 93
附錄四 高中正規教育單位前測試題及解答 97
附錄五 高中正規教育單位後測試題及解答 101
附錄六 高中正規教育單位延後測試題及解答 111
附錄七 高中補習教育單位實驗試行活動剪影 116
附錄八 高中正規教育單位實驗試行活動剪影 117
附錄九 計畫成果暨論文發表交互授權同意書 120
附錄十 iPad融入教與學-21項成功指標檢核表 121
附錄十一 iPad融入教學DEECD案例 122

表2.1 影響資訊科技融入教學之內外在因素 13
表2.2 在各種行動學習導入準備模式的重要指標 19
表2.3 Top 5 Vendors, Worldwide Tablet Shipments, Fourth Quarter 2012 (Preliminary) 23
表2.4 學習終端載具國外使用案例之比較 27
表3.1 高中補習教育單位之實驗設計 35
表3.2 高中補習教育單位實驗試行樣本描述 36
表3.3 高中正規教育單位之實驗設計 38
表3.4 高中正規教育單位實驗試行樣本描述 39
表3.5 高中正規教育單位之教學進度及數位教材應用 39
表3.6 國內外大型量尺化測驗之相關比較 44
表4.1 高中補習教育單位實驗試行後測能力值之變異數同質性檢定 49
表4.2 高中補習教育單位實驗試行後測能力值之迴歸係數同質性檢定 49
表4.3高中補習教育單位實驗試行後測能力值之共變異數摘要表 50
表4.4 實驗組與控制組於後測能力值之調整過後平均數 50
表4.5 高中補習教育單位實驗試行延後測能力值之變異數同質性檢定 51
表4.6 高中補習教育單位實驗試行延後測能力值之迴歸係數同質性檢定 51
表4.7 高中補習教育單位實驗試行延後測能力值之共變異數摘要表 51
表4.8 實驗組與控制組於延後測能力值之調整過後平均數 52
表4.9 高中正規教育單位實驗試行後測能力值之變異數同質性檢定 53
表4.10 高中正規教育單位實驗試行後測能力值之迴歸係數同質性檢定 53
表4.11 高中正規教育單位實驗試行後測能力值之共變異數摘要表 54
表4.12 實驗組與控制組於後測能力值之調整過後平均數 54
表4.13 高中正規教育單位實驗試行延後測能力值之變異數同質性檢定 54
表4.14 高中正規教育單位實驗試行延後測能力值之迴歸係數同質性檢定 55
表4.15 高中正規教育單位實驗試行延後測能力值之共變異數摘要表 55
表4.16 實驗組與控制組於延後測能力值之調整過後平均數 56
表4.17 高中補習教育單位學生滿意度問卷之信度量表(總量表) 57
表4.18 高中補習教育單位學生滿意度問卷之信度量表(分量表) 57
表4.19 高中補習教育單位學生滿意度問卷Cronbach’s 信度及描述性統計量 58
表4.20 高中正規教育單位學生滿意度問卷之信度量表(總量表) 60
表4.21 高中正規教育單位學生滿意度問卷之信度量表(分量表) 60
表4.22 高中正規教育單位學生滿意度問卷Cronbach’s 信度及描述性統計量 61
表4.23 高中補習教育單位教師滿意度問卷Cronbach’s 信度及描述性統計量 63
表4.24 高中正規教育單位教師滿意度問卷Cronbach’s 信度及描述性統計量 65
表4.25 Cronbach’s 信度及描述性統計量 67

圖2.1 illustrates these conceptual shifts from e-learning to m-learning then to u-learning 17
圖2.2 行動學習載具導入模式之準備度分析 18
圖2.3 The Flipped Classroom Model 21
圖2.4 Global market share held by tablet vendors Q2 2011-Q1 2013 24
圖2.5 Global tablet shipments by operating system per quarter 2010-2012 25
圖3.1 研究進行流程圖 30
圖3.2 高中補習教育單位實驗試行之實施流程圖 36
圖3.3 高中補習教育單位教學情境圖 37
圖3.4 高中正規教育單位實驗試行之實施流程圖 40
圖3.5 高中正規教育單位教學情境圖 41
圖3.6 「學習帶著走」的設計概念圖 45
圖3.7 「學習帶著走」的平台基本功能示意圖 46
圖3.8 「學習帶著走」的學習知識管理系統畫面概覽 46
圖3.9 「學習帶著走」的APP載具使用者系統畫面概覽 47

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